Saturday, July 3, 2021

Day 27: Carlcation

That's what the kids are calling their weekend getaway.  They only went a state away, over into Iowa, to a dog-friendly hotel for the weekend.

Apparently there is a very friendly dog park with washing stations and everything.  Even a fenced in lake, just for the dogs!  

Carl had to learn to launch off that dock.  Son tossed a ball into the lake for him, and encouraged the effort.  

He is a safety conscious pup, and wasn't entirely convinced at first that it was.

But he discovered that it worked.  I'll bet future efforts will be more smooth.  

Photo credit to son's GF, of course.  These were clipped from video, so catching just the right moment was my chore...

And here she is with him, I think this is in the lobby of their dog-friendly "home away from home".  

And that's your slice of their little get away... now I'm off to explore Wagon Train lake from a kayak... special rental decision at the last minute yesterday, and I have about 20 minutes to finish getting my act together!

Stuff (bug spray, sunscreen, water, float, Garmin, towel for after the paddle) in the car? 👍  

Know the route to the lake launch spot?  👍

Good enough for me!  Here's hoping my Spark buds world wide have a safe and healthy Saturday July 3, 2021.  After all, it *is* the only one we'll ever get. And we're worth taking care of.  LIFE is good!  ✨


  1. Wow - a vacation spot designed especially for dogs!! What fun for Carl & his humans. If Carl decides he likes this form of fun and exercise, I understand there is a whole world of "dock diving" out there. My cousin has a Belgian Malinois (a breed that needs to be kept busy) and they go to dock diving competitions!!

    Hope you enjoyed your kayak advanture!

    1. I am impressed. They have been planning this for a while. It was a lovely outing with the kayak, thanks!

  2. Hey - Me, MamieAllie, saying found your blog and found my reading list and my blog so thank you for helping me pull it all together. Great pictures and looks like a wonderful place to spoil one's furbabies.

    1. Thanks... so glad you popped in to say "hi". I am collecting former Sparkers to follow, too, so I've added you to my Reading List and am glad to see you've started writing a Spark Blog in exile, too!

  3. That's pretty cool; a vacation spot designed to include the family dog. Particularly this time of year if the pup is worried by fireworks ...

    1. Exactly! There are many pups who are bothered by the booms and pops.

  4. Nice form for a first try!
    I hope you enjoyed your kayaking adventure!

    1. I did. They were renting in 2 hour chunks, but I'm only up for an hour of paddling at this level of fitness.

  5. The GF is so wonderful about getting photos to you!! What a great time!

  6. How awesome . . . a Carlcation! And Carl looks duly impressed! Nice pics.

    Enjoy your kayaking!

    Happy 4th.

    1. LOL! He was not impressed with the rest stops on the way, after his adventures throughout the pandemic! But the dog lake park did impress him!

  7. Awesome! Hope the kajaking from fun!

    1. It was awesome. There were a few power boats on the lake, mainly fishing, but when they moved, there were some wakes to navigate!

  8. Sounds like fun to be had, all around. A lot of people bring their dogs on vacation with them to Old Forge in the Adirondacks; many of the businesses are dog-friendly, and lots of the eateries have outside seating, where dogs are welcome.

    Kayaking sounds like a great impromptu activity.

    1. Today's sharing from their trip included "pub dog" training photos! I don't know if dogs really grin, but Carl looks extra happy, shining eyes, tail up... pleased with himself!

  9. Sounds like kayaking is becoming someone's new physical activity.
    ~ PHOENIX1949

    1. Maybe... perhaps it is related to how EASY these folks make it... they do the hard part of getting the kayaks to the lake, all I have to do is show up.

  10. Our puppy dogs go just about every where we go. Murphy the wonder dog is a companion dog to Hubby ... keeps him out of trouble.

    1. Very appropriate. After all, what good is a support animal if it doesn't go where you go?

  11. What a great idea -- hotel and theme park for dogs!! Dear Carl is doted upon: which is just as it should be. And YOU are getting into the kayaking big time!!

    1. I don't know about kayaking "big time" but it's a good complement to a walking / running program to give the upper body some work to do!

      Dogs rule the world humbly, cats do so arrogantly! LOL!

  12. How lovely they found a great place to go.
    There is nothing like peace upon the water when paddling, enjoy!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...