Friday, July 2, 2021

Day 26: Fleeting thoughts

I used to write my blogs "in my head" as I drove to or from work.  That fleeting thought hit my brain as I drove to the doctor's office in the morning commute hour for my 7:40 a.m. appointment to have my blood drawn.

The left arm didn't want to give up any blood.  Right arm cooperated.  And I walked out of the office with two "wraps" where the sticks had been tried.  Random thought on the way home:  "at least I'm balanced."

I won't know until the 14th how the labs turn out, as it is this doctor's practice to make sure they talk to you before they put the results up on the portal.  This is regular twice a year cholesterol check.  

I took my walk in the neighborhood when I got home, before breakfast.  After breakfast, I put out the flag.  It is, after all, the holiday weekend!

Of course, the first thing I noticed was that the tall prairie grass was going to encroach on the flag's drape, so I put on my broad-brimmed straw hat and did a bit of trimming up.

Then I came inside and called Sister #1, because I hadn't in over a month.  She had reached out about "getting together" for the 4th, and it all kind of fell apart as various of the family had other plans already.  We chatted for a while, recognizing that at least we had acknowledged the holiday and our connection to one another.  Son, his girlfriend, and Carl are on the road to a weekend get-away.  Sister #4 (SPINNINGJW) has work commitments, precluding the trip down from North Dakota. Sister #3 (ALICIA363) demurred due to their Benji being fireworks sensitive.  So, lacking enthusiasm from others, Sister #1 decided to take a friend up on a day trip to her friend's folks.  That's OK, I can put up the flag and count it as celebrated! 

I do have some sidewalk chalk if I decide to get artistic.  Probably won't purchase any fireworks, though, preferring to observe what the neighbors decide to do.

Lined up against the fence, here are this morning's trimming.  Hopefully fresh enough that any stray pops and booms won't catch them or the fence on fire.  

Here's the selfie from deck level.  

Speaking of deck level... Rubia had been inside while I was doing all the flag work and trimming.  She asked to go out while I was pacing on the phone with Sister #1.  I opened the door, she took two steps out, saw that flag, and turned tail to come back inside.  For some reason, my cats do not seem to be freaked out by the fireworks.  But mess with their environment to the extent I have for the past week and a half, and they are the definition of suspicious!

That's enough for today's fleeting thoughts... here's hoping my former Spark buds and anybody else who trips over my blog over here has a good weekend ahead, and remembers that their own health is worth taking care of:

  • Eat to support that precious immune system.
  • Get active to support heart health.
  • Remember to breathe and appreciate your lungs.
  • Get out in nature if you can, to fill your soul.  
  • And if you can do any of these things in combination, so much the better.

Let's LIVE this one and only Friday, July 2, 2021, right where we are, in the Present.  For LIFE is good.💖✨❇❈🎇


  1. sorry things didnt pan out with your sisters hope you have a nice holiday anyway Hugs

    1. I think we'll all live! Sometimes quiet is a good thing!

  2. Here's hoping your bloodwork turns out as well as June! Will count my blessings that I only have mine checked once a year but your post does remind me... just because it's too hot for cooked oats I can still do the refrigerator version.

    Will need to eat oats for breakfast in order to offset a not-so-healthy July 4th tradition. I bought a package of "white hots" (or "coneys" as we call them around here) produced by a local company. Not sure they will get charred over a camp fire or cooked on a grill this year but hot dogs are part of the "birthday" celebration.

    1. Hey, if those white hots are only once a year, you're doing well! I generally have one hot dog a year, at a baseball game! Otherwise, I can live without 'em.

      I'm curious to how the HDL's will look now that I have re-started the strength training program.

  3. Have a wonderful 4th. It's uneventful here, too, but have the flag out and the day will be duly commemorated.

  4. Sometimes that's the best kind of holiday; one where you can do what you want and reflect on the day!
    We worked shifts in our house, me in medicine, my honey in law enforcement and later my DD2 in the restaurant/bar business. Every holiday someone was working. I can't tell you how many times I tried to sleep through fireworks!

    1. Probably about as many times as I did (tried to sleep through fireworks)! This is a pressure-free holiday... no expectations!

  5. Really fascinating what the kitties tolerate or don't! Doubtful we'll do anything exciting on Sunday. BlackHills speedway is close enough that we'll hear their fireworks! Our flag will be waving...maybe put it out tomorrow. Grandsons (and their parents) have plans, then they'll arrive here Monday while mom and dad take a week away. We'll share a couple of days with the other gramma!

    1. Seems that a lot of people are hitting the road, one way or another. Good that you have another gramma to share with. Only now do I appreciate what a boon that must have been to my grandparents and great-grandparents that they were in the same general area and could shuffle us kids when needed.

  6. Too funny about your cats!
    I hope your bloodwork turns out well.
    You have very pretty plants. :)

    1. Thanks... cats are funny critters, for sure!

  7. The 'fleet' is about a little corny humor to celebrate. My flags are out, the house ready for company today to celebrate my 1 year retirement anniversary and I am back from giving some good old American red blood. Called my sister today, too, as well as my nephew who I have a real relationship with. Life is good, it's 80 degrees and a little humid but there is a breeze. Mexican Train on the menu first before potato salad and oven-fried chicken.

    1. Good for you, donating blood. They always need it!

  8. Our flag will be out and we will watch the symphony orchestra and fireworks on TV. One dog hates fireworks & storms and burrows under the bed. Storm rolling in now and, although illegal, the fireworks usually go off a lot the entire weekend. The other dog's attitude is MEH. Mosquitoes too thick these days for outdoor activities -- they like me and I can't use repellents. Our neighborhood association sponsors a parade that travels down one of our cross streets, ending in the park with hot dogs, hamburgers and the trimmings for all who want to participate -- #17 this year. God Bless America!
    ~ PHOENIX1949

    1. Symphony and fireworks go together so well. We used to go watch "Pops on the River" in Binghamton, NY, back when my son was young (as in riding in a stroller young). Our neighborhood association does a kids riding bikes in the park parade, but they didn't hold it last year. I have not seen any signs announcing it this year, come to think of it, but the big community fire works Uncle Sam Jam is on for tomorrow at a lake not far from my son's house. Which is why they are taking the dog out of town!

  9. We have fireworks at the lake every evening over the weekend. People watch from boats at the various locations.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Wishing you a happy holiday weekend!! Hope your blood tests come back reassuring, and that your cats get accustomed to the adjustments!!

  11. I love our numbers!
    Sister #3 😁

    1. It's like a little nagging thing: I've not named myself as Sister #2, but that would be me! 😍

  12. Just me and Hubby for the holiday. He grilled today so we can have left overs tomorrow.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...