Saturday, July 31, 2021

Day 55: Cooler and wetter - yes!


Lush and green!  That's the idea... I woke to the sounds of thunder overhead and rain on the roof.  We definitely needed the rain, especially after an exceptionally hot week.  The photo is from my morning walk, during which I thought about my own version of "twisties" (nod to Simone Biles' condition)... only in my case it's more the paranoia/fear of slipping on damp sidewalks.  Consequently it was a slower walk, and no jogging intervals.  Safety first, my friends.

The photo is of one point of drainage through the neighborhood, and more active due to the rain.  No, it's not close to the entrance to the park, this one is a ways afield. 

Meanwhile, on the TV, I've been watching Olympics.  Yesterday it was my own favorite sport - triathlon.  I managed to watch the men's individual triathlon and the women's earlier in the week.  Yesterday evening, it was the mixed relay.  

Believe it or not, I've actually seen one of these in person, a few years past, when Major League Triathlon came to Lincoln, and put one on.  I believe that was in 2016, but I went back in Facebook history and could not find any photos or posts.  

Sure enough, I went back and found my race report from that day, in August 2016 in my Spark blogs.  Mind you, I did the individual Sprint triathlon that day, I was certainly not part of the Major League teams!  But I have now printed the race report off to PDF, and one of these days I'll add it to OKM's Blog Archive.

In this sport, teams of four, two men, and two women, each complete a super sprint distance triathlon, as a relay team.  So first, it's a woman, then a man, then a woman, then a man.  Each athlete swims 300 meters, bikes 8 Kilometers, then runs 2 kilometers before tagging the next team member to take off and do the same.  First team to have their fourth athlete finish wins.  Oh, and in the Olympics version of this relay, each of the athletes has to have qualified for the individual triathlon event, so they could not put super-sprint specialists on just for this event.

Keep in mind those athletes had competed at 1500 meter swim, 40 K bike and 10K run, earlier in the week.  Consequently, it was quite an exciting contest, with the UK winning gold, USA got silver, and France got bronze.  In typical OKM style, I was rooting for them ALL.

The service that writing this blog has done me this morning is that it booted my rear off dead center.  I hadn't copied any more blogs since July 9th.  I had become pretty much resigned to losing whatever I hadn't already copied.  But this morning got me copying both the MLT race report, and the 2016 Age Group National triathlon series of seven blogs.  I can see by going back and reading these blogs how much the Olympics affected my training and racing that year.  It's a periodic event that energizes so many of us, around the world, to become fitter.

Now let's go out and live that Olympic spirit today, in our own little ways, this one and only Saturday, July 31, 2021 we will ever get.  For Life is good!  And each of us is needed, in this world, and a needed asset must be well cared for!  ✨💖  Spark on!

Friday, July 30, 2021

Day 54: Hydrate your pets, too!


It's hot out there, as they keep telling us.  That means we need to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  But don't forget that your stubborn beasts that insist on spending the majority of their time outdoors ALSO need to hydrate.  They will naturally do this, if you provide an artificial watering hole for them.  Rubia patted the surface of the water with her paw, as though she was teaching Prisoner about this "new" feature on the deck.  He took advantage, crowding her out.

And the garbage collectors started early today, taking away my can at the curb at 5:27 a.m.  Yikes!  I hadn't got the branches and weeds from the past week out yet... oh, well!  They will sit behind the fence for another week, and if I cut more, they will go in bags and wait for next Friday, too.

I am going to cut this short and head to the grocery store, with my handy-dandy list and mask, to re-stock my freggies and all that!

Take good care of yourselves, my friends, this one and only Friday, July 30, 2021 we will ever get.  Life is good!  Spark on!✨💖🎇

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Day 53: July is winding down


I stepped outside yesterday, thinking to take a photo of these beauties, that "live" in my back yard.  There's actually a bee in there somewhere, buzzing about and pollinating the local flora, but he didn't make it into the photo.

As ALICIA363 (sister #3) noted in her blog yesterday, the plan was not to walk in the 100℉ heat (with a "feels like" of 105!), but to be inside.  This motivated me to hurry up and wash cat fur and burr laundry, and vacuum, in the hopes of not triggering her allergies... because the plan was for her to show me her PT assigned exercises to work on her hip recovery.  I anticipated the possibility of "mat work", and there was some.  Some standing and counter balance work, too... but yes, some mat work.  I got down and did some to keep her company.  It was good for us!

The good news of this morning is that I heard from the trainer last night and we are going to attempt a workout this noon.  He says he'll have to sit and rest more, per doctor's orders.  I don't know about your work, but he's in a business where if you don't work, you don't get paid!  Owner of the business or not, you need that stream of revenue to stay in business.  But there's no reason he can't direct my workout from a seated spot!

I'm thinking with the most recent news, locally and nationally, that I will be masking up, as he's vulnerable at the moment.  I know he's vaccinated against Covid 19, and so am I, but there's no sense taking chances with his health.

I did not go out for a walk this morning.  It was already / still 80℉ at 7 a.m., and I did jog intervals yesterday, so I'm figuring the strength training will be enough for today.

