Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Day 31: Normal day? What's that?


My son's GF is so generous with posing Carl and posting photos that I can snag... here he is with a silly face from yesterday.  So even if he is no longer in Grandma day care a day a week, he's still very much a presence in my life.

ALICIA363 (a.k.a. sister #3) and I (a.k.a. sister #2) opted to walk early today for a variety of reasons, and one of the things she noted was that I greeted a couple of the dogs on the route by name.  "Willow" and "Tilly".  Adorable critters, who live on opposite sides of the park from one another, but both out with their humans in the 7 a.m. hour.

Yes, I'm a doggie fan!  Surprising, since the animals who share my domicile are felines.

Just now it's 71* F outside, but humid!  Still I'm taking the risk of having the windows open and the fans running.  The HVAC folks are coming *sometime* this morning to change the filter.  This is something I could easily do for myself but it comes with the service, and I'm retired so I can let them in.  But it does mean I have to stick close to home during their "window" which is about 5 hours long... at least until they have come and gone.

Other family adventures involve Sister #1, who managed to pull a tree limb down on herself (she thought it was just a small dead branch, turns out the whole limb was detached in the storm), banging her head.  This was yesterday evening.  Naturally, she called me, since I have that whole concussion experience from 2016... "I think I'm OK, but what should I look for as a sign to head to the ER?"

Me: "Did you black out at all?"

She: "no"

Me: "Any nausea or dizziness?  Those may show up later, but they are symptoms."

She: "not yet.  Big bump on the head, but I expect it to heal up pretty quickly."

We conversed long enough for me to see that she was "with it", and promised to check in this morning.  

I texted her early this morning (pre walk), "You up?"  She texted back, "Just getting up.  It's overcast, so I slept a little later."  Anyway, so far, she's fine, no symptoms other than that bump on the head and of course the second guessing we all do:  "Should have worn my bike helmet" she thought, after the fact.  

So... with our eating and exercise plans, do we ever have second thoughts?  You bet we do!  But as with the decision (or lack of decision) about putting on protective gear before doing something that looked so innocent on the surface... can't go back and change the decision after the fact.  But we CAN use it as a learning experience and do better with the NEXT decision.  Not extreme.  Better.

May this one and only Wednesday, July 7, 2021 we'll ever get be one of "better" choices for each of us!  Choices that support a full life, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  Choices that are kind toward ourselves and our bodies, as well as toward others.

LIFE is good!  Let's go LIVE it!💖😍🙋🙏


  1. Oh goodness...sure hope that bump shrinks! Good thing you were able to talk her through it! It's 74 but terribly humid here!! I know DH will want to walk, and I've already been sweaty with the 20 minutes on the recumbent bike and 10 on the rower. I may have him help me open the kids pool after the walk ;-} Sweet Carl!!!

    1. Oh, everyone will enjoy that kids pool! High humidity? Don't fight it, get wet, already!

  2. hope your sisiter is okay Hugs

    1. She seems to be... been in touch, and she's already back posting photos of her flowers and closeups of the critters (insects, larvae and winged both) in her yard over on FB.

  3. Good sister. Nice when we can share from experience.

    Every action stars with a decision. Wild Child is a quick draw artist when she’s unhappy. Keeping her happy keeps her more agreeable.

    1. I think I like your Wild Child! She and my "Toddler Barbie" would get on well with "parallel play" perhaps?

  4. Carl, you're a handsome canine dude! So nice that GF posts pictures!

    Wow! Glad that your sister was all right after that branch incident! YIKES. Good job assessing for concussion and good for HER for calling you. Yes hindsight is 20/20, isn't it!

    AS you skillfully pointed out, we can't change the past but . . . sure can learn lessons from it!


    1. You would have been a good one to call, too, Barb. I think among the sisters, 1-4 here, we take turns being the caller and the called!

  5. My sister went from having a cat (she passed last Dec) to a dog (got him last month), I say I have a vicarious dog, I get all the puppy love without the messy bits of cleaning up after him. He’s always excited/happy to see me. Some days I really need that (its different coming from a pup than from another human).

    1. You wrote that so well... that's exactly how I feel about Carl (although I puff out my chest and call him Grand-dog)... I get the joys of having a dog in my life, and the next generation gets the work of bathing a muddy dog and dealing with any needed discipline and training! And you are right... unconditional positive regard is what a dog gives us!

  6. Nice goofy picture. Very foggy.

    Second time trying to comment. Happened with ALICIA363’s blog today too. I thing Google is hiccoughing.

  7. The 5 of us siblings have group texts for important news to make sure all included when called for -- usually followed up with phone calls to fill in details.

    1. We have some of those set up, too... in various combinations and on more than one platform: text, FB Messenger, e-mails...

  8. This old dog needs to learn some new tricks. I'm so used to Spark sending out notices for new blog post, that I forget to do a daily check on blog spot. I thoroughly enjoy what you post.
    Thank you!!

    1. Yes, I will miss that, but new routines will be established, for sure! And if not, we may be in a "letting go" spot, where they no longer served a purpose, and we'll be OK with that, if it turns out to be the case.

  9. I love dogs, too! Carl is such a handsome guy, so vivid.

    Sorry to hear about Sister #! pulling a tree limb down on herself. It must have been quite a shock, but glad she suffered no damage. It reminded me of when I was a teenager cutting Mom's hedge all by myself and all of a sudden without warning was on the ground. So unexpected. Maybe your sister felt that kind of shock. I wasn't hurt either, but it was pretty weird.

    Thanks for the vivid blogs!

    1. I thought I gave a reply yesterday, but here I am and it's not showing up. Yes, she was shocked when it happened. Surprised. She's doing great by the way, but was wise enough to call someone so we'd be checking up on her... I wasn't the only sister calling to check in.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you... will pass it on to the photographer!

  11. Yes, do hope your sister makes a full recovery, she sounds okay from what you say. Have a great spark-filled day!

  12. Replies
    1. And she continues to improve. We are all grateful.

  13. Replies
    1. ✨😍Still hunting for that big Grin that Spark offered as an emoticon!😃

  14. What a great Carl picture -- he is so photogenic!! And glad you're checking in with your sister -- I bonked my own head quite badly (dusting under the breakfast peninsula) a couple weeks ago and had a splendid bruise!! But no permanent damage . . . .

    1. Glad YOU'RE OK, too! As for Carl... you should see the out-takes from his photo shoots... they are sometimes quite hilarious! Son's GF has been a wonderful socializing influence on him.

  15. Carl is one good looker and he looks like the kind of dog I could get along with. My sister in Montana just got a new pup. He is a great Pyrenees. Her and her husband have had that breed before and love it. It's been a while since they have had a dog and this pup is really giving them a run for their money. They named her Bella and she is quite cute.

    1. I've seen the great Pyrenees on the Westminster dog show... majestic breed! I'll bet Bella is a real love. Being a "big breed" I can see how she'd give her family a run for their money. Carl had to be trained to be gentle with "grandma's pace".

  16. We've had a slew of puppy dogs ... but only one kitty. She didn't last long after scratching the heck outa Hubby.

    1. We are flip-flopped, with my growing up family. We had a succession of cats (13 before I moved out), but only one pup... who didn't last long after he jumped up and toppled a toddler.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...