Friday, January 6, 2023

Gratitude for week 1 of 2023 (January 1 - 7)

 It's a new year, but I'm going to try to continue the gratitude for the week lists.  This one is for the first week of the year, which happens to start on a Sunday.

January 1, 2023:  Today I am thankful for personal rituals, in particular for my re-set of the Pebble Jar calendar.  For anyone who doesn't already know, I mark the beginning of each day by moving a pebble into the center jar from the current "month" smaller glass.  This is my calendar, all set up to celebrate one day at a time, starting on January 1st, each year.

Last year was full, but it's all reset, and we start appreciating each new day, now!

January 2, 2023:  Today I am thankful for a sense of peace, of settling into the New Year.  Since New Year's Day fell on a Sunday, many people may have today as their "holiday" off work, which gives extra breathing room to contemplate and start whatever initiatives we might have decided to start (or re-start).

January 3, 2023:  Today I am thankful for the absence of icy roads.  It was safe driving through a foggy morning to work out with the trainer.

January 4, 2023:  Today I am thankful for the furry friends that share my domicile.  Yes, they can be a nuisance at times, yes, they are foreign in some ways, but they are also amusing, and they are company!

Doesn't the house background look bare without the tree taking up that far window-space?

January 5, 2023:  Today I am thankful for online ordering and home delivery.  I never was much of one for shopping in stores.  The pandemic accelerated the number of things I get on line.  Yesterday I ordered the 2023 Christmas tree, as they are on sale just now!

January 6, 2023:  Today I am thankful for a "down" day, with no scheduled events in it.  Next week promises appointments all five week-days, Monday through Friday, and I need to soak up some quiet time!

January 7, 2023:  Today I am thankful for grocery stores and the ready availability of safe, nutritious ingredients that can be built into healthy meals.

I'll start a new gratitude list on Sunday January 8th!  This one's good for the week!


  1. Happy New Year, Barb.
    -RunKeeper Dee

  2. 01-01 Lucky foods for the main meal: blackeye peas with a small slice of chopped ham, steamed cabbage, and corn meal muffins. The sun is shining, it's 58* and the front and back storms are open to let in the fresh air. It's been a lovely start to the new year. I am thankful

    1. What a great start to 2023... here's hoping it continues in this vein! Happy New Year!

  3. LOVE the pebble jar!

    Grateful for another year. Grateful to feel healthy and plan to maintain that this year w/good nutrition/exercise.


    1. Happy New Year, and what a great feeling to be healthy and have the plan for maintaining!

  4. It's our 'family' tradition to watch you fill it!

    1. LOL! Rubia tried to "help" me reset it, batting at the pebbles in the tub as I was filling the little month jars. Had to remover her, several times, from the fray!

  5. 01-01 - For spending time with good friends and seeing in the new year.
    01-02 - For the Rose Parade and all it's creativity and beauty and the tradition that says it is time to put the decorations away.

    1. I shall hum "tradition" for you as you put your things away for another season! And what could be better than time with good friends?

    2. Thank you my friend.
      01-03 - That I live in a country where I can get all the items on my list without much thought of it. Too many places in the world where you can't.
      01-04 - For the internet because when it is down you really see how much it is part of one's day.

    3. No kidding about when the internet is "down". We have become dependent in our businesses and our personal lives (as I type this onto the internet). And Amen to being able to get what we need without too much thought.

    4. 01-05 - For good visits with Mom, so far they out number the sad ones.

    5. 01-06 - the warmer temperatures that we have so far that make it possible to take walks outside still

    6. Warm temps and outdoor walks in January definitely gratitude worthy!

    7. They sure are. 01-07 - the priests that have been amazing help in my life, yes I know that there is evil that hides among them but there are also some many pretty amazing ones too that have helped so much.

    8. Spiritual guides don't have to be perfect to spur us in the right direction, do they? Even a flawed vessel has its uses, and that's a comfort to us as humans, flawed as we all are, too.

  6. Got Christmas put away here too, except for the tree, as the kids will be here Sunday. Then I'll store that away, too.

