Sunday, January 8, 2023

Bracing for a people-y week ahead!


When the calendar gets busy, I do need to pace myself.  As a retired person and an introvert, and it being Winter, I try to keep my appointments down to one a day.  To a degree this is self-indulgent, but one could also consider it self-preservation!

Taking it easy over the weekend leading into such a week is a pattern I've found most successful.

Monday the HVAC folks will show up to change my furnace filter.  Now this is kind of excessive, in that I can easily do this myself.  But it's part of the subscription service that also saves me from emergency call-out charges, so I do take advantage.

Tuesday and Thursday are my trainer workout days, which is every week.  Wednesday and Friday are medicalizing ones:  fasting blood work on Wednesday, and a regular dental cleaning plus x-rays on Friday.  I will be curious to see the results of that blood work, given I've been following that intermittent fasting since Halloween.  And I need to get my "don't miss this when you go to Boston" list together for my dentist for Friday!

Meantime, I watched moonrise out the front of the house, then sunrise off the back side.  These two photos were taken within minutes of one another:

Great ball of fire!
   Sunday was supposed to be a "down" day but it turned into a bit of a flurry of cleaning / organizing.  

   I cleared off what used to be the "phone" shelf (before I went mobile only).  I q-tip cleaned the burner controls on the stove.  I sorted the loose change jar into rolls of coins.  And I shredded papers that weren't needed to be saved, and filed some others.  I cleaned the Keurig machine.  I even squirted and wiped down the sliding glass door, more a lick and a promise than a proper cleaning, but it's easier to see out now!

   I was done with all that by 2 p.m.  At that point, I decided enough!

Pale mistress,
on the way to setting.

I rewarded myself with a walk outside in the sunshine.  They have started laying in the concrete base for the creek crossing, down the block.  Lots of others out walking themselves and their doggos, as this is likely to be the nicest day that most folks have off work.

I was pleased to received a new "toy" that I was tempted into ordering.  I probably don't "need" this, but I bought a chest lamp that clips into my Noxgear light vest.  I'm thinking this will work better for me than the head-lamp, for pre-sunrise or post-sunset walking.  Carl and I will match, and I'll be able to find his poo after dark, when I'm boarding him while his "paw-rents" go on their honeymoon!

Hope you all had a fine Sunday, too.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. You have a full week ahead. Going for a walk in the sunshine is no doubt a great reward for your busy day. The new toy is a safety precaution that will keep you and Carl safe on those daily walks.

    Wishing you marvelous people-y week ahead.

    1. Trying to think ahead for what will make that week easier! I have so much "stuff" I acquired while doing my athletic things for ten years or so, but this seems like a refinement I'll enjoy.

      Wishing you a good week ahead!

  2. Sounds like you keep busy!
    Me, too. I've got one banger of a day this week. Gym at 10 with DH, Pilates for an hour with DD2, run home and go next door. My neighbor is a hair stylist and works out of her home. So convenient. It's time to shorten this 'do a little more.

    1. I don't like to be quite this busy, but I think I'll survive! Next weekend is the danger zone, with the let down from being so booked.

  3. More rain in our forecast this week, so another week without an outdoor walk. I went to the same gym yesterday & today, different times, but it seemed fuller than usual; resolutioners. As long as this regular gets her regular spot in class, no harm, no foul.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I've been thinking about you out there in the great state of mudslides, earthquakes and wildfires. Seems no season is fully safe! Glad you've got your spot in class, this happens every year, right? And you keep keeping on! Good job, my friend, good job!

    2. Went to the week day gym this morning. Parking lot A was packed, so strike one for the resolutioners. I had to park in lot B and jog up stairs as it started raining, of course. I had to tell myself it was a pre-warm-up warm-up😉

  4. That is quite the week you've got coming up. I feel you as an introvert as well. The only thing I have to do this week is take Scooter out for a doctor's appointment.

    1. I've been giving myself little pep talks... that's only one small visit, you'll have the rest of the day to do with as you please!

  5. I am very much like you and I don't make appointments all in the same day either. I just can't face that much doing and going. I like the quiet too and busy weeks like that are rare and exhausting - LOL. I don't schedule anything on the visiting mom days either. All the best for your week ahead.

    1. I never liked it back in the days when I was working, either, but you do what you must, right? Somehow we lived through the days when we had no choice, and the reward of retirement is a little bit more control over our scheduling.

  6. Good luck w/your people-y week ahead!

    The moon was so gorgeous on Friday and Saturday! Love full moons.

    Oh the early morning walks are challenging w/Miss Lilly . . . finding the ‘treasures’ she leaves. BUTwith my light on the cell phone, problem solved. Ad HER coat has neon lights that make her VERY visible . . . and cute! That will be nice to have a lighted vest for you whe walking Carl. I probably should consider something like that when out with Miss Lilly @ Zero Dark Thiry!!

    Here's to a good Sunday.


    1. Just trying to think ahead! April will be here before I know it. It feels more like March than January today!


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