Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Day 45: Before and after

 This morning's pre-breakfast chore (before it gets too hot and sunny):

Yes, those suckers!

I took a little step stool out to sit on while I worked at this.  As I was snipping away, I heard my name called, and there, taking his morning walk was a fellow I used to work with.  He's now retired, and has moved over to the condos to my north.  I had heard that from a fellow former workmate who is still working, but with the pandemic and all, this was the first time we encountered one another "in the neighborhood".

I asked after his sister, who used to live at the end of the street.  She used to walk her little dog past my house, but I hadn't seen her lately.  Turns out she's moved up to South Dakota into a care home, nearer to her children.  Sigh.  Life moves on.  The neighborhood is being morphed as younger families move into the houses, older folks move on to community living, and so on.  The cycle goes on, and this is no longer the "new" suburb that it was 40 odd years ago.

Anyway, Bill had to move along, and I still had a lot of those suckers to address.  Here's how I left it when I came inside to fix breakfast:

Much better.  I did not get the street side done, focusing instead on what I could do in the time allotted.  Oof!

Yesterday the trainer had me doing dead lifts, and we have been very careful about the form, to avoid back issues.  The stretching associated with yard work does not include the trainer warning you about your form.  So you have to be more conscious of it for yourself, as you get "old-er"!

Several folks have said they are anticipating a report on how I like the "Gold" features of Cronometer, as I had mentioned taking on the free week's trial.  So far, it is telling me some things I already either knew or suspected.  Here are my "progress toward targets" for one day, yesterday, followed by the ratios that are part of the evaluation.

I don't know how well these will show up.  The eight top circles represent, left to right:  
  • All Targets
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Electrolytes
  • Immune Support
  • Antioxidants
  • Bone Health, and
  • Metabolism Support
The things I knew/suspected were related to immune support, antioxidants, and bone health.

The good part of this is the insights when you click on the individual dial.  It tells you what nutrients are used in the rating, and how you did with them that day (or that day, so far, this is all enabled live, as you are entering today's food and supplements).  Similarly, if you click on an individual nutrient, it will tell you what food sources provide it.

Ratios between various nutrients are ALSO part of the scoring, and the ratios used are displayed, too.  In case the print is too small to see, even if you click on the picture, the four ratios shown here are Omega-6 : Omega-3, Zinc : Copper, Potassium : Sodium, and Calcium : Magnesium, because it's not just about getting "enough" of each of the nutrients, it's about the balance among them.

The analysis feature is retrospective, so you can go back and see how previous days' entries stack up!  So if you already have been using the free version for a while, all that data you entered can be looked at on day one of having the Gold "free trial" turned on. 

One of the first things I did looking at the first day's results was seeing how poorly I was doing with the Omega-6 : Omega-3 sheer values, I went back to days when I'd had, for example, salmon for dinner, or had the handful of walnuts with my morning snack.  No surprise, but I had better nutrition scores for immune support on those days.  

Yesterday, I added a potato to supper, in an attempt to make the potassium/sodium ratio better.  It improved, and the "Bone Health" score bumped up a bit.  One thing I noticed about the bone health was the inclusion of fluoride as part of the score, but I could not find a way to add my fluoride rinse into the equation.  So I'm probably at least a smidgeon better than it says.

So, bottom line, lots of new shiny numbers to look at.  Some insights into how much certain dietary changes might be able to help... and I have pretty much decided a week is not enough to learn everything I might want to learn.  I'm not ready to commit to a full year of this level of detailed watching, although that is the most cost-effective plan.  I'm going to go ahead and keep it and see what I learn on the monthly pay subscription, and whether it overwhelms me with TMI!  Then I'll either let it go, or switch to an annual plan.

Some people might be interested the Gold features for the purpose of timing their fasts.  The Gold features include timestamping when you enter foods.  Warning:  if you use the "copy/paste" function from another day, the timestamp comes with the copied food.  So if you're interested in the clock timing of your meals and snacks, enter them fresh!

That's about all I have to offer from my first three days of using the Gold features of Cronometer.  By the way, I mentioned it to my personal trainer yesterday, and he's hunting for something that gives him more nutritional information for health purposes, too.  So we'll see if he likes it!  Extra input... good, right?

Now, let's all get out there and live this one and only Wednesday, July 21, 2021 we'll ever get!  Make choices that support all those lovely bones, and immune systems, and so on... but also choices to feed your soul, and make your body actively happy!  Why?  Because we're worth it!  Each and every one of us!✨🎇💖❇  On or off SparkPeople... Spark on!


  1. One can easily update the time stamp after copying a meal group from one day to the next by highlighting the meal group, dipping just a bit below the meal heading, right clicking and then, selecting "Add Timestamp to Selected" and proceeding by updating the time for the items selected (entire meal group or just certain items). Hope that makes sense. You can also add your fluoride rinse under Custom Foods. Click Foods, Custom Foods, Add Food. Hope those key selections get you pointed in the right direction. If not, you know how to get in touch with me. ~ JEANKNEE

    1. Thank you... I played with the timestamp on the laptop... and it works as advertised. I hadn't seen the option on the phone app, but it works on the laptop! I still can't get it to work on the phone. I am finding that some things are easier on the phone app (editing amounts after I've entered a food, and I need to adjust)... and some things are easier on the laptop.

