Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Waiting for the storm to blow in

This is a state of mind we live in during the Winter.  We have been so fortunate so far this season, at least in terms of being able to get around and do things.  But the proverbial "other shoe" may be about to drop.  

Our forecast has "one last day" to scurry and prepare, then starting early tomorrow, we're on the borderline between a "2-4 inches" and a "4-8 inches" of snow.  A lot of which we get will depend on the dividing line between rain/sleet and pure snow.  Anyway, it's due to last all day long on Wednesday, so I doubt that sis and I will get our after her work walk in.  But there will be a workout provided by Mother Nature.

The photo is of my anticipated "gym" equipment for Wednesday.

After Tuesday's trainer workout, I savored the last of the turkey chili for luncheon.  I went outside for a walk, and found my body was just not up for it!  I cut it short at half a mile.

Shortly after my return home, I got the app notification that my new lower dose of thyroid medication was ready to pick up.  Anybody ever go to a store the day before a predicted snow storm?  😆😅😂😁😜

The drive-thru was closed and they only had two pharmacy clerks on duty.  When I walked in I was 7th in line.  Apparently there was some kind of glitch in their system and folks who had been called to pick up didn't always find them ready right away.  Add to this the usual confusion I encounter at this place when I pay online.  I tell them I paid online.  They scurry around and find the order, then ring it up and ask me for money.  I tell them again that I paid online.  They scurry around to cancel the transaction and hunt up the online payment.  And then, as has happened before they say "you should tell us up front, it will save time".  "I did."  Still I feel for the clerks, they were truly slammed.

Amid all of this I got a brief phone call from my son, but he was "between appointments" at work, so it pretty much consisted of "good to hear your voice" and "love you".  But that's enough to keep a mom going, don't you know?

The clouds rolling in.  Our Winter Weather warning at this point will run from 6 a.m. Wednesday to 6 a.m. Thursday, but just now it's still 42℉ (5.5 ℃).  

They've been changing the forecast for the band of snow, and now it's showing us solidly in the predicted 4 to 8 inches.  The trainer had picked up that this is supposed to be wet heavy snow.  OK, folks, that's why we work out, to be strong enough to deal with it.  That's it from here:  braced for the weather.

How about in your neck of the woods?  Taking good care of yourself, one day at a time, I hope!

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. We've been tracking the storm as it moves east. This morning, Accuweather has posted a winter storm watch for your area. I see now it's been changed to warning. While I know you're ready to put that "gym" equipment to good use. Please be careful!

    Sounds like a typical SNAFU when it comes to meds and online payment. Glad you got it sorted out.

    A phone call from kids makes everything all better.

    Sure hope the brunt of the storm misses your area. Be safe.

    1. I reserve the right to wimp out on the Thursday session with the trainer if the snow/ice is too scary for me. And yes, I'll be my usual cautious self while clearing off.

  2. The snow is falling and it's already looking like it's going to be a big one.

    Nothing like a quick call to make ones day.

    1. As of 6:12 a.m. Wednesday no snow yet... but I'm sure I'll be alerted when it starts even if it's still dark. Both cats are outside. LOL.

  3. Oh how I remember those snow forecasts from our decades in Cincinnati…yep, grocery stores were always packed and out of milk and bread IF you were lucky enough to even find a parking spot! AND, I was very well acquainted with my friend, the snow shovel…
    I hope that you don’t get the heavy white stuff, but if you do….please take care using your “gym equipment”! Karen (Eissa7)

    1. Taking care is the plan! As I often quip: "this is why we work out, so we can handle this when it happens." But I am a cautious worker, doing it in shorter sessions.

  4. When I told DH you were getting maybe 4-8 he thought I said 48! Not such a stray thought after all California mountains have had. Lucky you, it's not that bad!

    1. It did not happen overnight, it's due to happen over the course of today. And it hasn't started yet, but schools are closed, and people are being told not to go out if they don't have to. I'm thinking folks who commute to work before 8 a.m. are going to be ok, but the commute home might be ugly.

  5. Still well above 0 and rainy and gloomy. Suppose to get something from Colorado later in the week but I wonder if it will just miss us. Sometimes we just seem to be in a pocket that misses most of the bad weather. I know what you mean about the drugstore. I do most of my stuff on line but they still run around and then tell me I should have said something even when I did.

    1. We've been missed several times and while that's convenient for getting around, we are an agricultural state and we need the moisture, badly!

  6. Yes, I am so glad Jason’s discharge from his shoulder surgery is today, while the weather is still holding. Rain/snow/ice heading this way. GAH! 4+ in. of snow anticipated here. And yes, wet/heavy stuff. Starts overnight tonight into tomorrow . . . all day.

    Yeah, tell me about it! The day before a storm is ridiculous in the stores!

    Stay safe!


    1. I was out walking as it was first starting this morning. I was glad to get around the block (only about 1/3 of a mile) before it started getting bad. It's still in the "freezing rain" phase now, two hours later. We may end up with less snow because of this, BUT with a layer of ice underneath that is NOT good news to ME.

  7. We’re going to stay between 40°s - 60°s for the next 10 days or so. No envy here.

    “That’s why we workout”: mine was holding on to my steering wheel and keeping my car in my lane after hitting that pothole Tues morning. I got checked out by the chiro, he said I was good, I just need to relax. No more long drives scheduled until the end of the month.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. We are no doubt building pot-holes with THIS storm. It is about 4 p.m. and no snow yet... all ice (freezing rain, freezing drizzle, and sleet).


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