I kind of puttered around, put water out for the cats who seem determined to spend time outside, fixed my yummy healthy breakfast, and paced indoors just to warm up for the day.  In an hour or so I'll put on my workout clothes and head over for that promised workout!

Here's my encouragement to my friends out there:  if you're in the HOT section of the country, remember to hydrate today!  And let's do the best we can, from wherever we are in this crazy path called life, to make decisions to support our health and well-being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  For LIFE is good!  Spark on.✨💖

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Day 52: Here we go again... maybe...

 Yesterday, our local Covid-19 risk dial moved from "low" to "moderate", or from the green to the yellow zone.  No, they are not issuing mandates for masks, but they are definitely raising awareness, and modifying "advice" for vaccinated folks (like me) who fall into otherwise risk categories.  I'm there purely for my age, which while it prickles at times, it's a reality that's part of our lives!

We had been in the green zone since mid-May, but as could have been predicted (since we live in a lagging state), as the levels started to rise in the UK after vaccinating a large portion of their population, and as they are rising rapidly in other states nearby NOW, and as while we aren't yet in "Panic" mode, it is time to be proactive.

Mind you, I was already being pretty careful, only being unmasked around other vaccinated folks, and even wearing my mask into the grocery store (but at least being physically inside the grocery store).  I will continue being careful, and thinking about what level of risk I want to take on, as I go about living my life.  And I shall continue to watch the numbers.  Because what I see in Missouri, or Kansas, will generally show up soon in rural Nebraska.  And while my county still boasts the highest vaccination rate in the state, the latest studies are showing that in areas of high transmission even the vaccinated can pick up Delta and pass it along to the unvaccinated.  I do believe in being a "good citizen", and having compassion for others who for some reason may not be able to be vaccinated. 

I will remain hopeful that we won't see as bad a run as we saw last November through January... but that sort of depends on our collective behavior, doesn't it?

Back to more pleasant topics... is it pleasant that we have a predicted high of 100 ⁰F today?  Maybe not, but it is pleasant that I got my walk/jog in early.  The sun had just risen in the suburbs.  The scale had told me this morning that I'm in my personal range to start jogging intervals, and so I did... inserting nine short intervals of jogging steps about every five minutes of my walk.  It's still between 60 and 120 steps of jogging to five minutes of walking, with the final jog being a "faux finish line spurt" of about 200 steps.  It felt oh, so good... I'm feeling more and more myself again!  

Home to a healthy breakfast, a cool shower, clean clothes and getting the house ready for a sister visit when she gets done with her work day.  One advantage of being one of the elders is that you have a bit more time when your energy has to be budgeted!  The cat laundry is in the machine (sis has allergies), and I'm about to drag out the vacuum cleaner.  Sister #3 is going to show me her PT exercises that are helping her hip today.  Can't hurt me, might well be useful!  Stretching is good for the athlete!

OMG, I said athlete.  Maybe I'm watching a bit too much of the Olympics?  But don't they just energize you?  Or perhaps it's just me.  Watching the canoe slalom again today.  

Oh, and I have to say I am totally supportive of Simone Biles and her listening to her own body and mind, and being protective of her own health and her team-mates' chances of Olympic dreams.  Well done, woman!  And I think that is the difference.  She is a woman, fully, at this point in her career... and able to stand up for herself.  Not a vulnerable teenager.

May we all learn from examples of this sort, and be inspired to listen to our bodies, nourish our own needs, this one and only Wednesday, July 28, 2021 we'll ever get.  We are each and every one of us precious humans and worthy of self-care!  Spark on, my friends, Spark on!  ✨💖🎇📅  Life is good!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Day 51: The Cronometer Decision

4A-HEALTHY-BMI, a.k.a. Anja,added to the thread about nutrition trackers over on the Maintenance Google Group that she had stumbled over a discount on Cronometer for former Sparkies!  

Here's the link, in case anyone reading here isn't subscribed to that thread and might be interested.  Discount for Spark Refugees

This would be to buy the "Gold" version.  Cronometer also has a free version.  Clearly they have recognized a marketing opportunity.  

My own journey began with using the free version, which I found in some ways easier than Spark because I didn't have to think about "what meal" to record my foods under.  

Much later (about a week ago) I decided to take advantage of a free week offer, just to see what the Gold had to offer and if I could learn something from it without becoming obsessively absorbed by it.  Having already entered over a month's worth of data, and the Gold tools being able to read and assess the data I had already entered was pretty impressive.  It pretty much affirmed a lot of what I suspected about my dietary choices, but it does go further if I want to learn.  I concluded within the first week that I would pay for a month or two to see if I got tired of it.

Then this offer came along... and I decided to change to an annual subscription, to see if the discount would be applied.  I thought it had been, but I was misremembering the original price.  Still they credited the month I had already paid for, and only charged me the difference.  So sorry, maintainers, I lied in the thread... I will go correct that!

So I'm in for a year!  It's only $39.99 for a year, anyway, at the full price, so my turning off Hulu will pay for it!  The 10% off for Sparkies offer is good through September 1st, so if any of you wanted to take the path of "try the free version for a while and enter data, then decide to take them up on the annual offer" that's still a possibility.  

