Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday adventures with kitty and puppy

The morning started well.  Mommy fed the cat first, before even getting the puppy out to "take care of business".  I think this was an element in a smoother morning routine.  The kitty was content, so not asking to come in while the puppy needed to get out.  

The puppy got her breakfast and some play time before going back into the safe space for Mommy to cook and have her own breakfast.

We are gradually getting better about "off" and "let go" (in lieu of "drop it").  Mom did have to scruff remove the puppy from behind the A/C unit once this morning (and once this afternoon, too), but then she behaved once distracted.  We're far from perfect, but we're doing OK.

Ember:  The bunny is my favorite comfort toy.  Mommy even put him in the sling backseat while we drove to puppy class Sunday morning.  Mommy 'splained to me about how the driver needs to pay attention, so the puppy has to stay in the backseat.

And she did!  After the engine started and we started to move, a few little whimpers, then she pretty much laid down and chill for the short drive to puppy class.  No upset tummy, at least not to the point of upchuck.  The current plan is to take some shorter car trips to hopefully get her adjusted.  Her sister Paisley doesn't have the tummy troubles, and is in the car a lot, per her hu-mom.  She's even been on a couple of trips back to their birthplace (about a 3-hour drive each way).

Puppy class had only two puppies this week.  Ember and Paisley.  Consequently, they got a lot more individual attention for the instruction.  They also got extra puppy play time.  Puppy Play time was particularly boisterous, with just the two of them.  We had to calm them down a couple of times in their rough and tumble play.

Once again, the poo schedule was not ideal. Ember went when she got up before breakfast at about 5:30 a.m. and then did not poo again until almost the end of the puppy class.  Yeah, almost.

I tried to get her to go before we went to class, but nope.  I tried to get her to go mid-class when they offered a potty break.  No dice.  And finally, just as we're supposed to have mat calming time... sigh.  

Home again, she was definitely ready for a long puppy nap.  Bunny is now the favorite calming toy, going in the den as well as in the car with her.

Plenty of fresh water puddling during Saturday afternoon's rain.  Ember loves rainwater, in preference to tap water, when she can get it.

An online friend pointed out that leptospirosis is carried through water sourced outside.  Yeah, that's why she's being vaccinated for it.  Because there are enough things to keep her away from!

When Ember got up from her nap she played some, but still seemed tired.  Puppy Class certainly exercises both puppy brain and body.  They had the tunnel out today and the ball pit.  They pretty much combined play time with the stations.  

When not napping this afternoon, Ember followed mommy around, and mostly found a spot in whatever room Mommy was in to curl up on the cat tree or lay on the floor.    

While Mommy was cooking her lunch, Ember tried a small bit of broccoli, first a raw bit, and then a bit after it cooked.  She liked it better (or was better able to manipulate it for eating) once it was cooked.  We also tried a "licki mat" with a bit of ricotta smeared on it.  She really liked that.  There were also two blueberries reserved from Mom's breakfast for Ember.  Little by little we are testing what "safe" human foods she like and seeing if her tummy tolerates them.  

The thunder and heavy rain descended, flooding the backyard again. But before the big deluge, Ember went to the front door, and gave signs that it would be a good idea to let her out.  We put on her "big girl" leash as we do when exiting through the front door.  She pulled toward the grass at once. She relieved herself to great praise and joy from me, especially for asking to go out.  Rain started with big drops while we were scanning for a poo spot, so we hurried inside.  

Later during a break in the showers, we went out to see the stream in the backyard, and it started raining again, so we hurried back in again.  I think it's me driving the "lets go back inside" rather than her, but I may be inadvertently training her to dislike rain.

But also she loves her "paw check" towel!  

I kept giving her treats just for being a calm girl, and eventually she was sleeping at my feet, and I offered to put bunny in the den, and she just followed right on in, where she's sleeping now, and I'm finishing up the blog of the day!

