Friday, April 26, 2024

Wet Friday

The overnight was "interesting" balancing cat, dog, and weather.  It looks to be a very drippy Friday, and more showers are predicted over the weekend.  Clearly the cat doesn't feel safe in the sight / hearing of the puppy, but they aren't at constant war, either.  We have carved out a safe space for kitty in the laundry room and attached crawl space.

The Prisoner's bed space is under my hang to dry rack where I air-dry my delicate things.  It is lined with "his" comforter and blankie.

The Prisoner's feeding space.  You'll have to imagine the breakfast (wet food) bowl because he already licked the platter clean, and I took it upstairs to wash.  I have to remember to watch my step when doing laundry now.

You know what a standard litter box looks like; it's off the same room.  I would say that The Prisoner now has a luxury "safe space", just as Ember has her own "den".

Anyway, I've been picking times when it isn't actively raining to get Ember out for some exercise.  I took advantage of one of her puppy naps (I stretched it to two hours) to go get groceries.  I have started letting her take one of her stuffed but OK to chew toys into her den with her. It seems to be a comfort to her to have Snaky or Monkey with her in that safe space, and she hasn't destroyed them.  I am keeping a close eye... the den is for quiet times, not fierce exercise times.

Got her up from her nap and we went on a "big girl leash" walk, all the way around the block.  We returned to the house and did a perimeter check of the backyard and a little game of chase the ball before coming back in for another nap in her den.  About 2 p.m. we were out on the deck and the big outdoor tornado sirens blared... I closed the door and pondered over whether the schools were running a drill... but no, it's for real, a warning lasting until 3 that covers the Western half of our metro area.  Carl, who is freaked out by t storms is in the warned area... hoping he's OK.

The Prisoner asked to come in after I got Ember back settled, so he was down in his kitty luxury suite... safest area of the house.  I woke Ember long enough to shuffle her den to the family room (next lower level) with me.  And we watched the storm coverage on the local TV.  It was scary, as there actually were some funnels touch down in nearby areas.  Still not known how much damage, and there was hail on my son's side of town, but the important bit is that all the people and animals are OK.

One of my nieces lost the screen door to her porch.  My son will probably have his roof checked for possible hail damage... but at my house?  Wind and a very little bit of rain... no hail, no funnels, as the line of storms passed to the west and north of me.

After supper I took Ember out in the back yard for some ball chasing, since her afternoon play time was interfered with by the severe weather stuff.  Now she's in her safe place again, and I'm getting ready for bed.

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!


  1. So good to read that every one is safe and sound. Sure hope that DS has no hail damage. We had big storms early this morning. No alarm needed today. The wind has been fierce all day.
    Poor kitty has a luxury suite and Ms.Blueberry has hers. Eventually, they will meet somewhere in the the very least, tolerate each other.
    Stay safe in the storms. Stormy weather predicted for our area the entire weekend. πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸΆπŸ˜Έ

    1. Poor kitty has it so bad that his Mommy holds his breakfast bowl for him sometimes. Princess Blueberry is starting to resist some of her naptime requests to enter the den, but when Mommy persists, she does what she is supposed to do.

  2. Glad you all are safe and sound and your area was relatively uneventful. We sheltered for 35 minutes at work. I’ll have a mess of record keeping clean up on Monday, as people made their decisions to leave. So grateful we didn’t have 400 more little people there! ~Ace

    1. Yes, dealing with young brains making their own choices, even when they have practiced is a challenge. And the next two rounds are on the weekend. Monday it's supposed to clear up!

  3. Well, eventually, with the steps you have instituted, Prisoner should begin to feel safer. And you’ve got Ember’s safe space, too. They’ll learn.

    Glad you (and Alicia) were ok in the storms. Sorry to hear that one of your nieces lost the screen door to her porch. And DS may have roof damage. Always a problem w/hail, to be sure.

    Hope you got uninterrupted sleep (or as much as is possible with a puppy!)


    1. The sleeping hours were fine, Saturday has been very busy! We went for a yard visit with Carl.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...