But if you're a data craver, and want the tools right up front, what the hey, go for it.  And I can really see how it would help if you're working with a nutritionist or a doctor on needs specific to your personal health situation.

Just now, I heard from my trainer... no session today.  A couple of days ago, he'd texted me and scheduled one, so I had been hopeful, but looks like his health issues still need some attention... keep praying, those of you who have been.  I know I am.

I've already been on a pre-breakfast walk, to get out before the heat descends.  Knowing I'm not going for a trainer session, I brought the dumbbells upstairs... with the determination to do at least a minimal strength and stretch workout.

Now for the "picture of the day", flowers.  These are my brown-eyed Susans, which are now in bloom.  What's been really fun about the flower photos has been as I file them, finding the date on which I took their photos in years past.  The flowers know what time of year it is, when it is time to bloom, and when it is time to rest.  We can learn a lot from the flowers, can't we?

Now let's all get out and live the very best Tuesday, July 27, 2021 we can manage, right where we are in our journey of life.  After all, as I keep saying to myself and anyone else... it's the only one we'll ever get.  And LIFE is good!  We are each and every one of us worthy of our best efforts at taking care of ourselves!

  • Eat to support your immune system.
  • Be active to support your heart health.
  • Exercise your mind, to keep it supple!
  • Love on your family and friends... IRL (in real life) or virtual... for love fills the soul.
  • Give yourself the space to have both alone time and people time, in the balance that works best for YOU!  Only you can determine what that balance is, in your own experiment of one.
Be well, be happy, Spark on!  ✨🌟💖

Monday, July 26, 2021

Day 50: Moon at 6 a.m. and an early walk

There is something about getting outside, be it city or country... or suburbs.  My body wasn't thrilled when I took it out to begin my morning walk a little after 6:30 a.m.  It said, "but I did so much for you yesterday... don't I deserve a rest?"  

I jollied that inner voice along, "We'll just go around the block.  Then we can have breakfast and do a little yard work..."

I focused on staying upright, sensing the coolish (compared to what it will be later in the day) air, and watching the neighborhood wake up.  Others were stirring, either out for their walks, or getting ready to leave for the work day.

Then I turned a corner toward the East, and the rising sun was filtering through the trees.  Ah!  Suburban Sunrise!

The walk continued, and in the end, I had 1.7 miles, and a satisfied heart.

Yesterday afternoon I watched the Olympics coverage of the men's triathlon, all the way through.  The women compete in triathlon today, starting at 4:30 p.m. my time.  So, provided they don't alter the schedule... that's my plan for this afternoon.  Sorry, Jeopardy, you got outranked for today!

And for those of you who live for kitty pictures, I offer up the mighty huntress, Rubia, crouched in the front yard's hunting grounds.  Believe it or not, that jungle is somewhat cut back from its worst.  But Rubia loves the hiding places where bunnies, field mice, or voles might hide.  Here she was, when I got home, peering out at the passersby, including me.

Now let's all get out there and live this one and only Monday, July 26, 2021 we'll ever get, best as we can, right where we are in life's progression.  For Life is Good, and we're each and every one of us worth taking care of!  ✨💖🎆 Spark on!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Day 49: Seven weeks on Blogger

It's feeling pretty natural by now.  This morning I woke to overcast skies, and the awareness that it is Cornhusker State Games Triathlon Day.  Some of you know that I have been scrupulously avoiding signing up for "events" for a couple of years... since November of 2019.  A couple of months of self-discipline, followed by the pandemic, and now, the slump of being less fit than I was, and the weight creeping back upwards.

But two years ago, on Triathlon Sunday of the Cornhusker State Games, we buried my brother's ashes in the family plot.  But before we did, I walked down to the bike course and cheered the cyclists zipping by.  

Last year, the games were made "virtual", and even those that were being run "in person", I avoided.  This year many events are back in person, and since I am fully vaccinated, I'm a little braver.  We thought that the pandemic was behind us but lately with the numbers ticking up, I'm being careful... but I'm also starting to train more, with thought to being a "support kayak" at a triathlon in September.

This morning, I debated in my mind:  go to Walgreen's to pick up sunscreen (I'm out) and new brush heads for my electric toothbrush?  Or go watch the triathlon start?  I left the house prepared for both.  Walgreens did not look open yet; the parking lot was empty, so my choice was made for me.  I kept on walking by.

Into the park, along the path, I spotted the mile 3 flag on the run course, signifying only a tenth of a mile to the finish line.  My anticipation grew.  As expected, I reached the spot where everyone was gathered for the pre-race meeting.

The finish chute, waiting...

I had noted on the walk over that they had not yet shut down the streets for the bike course, so they were not starting quite as early as they had in some years.  There were fewer participants, but as in years past, they all lined up, ready to be escorted to the water's edge for the swim start.  

It looks so familiar.  Has it really been four years since I competed in this event?  Yes, four years ago, 2017, was the last time I did a triathlon!  

Isn't this just the perfect triathlon weather?

