Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A little indoor sunshine!

The "just because" flowers are holding up well, a week later. Nice and cheery, providing sunlight even when the big sun is hidden behind a layer of clouds.

The softener salt delivery guy came today, after I was home from my trainer work-out.  I was about to close my eating window, sipping on my biocoffee, which cannot be consumed during my fasting hours, if I want to have a "clean" fast. 

I'm still stuck on "Married At First Sight" (sigh), a reality TV show based on experts matching strangers, they marry (legally) at the alter when they first meet, and then in 8 weeks (with various structured expectations) they have to decide to either stay married or legally divorce.  They have been doing this show for 16 seasons.  Each season they match 5 couples of strangers.  OK 16 times 5 makes 80 couples, so far.  Of those 80 couples, 11 are still married.  Pretty sketchy outcomes, if you ask me.  So it's the drama of relationship building / breaking.  This is the third time I have got sucked into this drama, out of the 16 seasons.  I think I saw season one.  Then years passed before I slipped down the slope again.  I think it's only a year and a half since I last did.

Meanwhile, I finished reading Dragon's Code.  I slowed down reading, when I only had a few pages to go.  Ever do this?  You don't want it to end, so you slow down the last chapter or two?  That's me!  Some of what went into the equation with this particular book is that every Pern novel that comes out now is a total gift, as the original author is no longer with us.  A couple were either co-written with her son, or in this case, written by her daughter.  It has followed the pattern of laying the story line within the timeline of the other novels, including some of the same characters, and introducing a few new ones.  Very satisfying.

That's about it from here today.  I shall sip a mug of Earl Grey tea, unsweetened, and black, which is allowed during fasting hours, simply because.  I have since taking up IF started drinking less caffeine bearing coffee, and more decaf and tea.  

Here's hoping that my friends out there in blog readership land have had a good start to this week, and are doing best they can to take care of their health and fitness, whatever the weather sends their way.

Life is good.  Keep Sparkin'!



  1. The flowers are still beautiful. Do you trim the stems and change the water every day or so? Apparently so. That trick really extends the life of cut flowers.

    Culligan was here again today. The tech assured me that this time it's repaired correctly. Fingers crossed.

    The winter weather advisories have moved north into our area with 1-3 inches predicted. I'm still hoping it will miss us again. A couple of weeks ago we had this prediction and didn't get one flake. That will work for me.

    I'm about to finish "A Heart that Works" by Rob Delaney. A book about dealing with grief. It's time for a change. I've been scouring the New York Times book list, but nothing strikes a chord. I think I'm going to dig out a couple of Erma Bombeck's books (I have them all) and treat myself to some laughs. Today is Belly Laugh Day. I'll be a few days behind, as usual. ;-)

    An added benefit of subscribing to Walmart plus is the free Paramount streaming service. I read earlier today that the service offers "Everything Everywhere All at Once". It's gotten several Oscar nominations. I think that's my snow day plan for tomorrow.

    Enjoy your Earl Grey and have a wonderful evening. ♥

    1. I do trim the stems, and add plant food to the water. This time I kept the leftover mixed plant food water, and added more a couple of days later. So yes, lots of tricks to help. My mom taught me about the stem-trimming many years ago (she used to work for a florist, in fact three different ones over the years).

      Good luck with the weather and the water repairs! Mom was a huge fan of Erma Bombeck and used to read her columns aloud to us when I was a kid. I continued to follow Erma for many happy years of smiles. Nothing wrong with being a few days behind... the important thing about these days of celebration is to put the thought in our heads, isn't it?

      I have yet to watch Everything Everywhere All at Once... but I do have Paramount plus, so maybe that will make it to the top of my watch list before it goes away! I did finally get around to Top Gun Maverick this month.

      Have a peaceful evening and a safe snow day!

  2. My sister is really into "Married at First Sight",it's just not my thing. It could be because its not a black and white old movie, LOL. I do love me some trashy reality TV though.

    Our weather is cold, very cold. We were above freezing today at 33, but back in the 20's the next few days. Stay warm

    1. Well, I hope your sister is enjoying the new season. I'm always "I wasted my time" after I get sucked in, but I get sucked in nonetheless!

      Our very cold is coming for the weekend!

  3. I could easily get pulled into those shows at times but I try to keep it to shows we both like so we binge watch Call the Midwives, Bones, Castle, Midsommer Murder and the like.

    1. I think I have watched every episode of Bones and was sorry to see it go. At various times I have got into the others as well. I tend to vary which shows, based on which streaming services or channels are available.

  4. Thanks for the book review. It may be place in my 'cart'.
    I haven't watched any of those relationship reality shows, although I've gotten sucked into Special Forces: World's Toughest Test. It's fun to hear DH describe what it feels like to do those challenges as they are similar to what he did in SWAT years ago.

    1. I think the shows that suck one in vary, depending on what else is going on in your life! I'll bet it is amazing to be able to get feedback from your DH on the show. I would bump things I heard or saw up against my son's knowledge of psychology and the military, both.

    2. Back to those shows, we watched last night where they repelled from a tower. DH had done similar and also from a helicopter. It gives me a new appreciation of why he gets frustrated that he can no longer climb a ladder!

    3. Those always give me the willies, having a total phobia of open high spaces. Sometimes hard to wrap my head around my son's many helicopter flights in dangerous parts of the world. I can totally understand frustration with losing skills one was once proficient at! Sigh.

  5. I don’t slow down the reading, I tend to binge the last few chapters. The one other thing I do: read the last page first! I know, I know, it’s odd, but I can’t help it!!
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I always want to know what happens AFTER the book is over.

  6. Replies
    1. Heck no, I don't read the last page first... wonder what I wrote that made it seem that way? I will confess I sometimes get ahead of myself and write part of the blog, and then edit it to past tense later after things have changed. I started writing this before I finished the book. And finished the blog AFTER I finished the book.

    2. No, RKD wrote the comment! I had to laugh after my reply hit the screen. Oops. It was more of a mental response that I typed out!

    3. OK, now I have the comment sequence and it makes sense! Dee did say she reads the last page first. Me, I finish the book and then want another chapter or a sequel.

  7. I’ve never watched that matchmaking show but it sounds really weird to me…it’s difficult enough to stay married when you actually have known someone a while!! I agree with you as far as the outcome statistics…pretty dismal results! Glad that you are indulging in and enjoying your reading…not familiar with the author(s) but sounds interesting. Eissa7

    1. I think it's all about the drama, kind of like "Real Housewives" that I have never been sucked in by. Usually I get tired of this one, too. I wondered about it the first season (before any of those statistics were available), but on the other hand, a lot of the world operates on arranged marriages, even today.

      They called it a social experiment, testing to see if having the commitment up front would make the marriages last, or have a better chance of lasting. Doesn't look like it's working. But it's made cheap drama for them to sell advertising.

  8. What beautiful flowers!

    YIKES! 11 of 80 couples still married (from that show). Wow.

    Snow today and through Sunday, but have it cleared . . . . for now!


    1. In this day and age of everything being on social media, I kind of wonder if the "cast" that apply for the show are there for the match or the attention, and I've seen a lot of examples of mis-communication. It stirs up memories of things that were tough for my husband and I on our honeymoon and in our marriage.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...