Sunday, July 18, 2021

Day 42: The "bridge to nowhere"

The bridge to nowhere:  that's what one of my Spark / Runkeeper friends called it.  I put the photo of one end of the bridge in Friday's blog, noting that it was under repairs.  It still is.  This morning, the other end, at the entrance to the neighborhood park. You can see the wear on the boards.  I am not sure if they have been scraping them, or it is just the natural effect of many feet traversing it over the past few years. 

Now it may say "Closed" but this does not mean the park is closed.  In fact there are five entrances to this little park, if you know where to look for them!  But those of us who know this bridge well, and walk over it regularly on our way into the park are well aware that the troll who lives under it doesn't guard it very well.  In fact, it's a bridge over a mostly dry intake that only contains water during "urban flooding" times.  So... we just walk around it!
See, the troll doesn't even trim the weeds!

We look back at the fresh boards, examining progress of the repairs, then proceed with our walking.

I greatly enjoyed yesterday's quiet day, and may seek to copy it today.  I did get a short nap in, got the laundry done, and unintentionally ended up watching the same movie on the streaming service that my son and his girlfriend were watching over at their house!  Found out when she posted their quiet little celebration, starring (of course) Carl thinking the new Basketball might come HIS way... such rapt attention!

I'd best get this posted and cross-referenced... hope my Spark buds will get out there and LIVE this one and only Sunday, July 18, 2021 we will ever get!  Make choices that support your body, mind, and spirit!  Because you're worth it!  ✨✨🌟🎇🎆❇ Which ever Spark emoji you like best, Spark on!


  1. That is a cute little bridge to nowhere . // ROSESAREBLUE

  2. Carl sure is watching that ball. I wonder what he is thinking.

    My Saturday was much like yours except for watching the movie. Today is peaceful too.

    1. Son's girlfriend tells son what she wants in a pose from Carl, and son draws the dog's attention. Being a fairly smart pooch, he has learned to pose and expects praise or treats when he does it right. He always seems to look sooooo happy!

  3. Replies
    1. Very much needed... doing same today, and soaking up the energy for the week ahead!

  4. LOL Carl cracks me up. What a hilarious, lovable furry person!

  5. LOVE the picture of Carl. He sure is intent on that basketball! LOL

    Here's to a blessed Sunday.

    1. Focus... focus... they've got to throw it sometime... 😍

  6. Carl definitely looks ready to play!! Have a peaceful day!

    1. He's always up for a game... well, unless he's really exhausted!

  7. carl is sweet and i love that their is more than one way to the park just like there is more than one way to do anything

    1. Thank you! And you are right... more than one way to a solution!🎈

  8. This inquiring mind wants to know - what movie? My best guess is the LEGO movie from what I can see of the picture?

    1. Space Jam, the latest one. With the Basketball in the foreground, you need more of a clue?

  9. Initial thought from photo before finishing blog was that y'all may have watched "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks using a basketball for the volleyball.

    1. Nope, the reference was more literal... the movie was Space Jam.

  10. I love decorative bridges whether they're going anywhere or not.

  11. Perception! I only called it such since the greenery looked flush on either side 😁

    1. So the grass isn't greener on the other side of the bridge? LOL!

  12. Love your bridge to nowhere! We have dry areas that flood in the monsoons and loads of our rural roads are impassable during monsoons. When they aren't flooded you bump over these massive stones and craters. Your area, however, looks so green and inviting. I didn't walk Hawkeye the husky this morning because it was thundering as well as raining but I did walk my dog an hour later so I got my Spark exercise in. Will probably be under 10,000 steps unless I get ambitious and walk Hawkeye tonight. It's sometimes embarrassing that my daughter and I share our streaming apps because she sees what I watch as does my husband--"Did you really watch Clueless the other night?" "Yes, I was tired of people being murdered."

    1. I share some with the kids, too, so they *could* see what I watched, if they were of a curious bent. So far, they have not embarrassed me by calling me out... And I totally "get" being tired of people being murdered and choosing something like Clueless!

    2. Hey now, “Clueless” still holds up as one of the best Austen adaptations out there, in terms of reflecting the spirit of the novels! There is never any need to explain watching “Clueless!” 😂

      I also recommend Whit Stillman’s Love and Friendship for hilarious true-to-Austen biting social commentary.

      No one is murdered in that one, either. 😉

  13. Yard work all day. This Spark body is beat!
    There are times when the bridge or road to nowhere is the best choice.

    Have a happy week!

    1. You have EARNED a good night's rest, for sure!

  14. I love bridges except the suspension kind that move when you move. Carl’s attention is clued in to fun opportunities and undoubtedly food. He an I have that in common.

    1. Being afraid of open heights, I'm not a particular fan of suspension bridges, either.

  15. Replies
    1. Carl always wins when it comes to begging with those big hopeful eyes... but he has his OWN basketball... he wasn't allowed to play with that one.

  16. Is there a toll for your bridge to no where???

    1. 😁 The toll must be our neighborhood association dues? Or maybe, since they don't enforce payment... no toll?


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