At this point in the walk, I walked around the transition area and up onto the dam, to get a couple of really nice shots of the sunrise over the water as the little kids wave of the Super Sprint started.  

The white cap is the last little girl out of the water...
a girl after my own heart.

Baby triathletes!  Aren't they adorable?

I have to wonder, might it be time to start working on getting my act together for 2022?  A "five years later" reprise?

Well into my walk, I kept moving, over the dam, past the turnaround point of the 5K run course, and across the park to the bike course, where I cheered for the young ones peddling up the hill, some of them with bikes, shall we say, not optimal for road racing?

This young lady had her dad riding alongside, encouraging, and after I cheered and snapped her photo, she looked back to see who her rooter was.  Sorry, nobody you know, young lady, but I'm rooting for you anyway.  Welcome to the sport of triathlon, where we all cheer for everybody!

This young man has a knobby tired mountain bike, so he's working harder than a lot of cyclists!  But you know what?  I started my tri training on a knobby tired mountain bike, and it made me stronger for when I upgraded to a fitness hybrid and later to a road bike.

About this point my walk had returned me to Walgreens, so I made my way across the street, put on my mask and got the items I needed.  After that, it was home to a sweaty selfie, followed by a shower and breakfast.  Longest walk in a long time (4.69 miles), and the smile in the selfie is a reflection of that feeling of fit!  

A sweaty selfie

Now it's time to put in the pep talk tag lines, but let me just say, today reminded me of the dreams that came along with reaching my weight loss goal, and how grateful I am to have chased them, nine years ago, when I did my first "official" triathlon.  

If you have something you always wanted to tri, oops try😁 I would encourage you to go for it.

Start slow, train up... be patient with yourself... and then you can live off the memories, as I am now doing, even if you never do it again.

See how sweaty I got WALKING as a spectator?  OK, part of that is humidity, but part of it is a genuine workout.

Now let's all live the best Sunday, July 25, 2021 we can, right where we ARE on the journey of life.  For LIFE is good, and we are worth the living of it!  ✨💖Spark on, whatever platform you land on, post

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Day 48: Chasing herons down the lake


Can you see the heron?  We counted seven or eight wading toward water's edge.

This morning's adventures were mostly unphotographed because the kayak I was using was a little bit of a challenge to handle.  Every time we have rented from this little company, I've tried a different craft.  This time they put me in the owner's own kayak (there were already nine kayakers out on the lake when we arrived).  It's a slightly different cut, and handled slightly differently, which was a challenge because every time I would try to pause to take a photo, the kayak would turn in a circle, pushed by the wave and wind pattern.  So I took one, at a distance from shore, to try to capture the heron as he (or she) was wading.

Then I put the phone away and said "no more, I need to focus on controlling this craft" because by the time I got my photo taken and the phone tucked away again, my friend was quite a bit further down the lake, and I had to not only work on keeping the direction straight, but also on catching up!

Near the very end of our rental time, close to the camp site they were launching from, I paused again, and this photo shows you how far away she got in that brief period while I got out the phone and took a couple of shots:

Can you see her, the little blue kayak toward the top center?

Proof that we were there is here, all mussed and happy, after we got out and were getting ready for the drive home.

The drive to and from was the adventure we expected, being as neither of us had been down there since they changed which roads were open and closed.  The new "big deal" in traffic control these days is the roundabout, and there are three new ones in the newly reopened road... one on each side of the overpass over the new South Bypass to handle the on/off ramp traffic.  This could be interesting, as the city grows.

Runkeeper mapped my route:

Interestingly, Fitbit decided that I was swimming for 28 minutes of this, and only "active" for 38 minutes.  I am often amused by Fitbit's decisions about what activity I've been engaged in.  It will regularly label my neighborhood walks as being Elliptical machine sessions, or part Elliptical and part walking.

What all of these tech tools can't give you is the sense of well-being that being active in nature gives one.  The feeling of the breeze, the sun, water falling from your paddle and splashing, the awareness of the cry of the heron (I don't remember ever hearing their voices before today, or at least not connecting the sound with the birds.)

We paused for a bladder relief break and to eat our packed snacks before heading home again.  My friend has decided that she likes this lake better than the one that is so close to both our homes.  This one is not that bad a drive for us, only about 20 minutes away, but the other one we can both reach with a walk from our respective homes.

Heading back in... Spark on!

In short, it was a good outing!  Here's hoping that my Spark friends (fellow refugees) are finding similarly fulfilling things in their Saturday, July 24, 2021.  It's the only one we'll ever get, and well worth LIVING, best as each of us can.  For Life is Good!  ✨🎇💖

Friday, July 23, 2021

Day 47: It's Friday! Weekend ahead!


Rubia (the blonde) and The Prisoner overlook their domain, as the seeds of Summer heat pervade the air.

I am sitting at my dining room table, with the sun streaming in through the sliding glass door.  Soon I need to shut the blinds to control the heat.  But just now, I am enjoying the angle of the sunlight streaming over the roof next door and filtering through the trees onto my own roof.  It has yet to hit the deck directly (where the cats are seen posing).