      And I made a stab at guessing how much Fluoride is provided by the rinse... it's not swallowed, and has no nutrition info on the label (it lists active and inactive ingredients... but not amounts in a dose). I went hunting online, and didn't find any more, I'd have to nag them to get more and I'm not sure it's worth that much to me.

      Again, thanks for sharing your skills, since you've had a bit more time to try things out!

  2. fun to run into old co workers sad as to life marching on good job with the roots

    1. Relieved to have those suckers cut back, even if it is only temporary!

  3. It's great to visit with old friends. Since I know absolutely nothing about Cronometer, I can offer no comment.

    Have a happy Wednesday!

    1. LOL... Friends are more fun than tech stuff, except to the geek that loves the tech! Thanks for popping by.

  4. Will all those bells and whistles help you make better choices for what you are eating? Do you do better knowing in real time what is going in?
    As I read on I saw you answered my questions.
    The Fitbit gives some good information but lacks controls where I need them It shows % of nutrients but no ranges unless you delve deeper. A small nuisance

    1. I'm thinking once I learn what I feel I want to, I'll let it go, just because of the level of attention to detail it requires to get good information!

  5. Thanks for the report!

    I’ve been pretty happy with LoseIt for the past 10 years or so, but it I ever need to drill down deeper, Cronometer sounds like it would do the trick!

    1. No problem. Writing about it helps me organize my own thoughts.

      It's fun to play with "new toys" from time to time, but it's also a good thing when you have found something that works and you can just stick with it!

  6. Glad you got to catch up w/your co-worker.

    Yes, our neighborhood is going through the same changes.


    1. Maybe it's not the neighborhood that's changing, it is our own roles in it? I've always lived in diverse age-grouped neighborhoods. But first I was the child, then the college student, then the young married, young mom, working mom, empty nester, and now retiree... of course in my case, I moved several times, but now I'm staying put and the role is changing "in place" while others are doing the moving.

  7. TMI for me, don't have your patience and perservance.

    1. LOL! If I was still working, it would for sure be TMI for me, too. Right now it's bright and shiny like a new toy. We'll see how soon it gets "old". That said, I really, really like the free version, it is so totally simple, and it's "good enough" for simple weight loss (yes, I know it's not always that simple). The bells and whistles are more about addressing health maintenance of a deeper sort.

  8. I tried My Fitness Pal yesterday. It works is all I can say. Nothing will immediately be as easy as SP. I remember learning SP and totally expect the same learning curve. Not sure what I’d do with all that info. If they want me to eat foods I don’t like because it’s good for me, don’t see that happening.

    1. There are always some options that I like, and in fact, on Cronometer when I asked the oracle (a Gold feature) for suggestions, it let me rank the suggestions as "Like" or "don't like"... and of course then it's always up to US what we put in our mouths, isn't it? As long as it doesn't kick in the rebellion response, I'm good!

  9. Looks like your new systems are going to work well for your purposes!! We, too, have a morphing neighborhood, though not all younger ones. Cost of houses here are ridiculous! House to one side is owned by a doctor who now has cancer and can't afford it, so it's for sale. The other side folks are in AZ trying to determine if they can stand the heat enough to relocate, so it may go up for sale. We'll see!

    1. Housing prices here are also up... and consequently, so are our tax appraisals, because our city does it based on market value, and adjusts every year. Hoping the "levy" rate will be adjusted enough we don't take too big a hit because of it.

      I've been enjoying seeing the newer, younger families, with their young pets out and about in the neighborhood. So sorry about your neighbor and the cancer... that is such a devastating diagnosis. Even though many types are now treatable even "curable", the cost associated with treatment makes decisions like your neighbor's necessary!

  10. Cronometer sounds like something my son-in-law would enjoy, if he logged his food. He enjoys the details of things that interest him. Currently I'm using MyFitnessPal free version and blogging here. It's taking a bit to adjust, but it's an okay thing ... having to learn new things is good for the noggin.

    1. Totally agree. Learning new things is what keeps us young.

  11. Such an interesting review of gold Cronometer -- and yeah, as you say in one of your responses above, so long as the TMI doesn't kick into the rebellion response, could be all good! With my intuitive eating I'm very conscious of optimum nutrition and this would support that for sure: but my fascination for shiny data is less than yours . . . .

    1. I suspect I will tire of it at some point, particularly if I don't see improvements... I'll end up seeing it as an "Oh, that's interesting"... and move on to the next shiny new thing. That's why for now I have stuck with the monthly subscription... I very much doubt my attention span will outlast two or three months.

  12. Ya know ... I love information but I haven't tracked food intake in eons. I got to obsessive about "good" and "bad" foods I just wanted to eat more.

    But ... I'm thinkin' I need a new out look on things. I was checking out Lose It. Any thoughts on it???

    AND ... when you respond to our replies can Blogger send us a heads up???

    1. Last question first: If you click on "Notify me" you will get emails of ANY new comments added, not just mine, but anyone else who comments on the blog.

      You might want to ask 4A-HEALTHY-BMI about LoseIt, as it is her tool of choice. I have never tried it, so have no thoughts to add.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...