Saturday, July 24, 2021

Day 48: Chasing herons down the lake


Can you see the heron?  We counted seven or eight wading toward water's edge.

This morning's adventures were mostly unphotographed because the kayak I was using was a little bit of a challenge to handle.  Every time we have rented from this little company, I've tried a different craft.  This time they put me in the owner's own kayak (there were already nine kayakers out on the lake when we arrived).  It's a slightly different cut, and handled slightly differently, which was a challenge because every time I would try to pause to take a photo, the kayak would turn in a circle, pushed by the wave and wind pattern.  So I took one, at a distance from shore, to try to capture the heron as he (or she) was wading.

Then I put the phone away and said "no more, I need to focus on controlling this craft" because by the time I got my photo taken and the phone tucked away again, my friend was quite a bit further down the lake, and I had to not only work on keeping the direction straight, but also on catching up!

Near the very end of our rental time, close to the camp site they were launching from, I paused again, and this photo shows you how far away she got in that brief period while I got out the phone and took a couple of shots:

Can you see her, the little blue kayak toward the top center?

Proof that we were there is here, all mussed and happy, after we got out and were getting ready for the drive home.

The drive to and from was the adventure we expected, being as neither of us had been down there since they changed which roads were open and closed.  The new "big deal" in traffic control these days is the roundabout, and there are three new ones in the newly reopened road... one on each side of the overpass over the new South Bypass to handle the on/off ramp traffic.  This could be interesting, as the city grows.

Runkeeper mapped my route:

Interestingly, Fitbit decided that I was swimming for 28 minutes of this, and only "active" for 38 minutes.  I am often amused by Fitbit's decisions about what activity I've been engaged in.  It will regularly label my neighborhood walks as being Elliptical machine sessions, or part Elliptical and part walking.

What all of these tech tools can't give you is the sense of well-being that being active in nature gives one.  The feeling of the breeze, the sun, water falling from your paddle and splashing, the awareness of the cry of the heron (I don't remember ever hearing their voices before today, or at least not connecting the sound with the birds.)

We paused for a bladder relief break and to eat our packed snacks before heading home again.  My friend has decided that she likes this lake better than the one that is so close to both our homes.  This one is not that bad a drive for us, only about 20 minutes away, but the other one we can both reach with a walk from our respective homes.

Heading back in... Spark on!

In short, it was a good outing!  Here's hoping that my Spark friends (fellow refugees) are finding similarly fulfilling things in their Saturday, July 24, 2021.  It's the only one we'll ever get, and well worth LIVING, best as each of us can.  For Life is Good!  ✨🎇💖


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks it was... and a good upper body workout, too.

  2. Gorgeous photos!! Yes, I could see the heron and your friend in the kayak ahead! So glad you are able to have such an adventure! Yep, my fitbit also claims Ellipticals. Oh well...doesn't matter.

    1. As a retired programmer, I'm interested in the glitches in algorithms, but mostly they amuse me.

  3. i agree nothing like being out in nature even if your smart device is wrong what a fun adventure alexsgirl1

  4. Ah, the outing sounds absolutely wonderful. I really love the water and being out in nature! Glad the two of you are enjoying your kayaking adventures. Kind of nice that you've been able to try out different crafts. What fun! Nice that you've now connected the Heron with its voice. ~ JEANKNEE

    1. One of the advantages of renting is being able to try those different craft... next up... a paddle board? But only on the calmer, close to home lake, at first!

  5. Looks like you and your friend had a wonderful time!

    OMG, I HATE round-abouts. There are so many around here and funny to see, there are ALWAYS at least one or two body shops somewhere off the round-abouts. Coincidental? Think not!

    1. Cough-cough... yes, those body shops know where to locate?

      Seriously, I had seen a LOT of round-about use in roads updated within the past decade... in Wisconsin, I noticed a whole lot, and now they are here, too.

      And yes, we had a great time!

  6. I am packing and watering in antipaction of trip to Portland Oregon in the morning for a week.

    1. Hope you have a pleasant trip. Travel safe and take your "insurance" mask!

  7. There is nothing like being on the water doing anything! Unless it's being in the mountains! It sounds like a good time to me!

    1. Either one (lakes, mountains, oceans, forests, pick your favorite natural setting) is great, and yes, it was a good time. Even given that I *almost* got safely out of the kayak before losing my footing and going 💦 splash, back into the water! 💧 I got sand all over my friends floor mats!