My healthy breakfast is being consumed, one savored bite at a time.  The layering of flavors... the bitter of the cocoa powder, the sweet of the blueberries, the tart of the strawberries... the differences in texture between the oats and the fruit... ah, yes, and the taking of time to appreciate and be mindful of this as nourishment AND treat.  Food is not meant to be rushed, is it?

The to-do list is light, today.  The softener salt people are going to come refill my tank "sometime" today, with a phone call first.  I'm thinking that anticipation makes it a good morning to do things around the yard, rather than walking further afield.  Later, after they come, a grocery run, as I'm nearly out of salad fixings.  And everything with a thought to being prepared for tomorrow's treat:  another kayaking adventure on the lake I explored on July 3rd, this time with a companion, my friend G, who got me into this whole "let's go rent a kayak" thing!  

I was flattered yesterday to get a FB friend request from my cousin's daughter.  She just graduated the University this year and has started a new job here in town.  I'm always impressed when I see the next generation "coming up" and taking on responsibility.  So full of optimism and energy... and yes, observing this brings back memories.

I heard from the mythical son yesterday evening, too.  He's looking at a new vehicle, so had called and talked to his dad about it.  Talking to his dad reminds him that he has a mother and that he hadn't heard my voice in a couple or three weeks... so... phone call.  Said vehicle would make transporting the kayaks for him and his girlfriend easier, and it would be a step forward into hybrid, "greener" technology.  But supply chains being what they are, he's going to have to wait a while before it becomes available.  This "vehicle trading" is a guy thing... he comes by it naturally, as his dad was a big one for it, too.  But as a mom, it's just a joy to hear your kids talking about things going on in their heads and their lives, especially if it's something they are enthused about.

Anyway, the yard chores are calling and I want to get out there before it starts getting too hot.  I'm shutting off that Eastern sunlight NOW!

Here's hoping a good Friday to all my Sparking (on or off the Spark site) friends!  Make good choices this one and only Friday July 23, 2021 we will ever get.  Because we're worth it... and LIFE is good!  ✨💖🤗

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Day 46: Just me... thinking... and typing

Laughing at myself a bit... couldn't decide on a theme, on a photo, or anything this morning for the blog.  You are getting a selfie I took a few minutes ago... post morning walk, post breakfast, post nattering around looking at others' blog entries and commenting, continuing a few conversations on my own blogs from the past couple of days... in short, procrastinating because... well, just because.

Am I the only one who has those kinds of mornings?  Mine started to turn into "that kind" at 7:15 or so, with a text from my trainer.  I had a workout scheduled with him today, but he had heard from his doctor's office and had to go up the road a piece for some tests.  So, no workout today, and "will let me know" about next week.  

I was at loose ends... thought I'd go walk at the lake instead of in the neighborhood, and use up my grocery store discount points in filling Dexter's gas tank on the way.  I of course wanted to walk before it got too hot.  And Dexter's tank did need the fill... it took almost 8 gallons.  Yes, Dexter sips gasoline, he doesn't guzzle.

Then on to the park and it was full of too many people, and I balked.  That whole "loose ends" thing took charge and brought me home.  I decided to walk a different neighborhood route, seeking slightly longer, but not TOO far... and for the first time since last Fall, I jogged a few intervals.  Not long ones, mind you, I'm talking 60 or 80 step jogs, at least 5 minutes walking between jogs.  

I have this little rule of thumb for myself, the weight above which I will not let myself jog.  I pressed it just a smidge this morning, as I am about half a pound above that line, but I needed the focus on the jogging steps.  And I was wearing a fairly new running bra that I kind of wanted to "test".  (Running women will "get" that, sorry to any guys for whom that is TMI.)

The need to focus on something was based on battling a bit of worry over my trainer's health.  He had been hospitalized for quite a while last year (no, not Covid, it was something else).  I was praying during the walking intervals, about many things.  Walking and prayer make good companions.

In the end, my walk/jog was about the same distance I would have covered had I circled the lake (my original plan).  And I didn't have as many people to avoid... we all respectfully did our "social distance" thing, except for the GSP mix puppy I paused in the park to pet, toward the end of the walk.  What an adorable little fella!  And with such a nice young woman in tow; she let me pet him, and his little puppy tongue could not resist giving my hand a lick.

When I got home, I cooked my healthy breakfast, and I'm moving on with my day.  But it has taken nearly until lunch time to put together a blog!  Let's get out there and live the remainder of this one and only Thursday, July 22, 2021, best as we can do, right where we are in our lives.  Because LIFE is good, and we are worth taking care of!  

Spark on!  ✨🎇💖

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Day 45: Before and after

 This morning's pre-breakfast chore (before it gets too hot and sunny):

Yes, those suckers!

I took a little step stool out to sit on while I worked at this.  As I was snipping away, I heard my name called, and there, taking his morning walk was a fellow I used to work with.  He's now retired, and has moved over to the condos to my north.  I had heard that from a fellow former workmate who is still working, but with the pandemic and all, this was the first time we encountered one another "in the neighborhood".

