Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Day 51: The Cronometer Decision

4A-HEALTHY-BMI, a.k.a. Anja,added to the thread about nutrition trackers over on the Maintenance Google Group that she had stumbled over a discount on Cronometer for former Sparkies!  

Here's the link, in case anyone reading here isn't subscribed to that thread and might be interested.  Discount for Spark Refugees

This would be to buy the "Gold" version.  Cronometer also has a free version.  Clearly they have recognized a marketing opportunity.  

My own journey began with using the free version, which I found in some ways easier than Spark because I didn't have to think about "what meal" to record my foods under.  

Much later (about a week ago) I decided to take advantage of a free week offer, just to see what the Gold had to offer and if I could learn something from it without becoming obsessively absorbed by it.  Having already entered over a month's worth of data, and the Gold tools being able to read and assess the data I had already entered was pretty impressive.  It pretty much affirmed a lot of what I suspected about my dietary choices, but it does go further if I want to learn.  I concluded within the first week that I would pay for a month or two to see if I got tired of it.

Then this offer came along... and I decided to change to an annual subscription, to see if the discount would be applied.  I thought it had been, but I was misremembering the original price.  Still they credited the month I had already paid for, and only charged me the difference.  So sorry, maintainers, I lied in the thread... I will go correct that!

So I'm in for a year!  It's only $39.99 for a year, anyway, at the full price, so my turning off Hulu will pay for it!  The 10% off for Sparkies offer is good through September 1st, so if any of you wanted to take the path of "try the free version for a while and enter data, then decide to take them up on the annual offer" that's still a possibility.  

But if you're a data craver, and want the tools right up front, what the hey, go for it.  And I can really see how it would help if you're working with a nutritionist or a doctor on needs specific to your personal health situation.

Just now, I heard from my trainer... no session today.  A couple of days ago, he'd texted me and scheduled one, so I had been hopeful, but looks like his health issues still need some attention... keep praying, those of you who have been.  I know I am.

I've already been on a pre-breakfast walk, to get out before the heat descends.  Knowing I'm not going for a trainer session, I brought the dumbbells upstairs... with the determination to do at least a minimal strength and stretch workout.

Now for the "picture of the day", flowers.  These are my brown-eyed Susans, which are now in bloom.  What's been really fun about the flower photos has been as I file them, finding the date on which I took their photos in years past.  The flowers know what time of year it is, when it is time to bloom, and when it is time to rest.  We can learn a lot from the flowers, can't we?

Now let's all get out and live the very best Tuesday, July 27, 2021 we can manage, right where we are in our journey of life.  After all, as I keep saying to myself and anyone else... it's the only one we'll ever get.  And LIFE is good!  We are each and every one of us worthy of our best efforts at taking care of ourselves!

  • Eat to support your immune system.
  • Be active to support your heart health.
  • Exercise your mind, to keep it supple!
  • Love on your family and friends... IRL (in real life) or virtual... for love fills the soul.
  • Give yourself the space to have both alone time and people time, in the balance that works best for YOU!  Only you can determine what that balance is, in your own experiment of one.
Be well, be happy, Spark on!  ✨πŸŒŸπŸ’–


  1. You wrote: "And I can really see how it would help if you're working with a nutritionist or a doctor on needs specific to your personal health situation."

    Good timing for me as this coming Friday I expect to get my referral to "The Journey" -- program targeting heart health that addresses the interplay of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Still not sure which software I will use.

    1. Wishing you luck and good feelings about whatever software you end up with!

  2. So great that Cronometer is supporting Sparkie refugees who like rich data!! And those brown eyed Susans are gorgeous!!

  3. My Susans are in bloom now too. I admired some in others' gardens for a few years before I finally got some of my own.

    I plan to try the free week to see the difference between free and gold Cronometer.

    1. My Susans came with the house, 22 years back! They are very hard to kill.

  4. I watched the women’s triathlon yesterday, tough wet course!
    And it looks like there was a historical event on Jeopardy (lowest score).

    1. Yes, tough course for the women! And I missed the Jeopardy historical event!

    2. I kind of wonder why they didn’t make the offer sooner; the date on that post is only a week ago!

    3. Oops. That was meant for the comment below. 😳

    4. Maybe they only just tumbled to the Spark closing late in the game... perhaps from some of us in the live Webinars learning the tool.

  5. Bummer about the discount. Glad they pro-rated the month, though! πŸ˜ƒ

    1. I notice that JEANKNEE is asking for the discout "after the fact"... I haven't decided to do that... yet.

  6. Beautiful flowers that I’ve not seen here. I loved your comment “without becoming obsessively absorbed by” the data. Yes, that would be me, too. Need more off screen time to find eye candy for the kid.

    1. We have to pace ourselves, don't we? Thanks for popping over!

  7. I hope your trainer gets better soon. Good for you for keeping up with your exercise until he can return. I'm grateful there are so many good opportunities on YouTube, too, to keep fit when we can't go to a gym or be trained in person.

    Brown-eyed Susans! That makes me nostalgic. We used to see them all along the roadside in rural Georgia and South Carolina.

    1. I do, too (hope the trainer gets better soon). It's especially hard when the strong, tough guys have something wrong with them.

  8. Adding my prayers to yours and others for your trainer and all those who struggle with health issues today.

    1. Thank you for your prayers. I, too, pray for all struggling with health issues, so amen to your words!

  9. Thanks for popping by... it feels good when you do even a little toward your fitness!

  10. annoying about the discount, the flowers are lovely, great attitude, hope you have a great day x

    1. Thanks for stopping by... got me wondering if the Reading list updated... heading over to check. Hope you have a wonderful Friday, too.

  11. I have been a member of cronometer for years but have always just relied on sparkpeople. I have not been compliant for many years until recently so it hasn't mattered much where I track. There is no place like sparkpeople. I'm not sure how to proceed actually. I'm looking for something that doesn't exist. MorticiaAddams

    1. You are so right... there's no place like... Sparkpeople. I made a conscious choice that the most important piece of my program was writing (my blogs), so hunted for that aspect first, and landed here, "as a test". Then I looked for a tracker that I wouldn't have to work too hard to use... and landing on Cronometer. Beyond that, there seemed to be a bigger community of Spark refugees over at My Fitness Pal, so I tried it out, and many of them swear by the tracker there, so it might be worth a try.

      I have, however, found I'm happier with Cronomenter and this blog, so am only using MFP as a place to point to this blog, not as my food tracker, and not as a blogging platform, either. Kind of like a secondary subscription, just to connect with a few other people.

      Good luck in your search for a new "home base"!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...