  8. My fitbit has given me Elliptical minutes too. (I have never been even seen an elliptical machine.)

    1. I have to wonder how it differentiates between walk and elliptical... I can see how jog/run could be detected by the impact, jostling... but walk and elliptical would be hard to program the difference!

  9. Who cares what the fitbit said about your trip? There is no way it could measure the healthy activity and the happiness on your face. An absolutely splendid day for you and your friend!!

    1. That's why the Fitbit so amuses me! I can see why the arm action of paddling a kayak could be algorithmically detected as swimming. And yes, it was a splendid way to spend time with a friend!

  10. It looks like fun I know I'd have trouble getting in let alone staying upright the photo of the two of you thanks for sharing your break away :)

    1. This firm has a few of those "sit on top" kayaks, which are really easy for beginners... and they help you get in and out! Yesterday's "mishap" getting out was my own fault... the gent was letting the stubborn independent lady do her thing! He would have gladly given me a hand, but he was being respectful of my wishes.

  11. Living my aquatic adventures vicariously thru yours. ❤️

    1. Happy to supply those vicarious opportunities... only adds to my own joy to know you're living/dreaming of when they will be your adventures!

  12. What a lovely day! I miss kayaking and our local heron population. It was deciding to fold myself into our new tandem kayak that set me back to the point that I went back to the doc for the MRI referral. Probably a good thing in the long run.
    I do get to watch the herons fishing from our dock. Big beautiful birds.

    1. Injuries can be so frustrating at times, but it's better to get out in front of them with treatment. Watching herons fish from your dock sounds incredibly peaceful.

  13. The Fitbit is simply the spectator in your parade!
    Mine tells me all kinds of things, but I know what I did.

    How does you lower back feel after a trek on the water? That's on thing that keeps me from trying.

    1. Lower back feels... well, it depends on which craft I am assigned. They vary in back support. The one yesterday was nice support. My son's GF's kayak is a fishing kayak, and it has great support. The little blue "kiddie" kayak? Not so much, but I survived!

  14. Our city recently installed roundabouts all over the place much to the confusion of the average driver. I find them very useful but most people are mad about it. Oh, well. Elsewise, I can say with certitude that you and your friend look very happy as one would be after time on a lake. Outside fun makes the inside hum!

    1. Yes, well, many people don't care much for change...

      Me? I'm wary of "new" things while the learning curve works its way through the driving populace. The cycle track downtown? Yikes, that was scary as a cyclist for some time while the drivers got used to it!

      And I totally agree about outside fun feeding the insides!

    2. Very nice trip report!

      Someday it would be interesting to hear your impressions of each craft you’ve paddled (including make & model). I found over time as I became more experienced, I valued maneuverability and glide over “primary stability” (that’s what they call the tippiness when you’re sitting at rest. When in motion you can rely more on secondary and tertiary stability.)

      As those preferences developed, I also spent less and less time at rest and more and more time in motion, which I guess makes sense! LOL

      I can’t even remember if my old Fitbit ca 2012-2015 registered anything while I was paddling... I think I used my Polar HR monitor to log sessions. Which probably wasn’t super accurate on some of the whitewater runs which involved a racing heart not due to exertion, so much as adrenaline! 😂

    3. LOL, 4A-HEALTHY-BMI, I could not tell you make and model, as I just accepted what they gave me and went with it. The first one was a green sit-on-top. I used the same craft for the second outing. Third outing was an orange one where the feet went inside. See what I mean? At least I do know that my son's GF's is a fishing kayak, but I couldn't say what make! Not being a close observer makes me a horrible witness / reviewer.

    4. I see the potential for a spreadsheet, should you ever consider getting your own... 😂

      ...also, happy to suggest kinds to try if you ever get to that point! 😉

  15. Yes, I think I'd be a bit leery of going out sea-kayaking... at least until I get better at the lake kind!

  16. Just nothing like that feeling of well being from exercise in the open air -- look at your faces!! They say it all!! I do love my kayaking -- and I'm getting used to the many round-abouts on the Island too!!

    1. Thanks! So good seeing you making yourselves at home in your new home territory, it seems so perfect for you.

  17. WhooHoo ... you caught up with your friend AND got a picture.

  18. Oh my, I'm not a fan of roundabouts; mostly because I'm not accustomed to them and worry about getting hit when I make a mistake using them.

    1. They do take some getting used to, but they are just a circle you enter and stay right until your street shows up... The single lane ones are the easiest, but in Europe there are some that are three lanes wide! And THAT's when a mistake can be big trouble. If everyone is careful... big IF!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...