Monday, July 26, 2021

Day 50: Moon at 6 a.m. and an early walk

There is something about getting outside, be it city or country... or suburbs.  My body wasn't thrilled when I took it out to begin my morning walk a little after 6:30 a.m.  It said, "but I did so much for you yesterday... don't I deserve a rest?"  

I jollied that inner voice along, "We'll just go around the block.  Then we can have breakfast and do a little yard work..."

I focused on staying upright, sensing the coolish (compared to what it will be later in the day) air, and watching the neighborhood wake up.  Others were stirring, either out for their walks, or getting ready to leave for the work day.

Then I turned a corner toward the East, and the rising sun was filtering through the trees.  Ah!  Suburban Sunrise!

The walk continued, and in the end, I had 1.7 miles, and a satisfied heart.

Yesterday afternoon I watched the Olympics coverage of the men's triathlon, all the way through.  The women compete in triathlon today, starting at 4:30 p.m. my time.  So, provided they don't alter the schedule... that's my plan for this afternoon.  Sorry, Jeopardy, you got outranked for today!

And for those of you who live for kitty pictures, I offer up the mighty huntress, Rubia, crouched in the front yard's hunting grounds.  Believe it or not, that jungle is somewhat cut back from its worst.  But Rubia loves the hiding places where bunnies, field mice, or voles might hide.  Here she was, when I got home, peering out at the passersby, including me.

Now let's all get out there and live this one and only Monday, July 26, 2021 we'll ever get, best as we can, right where we are in life's progression.  For Life is Good, and we're each and every one of us worth taking care of!  ✨💖🎆 Spark on!


  1. Youngest grandson wanted a “walk” around the block this morning. But he really wants to run and I’m really not a runner, especially with artificial hips!! He ran about a tenth of a mile then walked a little. Another tenth and another short break. That’s how it goes. So I run just a bit! Now it’s already heating up so we’re in until we go to the pool!

    1. You may want to make it into a game... "You run to that mailbox, there... the one with the flower on it. Count to ten, and run back to me." We used to do this sort of thing as kids, and believe it or not, it's the "play" form of interval training. He'll be a better runner for it, and you might not need to run to keep up!

  2. Rubia in all her glory! CUTE picture.

    LOVE my early morning walks watching the day unfold.


    1. Thanks, hope your day unfolds just as it needs to today!

  3. Took mine, too but a bit later and got my usual 1.4 in. It won't be until fallish weather before I go back to the two miler. It's just too danged humid here! I was hoping for the full moon but got clouds instead.

    1. Oh, well, we take the sky we're given! Humid can be a beast... I went out and filled two cans with weeds and branches after breakfast, and was then DONE with the outside for today!

  4. cute cat i love my morning walks Hugs

  5. Enjoyed the jungle cat photo. Long-time Jeopardy fan here.

    1. Me, too, Jeopardy fan, that is. And it's LeVar Burton as guest host, this week, too!

  6. Nope, no cat here! There’s nothing to see, move along! 🤣

    Hope the women’s tri was as entertaining as you hoped. 🏊‍♀️🚴‍♂️🏃‍♀️

    I have a soft spot for Jeopardy, too. “I’ll take post-Spark blog topics for 200, please!” 😂

    1. Oooh... where did you find the swim bike run emojis? 🏊‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏃‍♀️ Bingo! Found 'em!

      Thanks, and the answer is: This game show teaches you even more than it tests you.

    2. Bzzz!

      “What is, ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire?’”


    3. I'll give you credit for that one, Anja, even though you know what I was going for!😂

  7. I’ve been watching the Olympics too, they are all so inspiring!
    Watching the swimmers has me wondering how much I remember from my swim instructors, now over 4 years later. I may need to sign up for a refresher lesson 😁 just the thought of it makes me giddy.

    1. Swimming might be just perfect to take your recovery up a level, too. I'm giddy FOR you!

  8. Buck Moon (full moon) on Friday. Moon set and sun rise...nice juxtaposition. Watching the Olympics is a "cool" way (literally) to spend an afternoon. Enjoy

    1. We had the moon still up after the sunrise today, happens fairly regularly!

  9. Glad to hear you made the early morning walk! My walking has digressed for multiple reasons but it is my first love activity. Since retired I don’t care for early morning moving but it is a great way to start the day. I love the times of year that I can walk at any time of the day and be comfortable. Good job beating the heat and getting in moon and sun views!

    1. This before breakfast walking thing seems to be a Summertime choice... and yes, a great way to start the day. Winter, I look for afternoon opportunities!

  10. Bet you’d love an agility trained dog. Just imagine trying to run that course at his speed. Just got back in from our walk with the dogs. Tell me why my DD’s 9/yo dog is much more energetic and faster than I am?

    1. Waaaay too smart, those agility dogs. They can get in SO much trouble if you don't keep their minds challenged!

  11. So clever, the way you're able gently to coax yourself into optimal exercise!! Rubia, you are a mighty huntress!!

    1. Years of practice... years of practice... in both cases.😁

  12. I stared at my treadmill this morning ... does that count???

    1. Hmmmm! 🥉 You get the bronze for inventiveness!

  13. Early morning is my favorite time to walk in summer, before the heat hits and traffic picks up. I enjoy the quiet of it. I adjust my walking time through the year to accomodate weather.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...