I asked after his sister, who used to live at the end of the street.  She used to walk her little dog past my house, but I hadn't seen her lately.  Turns out she's moved up to South Dakota into a care home, nearer to her children.  Sigh.  Life moves on.  The neighborhood is being morphed as younger families move into the houses, older folks move on to community living, and so on.  The cycle goes on, and this is no longer the "new" suburb that it was 40 odd years ago.

Anyway, Bill had to move along, and I still had a lot of those suckers to address.  Here's how I left it when I came inside to fix breakfast:

Much better.  I did not get the street side done, focusing instead on what I could do in the time allotted.  Oof!

Yesterday the trainer had me doing dead lifts, and we have been very careful about the form, to avoid back issues.  The stretching associated with yard work does not include the trainer warning you about your form.  So you have to be more conscious of it for yourself, as you get "old-er"!

Several folks have said they are anticipating a report on how I like the "Gold" features of Cronometer, as I had mentioned taking on the free week's trial.  So far, it is telling me some things I already either knew or suspected.  Here are my "progress toward targets" for one day, yesterday, followed by the ratios that are part of the evaluation.

I don't know how well these will show up.  The eight top circles represent, left to right:  
  • All Targets
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Electrolytes
  • Immune Support
  • Antioxidants
  • Bone Health, and
  • Metabolism Support
The things I knew/suspected were related to immune support, antioxidants, and bone health.

The good part of this is the insights when you click on the individual dial.  It tells you what nutrients are used in the rating, and how you did with them that day (or that day, so far, this is all enabled live, as you are entering today's food and supplements).  Similarly, if you click on an individual nutrient, it will tell you what food sources provide it.

Ratios between various nutrients are ALSO part of the scoring, and the ratios used are displayed, too.  In case the print is too small to see, even if you click on the picture, the four ratios shown here are Omega-6 : Omega-3, Zinc : Copper, Potassium : Sodium, and Calcium : Magnesium, because it's not just about getting "enough" of each of the nutrients, it's about the balance among them.

The analysis feature is retrospective, so you can go back and see how previous days' entries stack up!  So if you already have been using the free version for a while, all that data you entered can be looked at on day one of having the Gold "free trial" turned on. 

One of the first things I did looking at the first day's results was seeing how poorly I was doing with the Omega-6 : Omega-3 sheer values, I went back to days when I'd had, for example, salmon for dinner, or had the handful of walnuts with my morning snack.  No surprise, but I had better nutrition scores for immune support on those days.  

Yesterday, I added a potato to supper, in an attempt to make the potassium/sodium ratio better.  It improved, and the "Bone Health" score bumped up a bit.  One thing I noticed about the bone health was the inclusion of fluoride as part of the score, but I could not find a way to add my fluoride rinse into the equation.  So I'm probably at least a smidgeon better than it says.

So, bottom line, lots of new shiny numbers to look at.  Some insights into how much certain dietary changes might be able to help... and I have pretty much decided a week is not enough to learn everything I might want to learn.  I'm not ready to commit to a full year of this level of detailed watching, although that is the most cost-effective plan.  I'm going to go ahead and keep it and see what I learn on the monthly pay subscription, and whether it overwhelms me with TMI!  Then I'll either let it go, or switch to an annual plan.

Some people might be interested the Gold features for the purpose of timing their fasts.  The Gold features include timestamping when you enter foods.  Warning:  if you use the "copy/paste" function from another day, the timestamp comes with the copied food.  So if you're interested in the clock timing of your meals and snacks, enter them fresh!

That's about all I have to offer from my first three days of using the Gold features of Cronometer.  By the way, I mentioned it to my personal trainer yesterday, and he's hunting for something that gives him more nutritional information for health purposes, too.  So we'll see if he likes it!  Extra input... good, right?

Now, let's all get out there and live this one and only Wednesday, July 21, 2021 we'll ever get!  Make choices that support all those lovely bones, and immune systems, and so on... but also choices to feed your soul, and make your body actively happy!  Why?  Because we're worth it!  Each and every one of us!✨🎇💖❇  On or off SparkPeople... Spark on!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Day 44: Wally Funk is headed for Space; I'm sewing on a button


The juxtaposition amuses me.  This morning, an 82 year old woman, Mary Wallace Funk, who would have been ready to be a Mercury astronaut in the 1960's but was denied the opportunity because she's a woman... is preparing to be launched on Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin flight.

Me?  I'm watching with 'bated breath on my 24 x 7 news, because when she was readying herself for the potential NASA program, I was a little girl in grade school, thinking "Yes!  That's something I'd like to do!"

Of course, at that time, I had no idea that women were in actual training.  They didn't put THAT on TV.  

Instead, I was a little girl, frustrated by her total lack of traditional "feminine" skills.  Nope, I not only cried when they made me sew (my grandmother and great-grandmother), I cried over my inabilities with needle and thread, and I was deeply hurt by their giving me gifts that brought them joy, like an embroidery kit!  Yes, I cried in grandma's face.  Not proud of it, but at the time I was four years old, and all I learned from it was to feel guilty for not pleasing the elders.