I'm going to call this a good day, with The Prisoner safe in his luxury suite in the laundry room, Ember sleeping in the crate, and me with my supper in the oven.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Barb, I absolutely love your updates on Ember! Good for you for getting her and taking on the puppy life. I was thinking about you and the news about the weather/storms and funnel clouds out your way. I hope you and yours are safe.

    1. It was scary watching the local weather coverage. All safe here, thankfully, but you know how it is: everybody knows somebody who was even closer to the action. A friend of mine in Omaha was working packet pickup for a race when the sirens blared, and they all hustled into interior dressing rooms, and then closed the store early.

      Good fortune smiled and no one in Nebraska lost their life in this particular round, but there were homes destroyed in a couple of towns "too close for comfort". And a horse stable / equestrian center near Omaha took a direct hit... my niece all the way in Utah is publicizing how to help (she has a lot of contacts in the equestrian community).

      Thanks for your concern, and good hearing from you!

  2. Never a dull moment at your house, that’s for sure!! Ember keeps you on your toes…like having a toddler…so busy, lovable, and responsive to repetitive teaching…just what you and The Prisoner needed to spice up life a bit ;). Enjoying your reports and pictures…Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. Thanks, Karen... and you are so right about it being like having a toddler... who will too quickly grow to adolescence and the troubles that come with excessive hormones raging. It certainly gives me lots to write about!

  3. Awwww, sounds like you and Ember are progressing together. Awesome.

    Each day is a learning experience.

    Hang in there!


    1. Steps forward, and steps back, yes, we are progressing!

  4. Lots of progress. It sounds like everyone is settling into a daily routine.
    So much patience you have.
    Another stormy night ahead for us here. It's either feast of famine with the rain. Flood watches now.
    May the progress continue as you forge ahead this week! πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸΆπŸ˜Έ

    1. Patience is a virtue, mom always said. Getting lots of practice with that virtue. I am so proud of The Prisoner, adapting as he is to Ember's young enthusiasm. He was inside from his breakfast time Monday morning until Ember was in her crate for mom's "time to do human stuff" nap.

      Hope you stayed safe overnight, and that the floods are in places you are 1) aware of, and 2) can avoid!

      Hugs & warm wishes for a good Monday!

  5. Sounds like a very good day ❤️ ~Ace

    1. All in all, it was a good day. I often skip any "drama" bits in my blogs, so don't anybody think there aren't a few!

      I'm starting to give Ember more "lap time" as she is learning to be a calm, good puppy. Amazing how it works when you reward the behavior you want to see. How calming lap time is for both of us.

  6. I love your updates. Seems YOU are getting trained too! Maybe make the rain trips more fun and she'll be glad to go out quickly.

    We had no fenced-in yard, so I thoroughly (not) enjoyed standing outside at 5am in my raincoat covered robe dragging a reluctant 8 year old doxie into the wet grass. Half of the time was spent in pulling and pushing out the door. Sometimes I just picked him up and carried him out into the grass. Evening rain walks weren't much better and I have to admit it WAS me, as I'd have to wash his entire underbelly of kicked up dirt and sand. The fun of having a dog so close to the ground.

    When Oscar was a puppy I was told to walk him about 15 minutes after he ate. It worked every time and he'd poo about 4 houses down. It became Oscar's "poo spot" for the rest of his life. It also became his spot to say, "See, I'm done. Let's go home."

    1. I love the shared doggy memories in return, too!

      Ember has taken to peeing on the deck if she doesn't want to go further, for whatever reason. I do not scold her for it... it's not inside! But I don't give her the huge excited "good girl" for it, either.

      Sometimes she's more than happy to do her thing and head right back inside. There are three or four favored spots for the poo, and the pee is mostly wherever she is when the spirit moves, but in the overnight, it's by the fence, mostly (except when she doesn't want to leave the deck, in which case she doesn't generally need a poo). TMI, I know!



A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...