Friday, July 30, 2021

Day 54: Hydrate your pets, too!


It's hot out there, as they keep telling us.  That means we need to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  But don't forget that your stubborn beasts that insist on spending the majority of their time outdoors ALSO need to hydrate.  They will naturally do this, if you provide an artificial watering hole for them.  Rubia patted the surface of the water with her paw, as though she was teaching Prisoner about this "new" feature on the deck.  He took advantage, crowding her out.

And the garbage collectors started early today, taking away my can at the curb at 5:27 a.m.  Yikes!  I hadn't got the branches and weeds from the past week out yet... oh, well!  They will sit behind the fence for another week, and if I cut more, they will go in bags and wait for next Friday, too.

I am going to cut this short and head to the grocery store, with my handy-dandy list and mask, to re-stock my freggies and all that!

Take good care of yourselves, my friends, this one and only Friday, July 30, 2021 we will ever get.  Life is good!  Spark on!✨💖🎇


  1. Cool water is added to the dog's water dish several times a day during this horrid heat wave. He has a cool, shady space to sleep the day away.

    Early for groceries means less people...usually.

    Happy Friday! Enjoy your day.

    1. Happy puppy! Happy hu-mom!

      And yes, early for groceries means fewer people, and less grumpy people, and more people who actually mask up... i.e. this used to be reserved hour for seniors and the vulnerable.

      Bought myself a treat: pineapple, pre-cored... that will come with the yogurt snack time!

  2. Good reminder. Animals don't cool off the same way we do, so hydration is very important!

    Love the way Prisoner is hunched over the watering hole! HOPE he gave Rubia a turn! LOL

    1. Rubia, fortunately, is willing to come inside and demand that the faucet be turned on for her! She's a very pushy female! Doesn't remind me of anyone rolling eyes!

  3. We had rain this morning, and it won’t be as hot today. But humidity is up! We could really use the moisture, only .38 so far today. I’m glad you’re to know where to go for their hydration! I too like to go to the grocery store early in the morning, while the people presence is few.

    1. We usually get some variant of your weather a day later... and sure enough, they are predicting rain tomorrow morning. I shall look forward to that!

  4. Glad the kitties are getting water alfresco. Little Vanna White is the smallest of our three, but as the only female, she’s the self-designated BOSS OF ALL OF US. From the next bigger cat 2x her size, to me, at 47x her size! 😳

    It’s supposed to go down to 44F tonight, so we’ll have to cover the dwarf citrus trees (or maybe even bring them back inside?).

    Good news! The Blogger reading list seems to be working again! Now it’s in a head-to-head contest with the Wordpress reader I set up yesterday in frustration. As of a few minutes ago Wordpress is winning because it showed your post, and Blogger didn’t, yet.

    Maybe we should stage Blog Reader Olympics... 😂

    1. Reading list Olympics? Clearly, we don't have enough to do! LOL!

      44F? Sounds marvelous! Huge contrast from today, here. And little Vanna White sounds like a kitty after Rubia's heart.

  5. yes i keep a cup with me wherever I go so i dont forget to drink good message

  6. We have fresh water for Edison inside and out -- he prefers the outside water probably on the mistaken assumption it's natural.

    1. LOL! Who knows what goes through his doggie little brain? Instinct?

  7. My sister's puppy took quite a few days before she tried out the water dish on the porch. It was like that proverbial horse. Her cat will pass by Bella's water dish indoors and sniff at it and then turn her nose up in the air at it. There is no love lost between Bella and Hattie. Bella would like to be friends but she insists on chasing her. Animals! Hope your day went well!

    1. Precious critters enrich our lives... and help us laugh at ourselves! Thanks for sharing the Bella/Hattie show! 💖✨

  8. The dogs go out, take care of their business, and head right back to the door. Our heat is stifling. No checking out the yard, greeting dogs on other sides of the fence, hunting squirrels to run off, etc.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Smart dogs. My cats? Not so much! I'm not sure which of them dumped the latest murder victim on the doormat, but when I went to change out the water... there was poor Mrs. Cardinal, dispatched by one of the usual suspects. I grumbled in the heat while cleaning up.

  9. Enjoying your blog again. (hugs)

    1. Hugs! I submitted a question to the Blogger help to ask about why my blog entries are not showing up in the reading list... that's a bother. I read all prior answers about other people's blogs not showing up, and they did mention the "lag" of several hours as being a thing. But three days? Three different entries? So... we'll see what they say!

      Have a great "before school starts rush" weekend!

  10. Continuing with the masking at the grocery store here too . . . and making sure Henry gets lots of water, although it's not hot here. He prefers water with ice from the fridge dispenser!!!

    1. Oh, Henry, what a wonderfully spoiled pup you are! I love dogs and cats that get extra lovin' from their humans, including observing what they particularly like!

      We got a break here this morning with some wonderful RAIN!🌧

  11. I'm playing catch up ... again.

    We have a large water "bowl" out for our two pups. We have seen deer come and take a sip as well.


Blog delayed but no earth shattering news

  One of the more recent toy acquisitions.  We are learning to enjoy tug.  Sort of.   Both of these photos are from the sunny afternoons on ...