Eventually, I got to junior high school, and was forced to take something called "Home Economics" to prepare me for the life that these elders envisioned for women.  Again with the sewing.  The cooking I enjoyed, the sewing, NEVER!  BUT, I did learn a skill that still holds me in good stead.  I learned how to sew on a button.

So while I do not enjoy sewing, nor am I good at it, I am capable of sewing the button back on when the threads the shorts shipped with give way.  And I can remain modestly (well, by my own standards, anyway) clothed with my store-bought, not hand-made clothing.

Please don't tell me how wonderful your mastery of sewing makes you feel.  I get it.  My mastery of other things makes me feel wonderful.  I admit to a great feeling of accomplishment when I succeed in putting that button back on!  I also am not exempt from admiring your much, much superior skills, those of you who knit, crochet, quilt, make your own clothing, etc.

When my son was about six, I attempted to "hack" a Halloween costume for him.  And that was when one of my own mom-isms originated:  "Do you know how much your mommy loves you?  She loves you enough to try to do something she's terrible at!"

This, my friends, is why it's so important when you are designing your "healthy lifestyle" that you choose things that you love.  Find healthy foods that reward you emotionally, and include them.  Savor them, celebrate them.  Find activities that make your heart and soul sing.  If you don't yet know how to do them, seek advice, and spend loving time learning. Celebrate what you learn.  In the end, if you don't 💝love what's in your lifestyle... it won't last.  If that "honeymoon" feeling starts to fade, tweak or change to get the love back!

Now let's get out there and LIVE the very best Tuesday, July 20, 2021 we can... whatever today's task may be... whether it's launching into space or sewing on a button.  Because it is the only one we'll ever get.  Life is good.  And your life is worth nurturing, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!


I have 28 days left to build this, day by day!

After those 28 days, I'll still be Sparking, just not on the site, which will be gone.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Day 43: A good start to the week

It's Monday!  Time passes, even on a weekend.  Time passes even on a "quiet day".  And now, it's a fresh new week, "with no mistakes in it", as Anne of Green Gables would say.

The day has started well.  I went to the grocery early, while the shoppers were few.  I wore my mask, even though I am fully vaccinated, "just because".  I found the freggies I need to work my program.  I deliberately sought out frozen fish and veggie burgers, as I'd finally finished all that was in my freezer.  I brought home all the non-food things on my list (envelopes, laundry detergent, etc.)... because I remembered to take the list with me, perhaps!🛒

After all the goodies were put away, it was out in the neighborhood for a walk, before it gets too hot.  Although we are in a first half of the week lower highs than average for this time of year... topping out below 90℉.  

I decided that I wanted to go a different way from the "normal" route I walk, so turned down a different way and made a slightly larger loop to the West, instead of the sweeping one to the East.  Didn't take any photos, and didn't get lost, either, getting home with a slightly shorter walk, allowing energy for hopefully yard work later.

I'm taking joy in the small tasks, and giving myself credit for doing things like zapping the weeds that are trying to make inroads on my driveway.

Little green monsters are not all from outer space!  

Then I went on a "cancel subscriptions" spree to make room for my next little project:  I am trying out the Gold package of Cronometer.  I signed on for a seven day free trial, after which they will start charging me monthly, and I'm playing with the fuller nutrition statistics.  I figure in those seven days I will know whether it's worth keeping for a longer time.

But to make room for it in the budget, I canceled one streaming service and one on-line newspaper!  Balance, folks, whether it's food, activity, or money!

Now let's all get out there and live the best Monday, July 19, 2021 we can manage, right where we are in the process!  It is, after all, the only one we'll ever get.  And we're worth taking care of, wherever we Spark!  ✨

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Day 42: The "bridge to nowhere"

The bridge to nowhere:  that's what one of my Spark / Runkeeper friends called it.  I put the photo of one end of the bridge in Friday's blog, noting that it was under repairs.  It still is.  This morning, the other end, at the entrance to the neighborhood park. You can see the wear on the boards.  I am not sure if they have been scraping them, or it is just the natural effect of many feet traversing it over the past few years. 

Now it may say "Closed" but this does not mean the park is closed.  In fact there are five entrances to this little park, if you know where to look for them!  But those of us who know this bridge well, and walk over it regularly on our way into the park are well aware that the troll who lives under it doesn't guard it very well.  In fact, it's a bridge over a mostly dry intake that only contains water during "urban flooding" times.  So... we just walk around it!
See, the troll doesn't even trim the weeds!

We look back at the fresh boards, examining progress of the repairs, then proceed with our walking.

I greatly enjoyed yesterday's quiet day, and may seek to copy it today.  I did get a short nap in, got the laundry done, and unintentionally ended up watching the same movie on the streaming service that my son and his girlfriend were watching over at their house!  Found out when she posted their quiet little celebration, starring (of course) Carl thinking the new Basketball might come HIS way... such rapt attention!

I'd best get this posted and cross-referenced... hope my Spark buds will get out there and LIVE this one and only Sunday, July 18, 2021 we will ever get!  Make choices that support your body, mind, and spirit!  Because you're worth it!  ✨✨🌟🎇🎆❇ Which ever Spark emoji you like best, Spark on!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Day 41: Time for a quiet day!


