Friday, July 23, 2021

Day 47: It's Friday! Weekend ahead!


Rubia (the blonde) and The Prisoner overlook their domain, as the seeds of Summer heat pervade the air.

I am sitting at my dining room table, with the sun streaming in through the sliding glass door.  Soon I need to shut the blinds to control the heat.  But just now, I am enjoying the angle of the sunlight streaming over the roof next door and filtering through the trees onto my own roof.  It has yet to hit the deck directly (where the cats are seen posing).

My healthy breakfast is being consumed, one savored bite at a time.  The layering of flavors... the bitter of the cocoa powder, the sweet of the blueberries, the tart of the strawberries... the differences in texture between the oats and the fruit... ah, yes, and the taking of time to appreciate and be mindful of this as nourishment AND treat.  Food is not meant to be rushed, is it?

The to-do list is light, today.  The softener salt people are going to come refill my tank "sometime" today, with a phone call first.  I'm thinking that anticipation makes it a good morning to do things around the yard, rather than walking further afield.  Later, after they come, a grocery run, as I'm nearly out of salad fixings.  And everything with a thought to being prepared for tomorrow's treat:  another kayaking adventure on the lake I explored on July 3rd, this time with a companion, my friend G, who got me into this whole "let's go rent a kayak" thing!  

I was flattered yesterday to get a FB friend request from my cousin's daughter.  She just graduated the University this year and has started a new job here in town.  I'm always impressed when I see the next generation "coming up" and taking on responsibility.  So full of optimism and energy... and yes, observing this brings back memories.

I heard from the mythical son yesterday evening, too.  He's looking at a new vehicle, so had called and talked to his dad about it.  Talking to his dad reminds him that he has a mother and that he hadn't heard my voice in a couple or three weeks... so... phone call.  Said vehicle would make transporting the kayaks for him and his girlfriend easier, and it would be a step forward into hybrid, "greener" technology.  But supply chains being what they are, he's going to have to wait a while before it becomes available.  This "vehicle trading" is a guy thing... he comes by it naturally, as his dad was a big one for it, too.  But as a mom, it's just a joy to hear your kids talking about things going on in their heads and their lives, especially if it's something they are enthused about.

Anyway, the yard chores are calling and I want to get out there before it starts getting too hot.  I'm shutting off that Eastern sunlight NOW!

Here's hoping a good Friday to all my Sparking (on or off the Spark site) friends!  Make good choices this one and only Friday July 23, 2021 we will ever get.  Because we're worth it... and LIFE is good!  ✨💖🤗


  1. Don't forget to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Hot weather and outside work has a sneaky way of getting to you before you know it!

    1. Yes, ma'am. I came back in and downed water. Went out again for a bit after the softener salt guy came, and back in fairly quickly to more water.

  2. We've got roofing and gutter folks coming, but I'll be keeping grandsons busy! I too love seeing good next gens coming into smart responsible positions. Their future makes a difference with our futures. My 2nd son rarely initiates a conversation. The oldest does nearly daily, but usually about his sons or his dogs ;-}

    1. Yes, Carl is a big topic of conversation with my son, too... latest vet visit, how Carl doesn't like the new ear drops or heaven forbid the dietary reduction (Vet told son to use the same number of scoops, just put less in each scoop, because dogs can count... son has news for Vet... this dog isn't buying it... he can read the volume in the bowl! 😁)

      Have fun keeping those grands busy!

  3. Your posts are calming and peaceful. They remind of days past and enjoying a cup of morning coffee and conversation with a good friend. Wishing you a happy Friday!

    1. Thanks... and have a happy Friday yourself, too!

  4. Glad you heard from mythical son! Yes, trading/buying cars is definitely a guy thing. Oh, I've done it, but it's not something I like to do!

    Hope the water softener peeps show up sooner than later.

    LOVE the picture of Rubia and Prisoner.

    Stay cool.

    1. Yeah, I'm a buy one car, drive it until it falls apart (maintaining it well, along the way), then buy another to replace it. I generally keep a car about 10 years or even longer. Son and his dad? I'd say less than five!

  5. My day has begun much like yours, absent the mythical son. Neighbor has some major work being done on their pool and the equipment in use is loud, loud, loud. Still enjoying the start to the day. Windows and sliding glass door open, cool breeze from the northwest off the river and the chortling of a hummingbird. Enjoyed the picture of Rubia and Prisoner. Enjoy your day! ~ JEANKNEE

  6. Saharan dust in the air here so after getting in the paper this morning, I'm not venturing out.

    1. Sounds like a good day to button up and stay in!

  7. Sorry, I smirked at your water softener mention after last year's fiasco with it breaking!
    I keep a car until I kill it. Sometimes that happens sooner than I want. I WAS a high mileage driver but last year, not so much. Planning to go back to being me by next year!

    1. Really?!!? (Can't say as I blame you for the smirk... after they installed it, they put me on this quarterly plan where they come out and fill the salt tank. I no longer have to purchase the bags and haul them.) And with the commute you had back when we first "met" on line, I'm not surprised you were a high mileage driver, either.

      Ah, to be ourselves!

  8. i so love quiet morning just me and the birds and my coffee

  9. Don't you love relaxing mornings to enjoy the food and sunshine - just because you can!

    1. I do. Just because you can is the perfect designation!

  10. In this passive solar house, we keep the shades down on the outside of the south-facing windows we can reach, from May to September. The windows on the other three sides let in light but their thermal coatings exclude the heat. So the prisms in those other windows cast rainbows into the house all day, as the sun moves across the sky (or, technically, as the earth rotates us past the sun, LOL 😉)

    Today is Bluberry Processing Day. One batch of chutney down, several batches of jam to go. All cooked on a portable induction burner, powered by our solar panels, plugged in to the wall in the shady outdoor summer kitchen on the north side of the house. 😋🌞

    1. The designer of this home put no windows on the south side at all. The brick exterior soaks up the sun, and radiates the heat back through the house overnight... wonderful for Winter.

      Sounds as though you are having a very productive day!

  11. It's really nice that you have a good relationship with your son. Rubia and Prisoner are good looking cats. It sounds like you had a full day ahead of you. I like your description of your treat. sounded real good.

    1. Hot and sticky... but got done what needed doing.

  12. What a lovely blog and straight from a Mum's heart, 'just to hear their voice'. Enjoy your day. Love the pics. Pats for the felines :)

  13. Lovely quiet morning -- just my kind of time too!!So happy you're continuing with the kayaking and taking pleasure in it. And yup, I too drive a car a long long time: but I AM thinking that a pickup truck would make it easier to load our kayaks . . . . hmmmmm.

    1. LOL! Hmmmm! Have fun with the fantasy... and maybe at some point the reality... of easy kayak transport.

  14. Your breakfast sounds intriguing! I'll have to try that. = )

    1. Thanks, if you do try it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! I cook regular oatmeal in milk, and add the cocoa powder (1 Tbsp) to the cooking oats. When it's ready to pour, pour it over the fruit, stir, and savor!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...