    Here's to a marvelous Monday.


    1. Good decision... tree must be there for the kids! Have a fine Monday!

  7. 01-02 Ten year old GD came to spend the day with me. After one game of Yahtzee, she decided she wanted to change to Crazy 8s and we played several games. We stopped for lunch and she requested that we dine at her favorite 5 star restaurant: Dairy Queen. There isn't one in the town where she lives and there's one nearby, relatively speaking. So we took a break and away we went. Ate, returned home, more cards, and then the return trip to her home.
    This is a rare occurrence for which I am grateful.

    1. Oh, Jeanne, that sounds like the kind of day I would have spent with my Dad's mom. She had no television until the last year of her life, and so all entertainment was "home-made", like games and "doing things"! What an awesome day you had, and the perfect kind of thing to fuel the gratitude juggernaut!

  8. 01-03 Mother Nature was kind to us for the third day in a row. Once again, I was able to open the front and back storms to let in some fresh air. A long phone call from Bob's cousin in Buffalo to share the story about the storm of the century and to let me know that she's safe. I sent a couple of texts to check on her, but the phone call provided better relief. I am grateful for the magnificent start to the new year.

    1. I'm so glad Bob's cousin got back to you. It makes a difference hearing the voice. Nice week to start off the year... a couple counties North of us? Not so much! So I'm grateful for where I am.

  9. I agree about the house looking empty, as does mine. The glow of tree and garland lights made my room feel 'warmer'. On the other hand, now I can see out my window!

    1. Exactly! We can see out the window... a good thing to be grateful for!

  10. ALWAYS appreciate my fur baby. They love unconditionally! And are entertaining! Prisoner is so handsome!

    Yes it seems bare w/o the Christmas décor. BUT soon it’ll feel normal again.


    1. He just hopped up there and demanded attention! I like being able to see the flurries a-flying outside the windows, so even though it looks bare at first... as you say, soon it will feel normal!

  11. 01-04 Sometimes, bare is a welcome relief after all the glitter and glitz of the holidays, at least for me. I'm grateful for a day that was filled with nothing urgent and that's how the day went...nothing urgent...just diddly. ;-)

    1. I trust you diddled your squats... sorry, couldn't resist! Yes, it feels like we're clearing the decks for the year ahead!

  12. 01-05 Nothing like planning ahead and being prepared, with the tree, I mean. Today was a sunny day, but colder and windy. For January, it was a mild day. More diddly squats. I'm thankful.

    1. Quiet days are like gold, I store them up so that when a week is people-y I can survive it. Next week will be people-y, so I'm hoping the weekend is quiet!

  13. Next year's tree? You are organized!
    Enjoy your down day. I think I am taking my man to get a new phone today. All my troubleshooting did not help.

    1. LOL! I know how expensive they get before the holidays! After the holidays you can save quite a bit (if you have the storage room, that is). My old one has disappeared from the curb this morning, along with the trash.

  14. Yes, it feels good to have a down day !


    1. I even streamed a more recent movie today! Top Gun: Maverick. Yes, I know it's designed for iMax, but I watched it at home, and was pumped.

  15. Always grateful for the "down days". I'm going to start a gratitude journal this weekend. Thanks for putting that idea to honor gratitude daily.

    1. Daily gratitude is certainly a long-revered practice among those who are most at peace with themselves... dating back centuries. I kind of like the idea of "simple things" that we can be grateful for... doesn't have to be huge (like world peace) to be gratitude worthy!

  16. 01-06 Aldi and Walmart stock-up shopping today. Wintry mix tomorrow and that is my planned down day. I am grateful.

    1. Glad you got there and back safely, and hope you're having a good "down day" today!

  17. 01-07 Food prep from yesterday's grocery run. I'm tired. The wintry mix missed us. I'm grateful.

    1. Funny how the more "senior" we become, how our gratitude becomes there for what we're not experiencing, from bad weather to ill health. "Better you than me" is a real thing at times.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...