I am celebrating surviving a "people-y" week with a quiet day... some laundry, a walk through the neighborhood, but QUIET... no peoples.

This could be considered a dereliction of my maternal instincts?  Because 37 years ago, I had a newborn baby "rooming in" with me after having pushed him out of his womb rental.  

But our family never did make a big deal out of birthdays... and I had an online conversation with the birthday man (won't call him a boy any more!) a couple of days ago about his plans for the day, and he said "I planned to not have plans".  

How like him!  Anyway, at this point, no plans to make a big deal out of the date today... just going to recharge the batteries.

Last night's sunset paddle?  Awesome.  We covered about two miles of lake, around and back, pausing for photo ops as the spirit moved. 

At the very end, the fireworks from the opening ceremonies of the State Games were visible (and audible)... to the North.  Sorry, no photos of said fireworks.  

We were climbing out of the kayaks, then watching from shore.  

We were given smaller kayaks this time... little blue ones that I've seen kids paddling... they bobble a bit more than the slightly longer sleek ones I'd been in before, turn quicker, etc.  

Next kayak outing for my friend Geri and me is a week from today, down at the other lake.

The morning walk brought its own colorful array, because I have neighbors who put a lot of effort into their yards!

Now let's all get out there and live the Saturday, July 17, 2021 we need!  Make choices that truly feed that need, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual!  ✨🎇💖😍✨ Spark on!

Friday, July 16, 2021

Day 40: Plan B in progress

The ducts we're scheduled to be cleaned today.  They were supposed to arrive between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.  As I was starting to eat my breakfast, my phone rang.  Apparently a couple of previously scheduled stops had to be rescheduled.  Could they come between 8:00 and 8:30?

Time to scramble!  I shuffled things away from the registers, as directed, but in a lot more of a hurry than I had planned on being.  

Two gentlemen, Sean and Derek, arrived promptly.  They gave me the rundown on the process.  It's going to take about 6 hours.  They are however, bonded, so I should not feel like a prisoner in my house.  Fine by me.  I took a shorter than usual morning walk, now I'm back, and starting on my blog responses, etc.

I can hear the machine working away.  They are all the way into the ducts, so depending on which part they are working on, it can be quite noisy.  

The last time that sister #3 and I walked together she did a "heads up" on a soft board on the little bridge in the park.  I told her I expected they would be fixing it within a week or so... I was right.  This morning on my walk, the bridge was closed:  

There are new boards where the soft step was!  There are advantages to having a neighborhood association, eh?

And there have been several answers all pretty much "we're OK with a followers gadget" to my Poll blog yesterday, so I'll be adding it today.  It's at the very bottom of the page.  It provides a nice little "follow" button for new folks to add the blog to their reading list.  But it also shows who all is following my blog.

When you roll over a photo (or blank photo) the name associated with that icon will pop up in a little bubble.  If you see your photo/name in the array and you don't want to see it... go to your Reading list, pick "Manage" and find my blog, and change from following publicly to following anonymously, and your photo will go "poof" from my blog's array of followers, but my blog entries will still be in your reading list.  If you follow anonymously, I won't see you in the stats, either, so unless I already have you in my reading list... well, that's the disadvantage of this balancing act!

Here's hoping you all get out there and LIVE the best Friday, July 16, 2021 you can manage wherever you sit on the journey and transition from Spark to the wider world.  After all, it's the only one we'll ever get!  And Life is Good!  ✨🎇😍💖 Spark on!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Survey Blog: I figured out how to get a "Follow" button to show up... BUT!

 The thing is, if I add the "Followers" gadget to my blog it will show up like this:  

Notice that all the people who publically follow such a blog show up, with their Blogger profile photo, if they have one.  If YOU are not a follower, the "Unfollow" button there will be a "Follow" button.  It becomes very easy then to add a blogger to your reading list, just by clicking that button.

HOWEVER, after you do, your Blogger profile photo shows up in the array of followers.

I have resisted adding this gadget due to concerns that some people might want to "follow" without having their photos show up on the blog!  So... I haven't done it.

But that means that to "follow" my blog in your reading list, you need to copy the URL (blog address), and go to your own blogger menu, Reading List, "Manage" and Add to paste my blog to your reading list.

So... 22 people have so far added me to their Reading List (one of them shows up 3 time, and then I follow my own blog, just so I can monitor when it appears in the Reading List).  My question for this Survey is mainly for those 20 people:  would you be OK if I added this "Followers" gadget, for the convenience of new people being able to follow more easily?

And people who might want to "Follow", are you OK with the complex copy/paste to follow blogs?  

Since Subscribe doesn't seem to work well for most folks... what do you all think?  I'm OK with my photo showing up on the blogs I follow, and letting people then "follow me home"... but what about my current / potential followers?  How open are you comfortable with?  Would you "unfollow" if your photo showed up as a "Follower"?

Comment with your preference.  I'm interested, and will take all preferences into account.  I may just leave it as is, and periodically post "how to follow" tips?

A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...