Monday, July 19, 2021

Day 43: A good start to the week

It's Monday!  Time passes, even on a weekend.  Time passes even on a "quiet day".  And now, it's a fresh new week, "with no mistakes in it", as Anne of Green Gables would say.

The day has started well.  I went to the grocery early, while the shoppers were few.  I wore my mask, even though I am fully vaccinated, "just because".  I found the freggies I need to work my program.  I deliberately sought out frozen fish and veggie burgers, as I'd finally finished all that was in my freezer.  I brought home all the non-food things on my list (envelopes, laundry detergent, etc.)... because I remembered to take the list with me, perhaps!🛒

After all the goodies were put away, it was out in the neighborhood for a walk, before it gets too hot.  Although we are in a first half of the week lower highs than average for this time of year... topping out below 90℉.  

I decided that I wanted to go a different way from the "normal" route I walk, so turned down a different way and made a slightly larger loop to the West, instead of the sweeping one to the East.  Didn't take any photos, and didn't get lost, either, getting home with a slightly shorter walk, allowing energy for hopefully yard work later.

I'm taking joy in the small tasks, and giving myself credit for doing things like zapping the weeds that are trying to make inroads on my driveway.

Little green monsters are not all from outer space!  

Then I went on a "cancel subscriptions" spree to make room for my next little project:  I am trying out the Gold package of Cronometer.  I signed on for a seven day free trial, after which they will start charging me monthly, and I'm playing with the fuller nutrition statistics.  I figure in those seven days I will know whether it's worth keeping for a longer time.

But to make room for it in the budget, I canceled one streaming service and one on-line newspaper!  Balance, folks, whether it's food, activity, or money!

Now let's all get out there and live the best Monday, July 19, 2021 we can manage, right where we are in the process!  It is, after all, the only one we'll ever get.  And we're worth taking care of, wherever we Spark!  ✨


  1. I spent the weekend at our local park for a 3-day Christian music festival. Some friends from Scottsbluff were with me yesterday. It's truly an amazing event with someone from Guam and another from Australia who come! It's free but they do look for donations. They get big name artists to come, so it's rather thrilling at times! That said, I had 3 late nights and spell later than usual, making my day off just a bit. Temps are rising here and will be mid-90's or more so DH doesn't want to walk...we're getting old so the heat isn't as much of a friend. The grands are coming later so we'll get the little pool ready for them.

    Good for you making some decisions about media. We have an online local paper, and internet, but no other media subscriptions. I sometimes feel like I'm missing things, but that's life, I guess. I don't have tons of extra time with the grands here 3-4 days. I hope to get to the library today to renew my card and maybe a desperately needed haircut if the waiting time shrinks!

    1. ✨You've had a busy and happy weekend! Time to breathe a bit, and enjoy those grands!

      Deciding what "little" subscriptions I can live without is a periodic task! It's like weeds... if you don't keep on top of them.

      Good luck with the library and haircut adventures!

  2. Replies
    1. Gymnastics isn't the only activity requiring balance! 🏅

  3. I feel the less I "know" the better I feel lately. Skimming headlines and not delving in too deep.

    1. You've got that right. I think we might have been better off with only local news sources!

  4. It's all about what we're used to, isn't it? Have a great Tuesday ahead (you're almost to bedtime over there in the UK as I type this)!

  5. Sounds like a great start! I'm sitting on ice and reading blogs after today's PT. 1.4 to 1.6 miles this Wednesday; don't want to push too hard.
    As for news sources - DH found one that said Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell were telling people to listen to MSNBC - WOW EMOJI TIME! (on the laptop, no idea how to put an emoji here)

    1. I'm thinking your DH is either hearing or generating "fake news"...? Pulling your leg?

      The different route from this morning is 1.6 or if the 1.4 seems more wise, we can do the normal park loop plus a block.

  6. will be curious how you like Cronometer!

    1. I liked the free version, and have been using it for a month. Now I'm exploring whether I want to keep the "Gold" version... it drills down to a lot more detail, telling me what my diet is "missing" for bone health, or immune support, etc. It's interesting, but I don't know that it's not "too much". I might keep it a week, or a month, and later decide the free version is enough for me.

  7. Just finished watching Anne of Green Gables on Netflix. It was delightful. I pushed away from the “talking heads” type of media during the last election cycle. Too many angry exchanges. Personally, I miss Walter Cronkite giving me the days news. Wr walk in the neighborhood in the evening because it always cools down here. Our lows are still in the 60’s. We did live in Virginia years ago, so I am familiar with the oppressive heat and humidity in summer in other climates. Whew! I’d look out my window and think, “How did the settlers women survive in this heat while cooking over an open fire and being so overdressed for modestly?”

    1. Good question (about the women) and we might get a clue from women in other "modesty" enforcing societies.

      I miss "uncle Walter" as the voice of reason and calm, giving us the news, too. I prefer "just the facts, Ma'am", but it seems these days that nobody is doing that!

  8. Replies
    1. It is! And we don't really have a choice about it, 'cause if we get out of balance... that's when a slip and fall can happen, metaphorically or physically.

  9. I will be interested to hear what you think about Cronometer after you try the full version.

    1. Fear not, I will keep the readers posted! When have you *ever* known me to keep my mouth / keyboard shut? 😁

  10. Just letting you know I stopped by. Miss the smiling face waving emoji.

  11. Your walk sounds lovely. Being outside is the best, well, at least through 3 seasons anyway. Today my outside was finish the mowing with trimming some trees and bushes. Love working outside and connecting with the Universe.

    Balance in all things is important. It's too bad the leaders haven't learned that learn.

    Have a wonderful tomorrow.

  12. Great blog,well said ...balance is so important

  13. No mistakes in this day yet either!! Just love Anne's approach!! And your "balance" exercise: add an expense, remove an expense: makes so much good sense!! Joy in the small things . . .

    1. Amen. Joy in the small things! ✨🎆🌟🎇💖

  14. I can't wait (but I will) to hear your final decision on Cronometer

  15. News overload ... hurts my brain.

    Still searching for a "healthy" forum to help motivate, support and encourage me to get these @#$%!!! pounds off.

    Or do I just need to live life ???

    1. There are many choices, and sometimes that in itself is a huge barrier to decision making! You know you are always welcome here! 🤗✨


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...