Thursday, July 22, 2021

Day 46: Just me... thinking... and typing

Laughing at myself a bit... couldn't decide on a theme, on a photo, or anything this morning for the blog.  You are getting a selfie I took a few minutes ago... post morning walk, post breakfast, post nattering around looking at others' blog entries and commenting, continuing a few conversations on my own blogs from the past couple of days... in short, procrastinating because... well, just because.

Am I the only one who has those kinds of mornings?  Mine started to turn into "that kind" at 7:15 or so, with a text from my trainer.  I had a workout scheduled with him today, but he had heard from his doctor's office and had to go up the road a piece for some tests.  So, no workout today, and "will let me know" about next week.  

I was at loose ends... thought I'd go walk at the lake instead of in the neighborhood, and use up my grocery store discount points in filling Dexter's gas tank on the way.  I of course wanted to walk before it got too hot.  And Dexter's tank did need the fill... it took almost 8 gallons.  Yes, Dexter sips gasoline, he doesn't guzzle.

Then on to the park and it was full of too many people, and I balked.  That whole "loose ends" thing took charge and brought me home.  I decided to walk a different neighborhood route, seeking slightly longer, but not TOO far... and for the first time since last Fall, I jogged a few intervals.  Not long ones, mind you, I'm talking 60 or 80 step jogs, at least 5 minutes walking between jogs.  

I have this little rule of thumb for myself, the weight above which I will not let myself jog.  I pressed it just a smidge this morning, as I am about half a pound above that line, but I needed the focus on the jogging steps.  And I was wearing a fairly new running bra that I kind of wanted to "test".  (Running women will "get" that, sorry to any guys for whom that is TMI.)

The need to focus on something was based on battling a bit of worry over my trainer's health.  He had been hospitalized for quite a while last year (no, not Covid, it was something else).  I was praying during the walking intervals, about many things.  Walking and prayer make good companions.

In the end, my walk/jog was about the same distance I would have covered had I circled the lake (my original plan).  And I didn't have as many people to avoid... we all respectfully did our "social distance" thing, except for the GSP mix puppy I paused in the park to pet, toward the end of the walk.  What an adorable little fella!  And with such a nice young woman in tow; she let me pet him, and his little puppy tongue could not resist giving my hand a lick.

When I got home, I cooked my healthy breakfast, and I'm moving on with my day.  But it has taken nearly until lunch time to put together a blog!  Let's get out there and live the remainder of this one and only Thursday, July 22, 2021, best as we can do, right where we are in our lives.  Because LIFE is good, and we are worth taking care of!  

Spark on!  ✨🎇💖


  1. For an 'at odds' day, you did well. Will remember your trainer in my prayers, too.

    LOVE the selfie.

  2. Days like this helps one appreciate retirement!

    1. They do! But somehow having scheduled things keeps one going, too.

  3. Been having some of those 'at odds' days myself. Mostly indulgent and not 'on schedule'. Maybe I needed it. Should be blogging, but can't get on track for some reason. Concern growing over Covid, I think.

    1. Yes, concern over Covid can really trip us up. After the past year, the anticipation of "the next surge" can tamp down even the confidence that being fully vaccinated gives one. Prayer helps this, too.

  4. I'm prone to "those" mornings and sometimes days in recent months. Still acclimating to the pushpushpush of getting the trust to the point I could cut the checks combined with my propensity to daydream and sometimes procrastinate has resulted in a bit slower pace than before, which is not a bad thing. Until it is. I'm keeping a watchful eye on myself, but enjoying it a bit. Happy Thursday!

    1. Self-management... once we're retired, it becomes the full-time job, eh?

  5. I think I need those kinds of days, for subconscious processing and decompressing. ❤️

    I found out last year I’m actually way more of an introvert than I realized...

    1. Huzzah... and I found out last year that I have a bit more of extrovert in me than I realized. Ambiverts... all of us! Assimilating new information takes energy!

  6. hope your trainer gets better Hugs

  7. For me, those at "at odds" days tend to get me in trouble. There is too much focus on comforting myself with food, and not enough focus on healthy activities. I try to go with the happens, but I succeed much better with a plan.

    Enjoy your evening.

    1. I agree... loose ends tend to knot up! Falling back to a plan B is better than just giving it up, though, so I try to have a collection of plans B, C, D, etc. in the back of the mind. I said try... do not always succeed.

      I've often said I do better with a plan, even if I don't follow it perfectly.

  8. Kind of suspected you may be having an "at odds" day, when I didn't see a blog already posted from you when I woke. Will keep your trainer in my thoughts and prayers. Well done getting the activity in while acknowledging your boundaries and maintaining them. Hope the jogs felt good. ~ JEANKNEE

    1. I think you KNOW how good they felt, Jeanne! I am trying to be very, very careful with them, so as not to overdo, especially at first. Thanks for keeping my trainer in thought. I have to admit to a little bit of talking back at God during the walk/jog.

  9. If we were on Spark, I would post a Hugs heart.

    1. Awwww! Thanks! If you right click in the comments box, you can choose emojis... they aren't as good as the hugs heart, mind you, but they are there. Right click and keep typing spark, and you get a selection of Sparkly emojis: ✨🌟💖🎇🎆❇

  10. Something in the air? The pull of the full moon? I’ve had those feelings lately- had trouble dressing myself one morning - yesterday the work companion and I described just needing a day to breathe. C19 concerns seem a likely culprit. (hug)

    1. Is it the anticipated heat of Summer? Storing up energy for known efforts ahead? C19 concerns are a nagging concern, kind of like PTSD? A day to breathe sounds awesome, doesn't it?

  11. A lovely day for sure :) hope you hear good news about your trainer soon :)

  12. What a productive "loose ends" day! Those are good too, they restore the soul. Hope that your trainer's health issues are resolved . . . I've "spent" my grocery bonus points on some workout leggings "on sale"! Blue!! and pink!!

    1. Don't you love those little indulgences paid for by "bonus points"? Thanks for your good wishes for the trainer. I have not heard from him since the initial message exchange, but you know it takes some time for medical tests, results, consultations, etc. Patience, I counsel myself, patience... breathe, make good choices. And LIVE.

  13. Sounds like a typical morning reverie, for me as a retiree. Thoughts of things to do drift through my mind, and I consider them. Walk? Grocery shop? Oh, that's right, I have a delivery expected with no specific time attached, and I have to be home to open the door... Letting myself dither a bit is not a bad thing!

  14. I have those procrastinating mornings, too. With no job to go to some mornings turn into an all day thing. I’ll put off the grocery store trip, or doing the laundry… sigh… I really should be looking for a new job, but even that gets puts off.

    1. Sometimes we need that respite. I have stopped beating myself up for what may look like procrastination... it may just be building up the energy to face the task! Your mind is working on that job search, ticking over options, even while you haven't been actively "looking", that's what I'm thinking.

  15. I've had more than a few of those days myself. Moving on.

    1. Yes... we survive them, and move on. Good advice!

  16. One of the things I love best about retirement is the leisure to read, write, think and pray. My days are filled with moments of appreciation and, at the same time, busy with nothing. It takes more and more time to maintain the body, the house and the self as I age. I am beyond grateful that I have it.

    1. Wise words. Me, too, beyond grateful for this phase of life!

  17. Ohhh ... hope your trainer is OK.

    I'm easing into the day ... or piddling around which ever sounds best.

    1. Thanks for your concern... I'm still concerned... but remaining prayerfully hopeful for his doctors figuring this out.

      Easing into the day or piddling around... either one sounds fine by me!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...