Thursday, July 8, 2021

Day 32: Invoking the default behavior


Happy Thursday, people.  I blogged over on Spark this morning about decision fatigue, and how having a strong stable of "default behavior" helps us succeed in our self-care programs.  Some might simply call this "routine", or "process" or "health regime".  Bottom line, when you're weary, not feeling creative, and having to slog out a day, habit helps you get through it!

The habits I fell back on this morning were cooking that healthy breakfast, and getting out for a walk while it was still cool.  

I waited until after my sis (#1) would be done with her morning prayer group Zoom meeting before calling her to "check up".  She's fine, thank goodness... still a little tender at the point of impact, but swelling has gone down and she's functioning as usual.  She was about to try out the bicycle, if it wasn't too hot to ride to her next in-person church group meeting.  

Remember the new door, just installed a couple of weeks ago?

I tried it for a while with just the embedded blinds.  

Not too terrible, but, I missed drapes.  The old ones had become quite faded, so I ordered new panels.  They arrived yesterday, and I put them up just now.

I will try living with the drapes up while they "hang out" the shipping wrinkles before making a final decision. 

Since I have nothing particularly profound to say today, I'll just leave us with the usual reminder to LIVE today, this one and only Thursday, July 8th, 2021 we'll ever get... best can do, right where we are!  Because we're worth it, and LIFE is good!  



  1. Decision fatigue is always harder when you didn’t want the change in the first place. Routines are comfortable. Change is frustrating, annoying, scary and uncertain.

    I’m procrastinating until SP adds their food tracker. I have added the other apps but the little kernel of hope for the comfortable SP trackers exists. Stay until lights out.

    1. Oh, I'm over there until the lights go out, but I'm already tracking on cronometer far more consistently than I was doing on Spark. Turns out, for me, it's easier. Who knew?

      And obviously, here is my blogging home, and it is becoming habitual. So, I am battling decision fatigue with activism, but that activism, after a month? Kinda petering out, so I'm glad the habits have been established!

    2. I logged my food into the MyFitnessPal tracker for the first time and I like it better than Spark's. Exactly, who knew? I can even import recipes (from anywhere except Spark) and it automatically figures out the nutrition. No problem though since I realized all those recipes I found on Spark were actually added from another recipe site and those allow transfer.

  2. You have been so wise in establishing good default behaviours!! Tracking away. And blogging more steadily than ever!! An excellent role model!!

    1. What's nice about having had those defaults for several years is that even after a prolonged lapse, re-establishing them is kind of like "coming home."

  3. I'm glad your sister is ok. Yeah, we do dumb things and I have a catalogue of them!
    I opted for a simple valence over my sliders to break up the starkness of the wall. Maybe it looks silly, I don't care. Besides, my back is usually to that door ;-)
    Have a fun day; we've go the remnants of Elsa to contend with today...let it go!

    1. Sometimes simplicity is just what you want! I'm contemplating a couple of possibilities with these, including taking the drapes back down, for the "clean" look of just the sliders. The blinds do handle the light / sun heat issues, the drapes add an extra layer that could be welcome in Winter. We shall see.

  4. We gave up drapes and curtains at the lake house in favor of vertical blinds. Better for our allergies. Same reason we went with hardwood floors. Not as comfy as the carpeting though. Oh well, I shouldn't be walking around barefoot anyway.

    1. LOL about the "shouldn't be walking around barefoot"... yeah, that's me, too. So far, I have replaced two formerly carpeted rooms with laminate floors. I think my next replacement will be with carpet, but have to wait for the budget to recover from the door and the tree.

  5. You don't think you are profound, but that reminder about default behavior, routine, and habits is just what I needed. Thank you!

  6. I too am waiting for the promised nutrition tracker. Will stay until the lights go dark but I have joined 360 and I find I have more time in my day for things that I enjoy.

    1. I have a 360 account, too, but there are days when I just skip going over there. There is no personal connection there. They promise it too will come, but I worry that we'll all be long gone by the time they get it out there! And that, of course, it won't be "enough" for my wordy entries!

  7. The internal blinds didn't block out enough light for ya??? Or you missed the drapes???

    1. The internal blinds do a fine job of blocking sunlight AND the view. I didn't even order the new drapery until I'd lived with them for a week. And I still don't know if I will take those drapes back down again. Experimenting! Just like with Spark replacement tools!


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