Thursday, July 15, 2021

Day 39 - The cats really do prefer outside


It is raining outside.  It smells wonderful!  I love that ozone filled fresh rain-washed smell.  And with the moisture (which we surely need here in the great bread basket agriculture-driven economy) brings with it cooler temperatures.  Ahhh!  Those little breaks make a Summer!

But the kitties?  Well, they are not necessarily fans of being rained on.  So I open the door and allow them to choose:  "In or out," I announce, "It is your choice."

More often than not, they choose out!  Here is Prisoner asking why I don't turn off the shower so he can go out from under the eaves!

Yesterday's doctor visit went well.  Yes, they measured BP in excess of what I've been seeing here at home, but I showed the doctor my Withings numbers, and he was fine with that as proof of "white coat" effect.  "Many people measure higher in here," said he.

The lipid numbers were better than they have been in a long time!  For those of you new to the story, this has been a long term back and forth with the doctor.  Three years back, he wanted to put me on a statin, even wrote the prescription, and I balked.  It sat in my drawer for a year.  And I didn't really clean up my dietary act much, either... I was in full rebellion:  "what's the use?  Even when I'm good, the numbers are not!"

Then my brother died.  And it was heart related (there is a longer story associated, but heart issues do run in the family).  And y'all know how fit he was!  So, reluctantly, I started taking the statin, 3 times a week.  I didn't want the side effects they talk about.  And in fact, I don't have them.  I am not taking any of the "CoQ10" etc. supplements that are supposed to battle said side effects.  Anyway, the lipid numbers started to come down, and yesterday, the doctor was grinning broadly.

The thyroid numbers were as they should be... which doesn't ever seem to surprise me... ever since I started on the thyroid meds, some 15 or 16 years ago, it has stayed steady... yes, even through the big weight drop.

Bottom line:  a good report, and clear to keep on working out, eating well, and living life!

Which is exactly what I encourage all my online "imaginary friends" (who did I copy that from, over on  I'm thinking BROOKLYN_BORN?) to do:  LIVE life today, making choices that will support your ability to keep on doing so.  Goal #1 is to feel good, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  So let's do it, this one and only Thursday July 15, 2021 we'll ever get!  Trust me, each and every one of us is worth the effort!  ✨💖😍🎇 Spark on!


  1. WOOHOO!! Great report! Proof you're doing all the right things!

    1. Sadly, even when I'm "doing all the right things" in my mind, it doesn't always turn out this good. I'm grateful!

  2. Great news on your visit!
    Who knows what goes on in a cat's mind?
    Dogs are so readable in my opinion.

    1. LOL... dogs have a super power, you know: making us THINK we know what they are thinking! They are so emotionally connected!

  3. Great job, Barb! I agree with your comment to Penny that even doing all the right things does not always give a good result. There are those pesky genetic endowments to deal with. Yet, lifestyle is an oft neglected solution in favor of the prescription pad. I think you did it in the right order! :)

    1. Thanks. The thing I'm most grateful for is still being functional, right?

  4. Woohoo on the great report - nice reinforcement for keeping up with all those healthy habits!!

    Glad you received some much needed rain. I'm in the NE so we have an abundance right now - wish we could send a bit toward the W. This is week 3 of a wet and unsettled weather pattern that includes tropical levels of humidity and scattered t'storms. We had quite a doozy Tuesday night - didn't notice the ozone smell maybe due to the humidity?? and/or perhaps because I was fascinated by the arrival of wild winds and/or I decided there was enough of a weather concern to double check that all was secure...

    1. LOL! Whatever we focus on, that's what we observe! And if safety is number one, the other things fall to the side. Glad you survived your "doozy".


  5. Congratulations on your good report.

    I had a physical recently and got the news that a part of my body might be trying to kill me, so I’m trying to figure out how to get it removed (navigating complex insurance stuff). So glad you got all GOOD news! ❤️

    1. Hope you figure out your puzzle of how to get the part of your body that's got "ill intentions" for you taken care of.

  6. Great Dr. visit! Good work. We're always a work in progress, but always great to take strides forward!

    I agree w/Prisoner, would rather the shower be turned off, but . . . we do need the rain!


    1. LOL... Prisoner says he's glad you agree with him!

  7. Sometimes it helps to hear the experiences of others when you have decisions to make yourself.

  8. Well done...would love to get off my BP medication and tried once or twice. No real side effects and it works (and doesn't cost me a dime) so it really is a nit.

    1. I thankfully have never been put on BP meds, but just this past year I scared myself with a reading a couple of times... but seem to be able to pull it back to normal with just "behaving myself" in the kitchen. At this point I'm measuring it daily, just like I weigh myself daily, and take my temperature daily.

  9. Great news from doctor's appointment. It has rained 11 days of July here in Central TX which is usually our driest month. Pets definitely enrich our lives. ~PHOENIX1949

    1. Do different plants bloom, or bloom more, with the extra rain, or does it just run off?

  10. I love Prisoner’s quizzical expression!
    Glad to hear the Dr. visit went well and you’ve got good health measurements.
    Love and Hugs,

  11. Good news.

    Our cat likes to go outside after supper. Ted opens the door before he goes to bed and Max comes back inside. He races to jump on the bed before Ted gets there.

  12. Hubby calls y'all my imaginary friends. 🙄

    I go back to the doc end of August coz of thyroid numbers ... T3 is always low but now its even lower. Coz we are "new" to each other ... she wanted to up my Armour Thyroid meds and see if that would activate my conversion of T4 to T3 "naturally".

    Not hopeful on my part.

    1. Guess I'll be hopeful FOR you, as a make up for not remembering your hubby called us "imaginary friends". It's possible he's not the only DH who does?

  13. I got caught in a down pour after Tuesday mornings gym class, I pumped gas, but I couldn’t get the full smell of it all since I was wearing my face mask😷
    My bloodwork from last month only showed abysmally low levels of Vitamin D, I’m taking it in liquid form, some days the Cod Liver Oil in it is the absolute worse, but getting the number up is the goal, so Down the hatch! 😁

  14. I did NOT want to start on the statins when my new PEI doctor announced I absolutely must -- based upon my own blood work results: It seemed absolutely "unfair" given my healthy diet for many many years!! Which apparently is proof it's genetic and that the meds are essential!! But no side effects whatsoever. Your cats would not enjoy the PEI climate: lotsa rain!!

    1. LOL, no, the kitties would not enjoy all that rain. Bet it is wonderful and fresh, though!

      Yes, some of us are reluctant about meds, and take more convincing than others. Unfortunately, hollering "unfair" doesn't help! 😁

  15. Great report, I am on statins too :) and heart meds, awaiting a hospital visit. Cardiologist says it is genetic.
    Phoenix is a ginger tabby who lives inside. He is nine and we love him :)

    1. My trainer is on the statins, too. You can be fit and active and eating well, and still need them. As you said: genetics!

      I saw Phoenix's picture on your blog... he looks to be a sweety!

  16. PS I am at


Spring? Not just yet!

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