Saturday, January 7, 2023



I said in the gratitude post Friday morning that I'm grateful for a quiet day, without anything scheduled.  It started with a beautiful sunrise, as seen from my deck, pointing up the street to the East.

What a quiet day looks like in my world involves "diddling" as my friend Jeanne calls it... or "putzing" as I often do.  Today I tossed in a couple of loads of laundry.  I went for a walk to the mailbox to send off my estimated tax payments for the 4th quarter.  Then, totally out of character, I contributed to the jackpot for MegaMillions.  I think this makes maybe the fifth time in my life I've bought a lottery ticket.  I did NOT expect to win (and as they numbers confirmed on Saturday morning I did not... not even the $2 ticket price back), but when the jackpot gets huge, I have been known to toss a few bucks in to build it for whoever eventually *does* win it.  It's entertainment for a day.

My great aunt used to buy the lottery scratch offs, and she kept all of her winnings in a special jar.  Her theory was that the lottery purchase money went to support public schools, and she, being a teacher, was all for supporting the schools.

I have long held that I would make a lousy rich person, and that even having a "chance" at winning the lottery was stressful.  Makes it easy to not waste one's funds.  And now that I have that out of my system for 2023, I ought to be good for another decade or so.

I indulged in streaming a "newer" movie on the TV.  Top Gun: Maverick.  I enjoyed it, old fashion thrills, although I have to say, it almost seemed that the conversation between the fighter pilots on the target run reminded me of Star Wars (the original, which later was labeled "Episode 4").  In the end, don't all movies have pretty standard plot lines?  It does not take away from the fun, for me.

Saturday morning my 2023 Christmas tree and its container arrived.  That spurred me to start deconstructing the old tree's cardboard box for the recyclers, to make a nice spot for the new tree in the garage closet.  As long as I was doing garage closet storing away, I finished it all off by putting Frosty back in his padded box until next Christmas season.

Saturday was also a good day to construct a pot of turkey chili, so the house now smells like spices.  It is likely to be the chilliest day in the five surrounding ones, but I went out to walk in the neighborhood anyhow.  One simply must take advantage of dry sidewalks in January when they present themselves!

That's about it from here for now!  Tomorrow I'll start a new Gratitude for the week post.  

Hoping that all who drop by are living their lives well, hydration, nutrition, activity and challenging your minds!  Because, after all, as my brother used to say, Life is Good, and those kinds of things help us remember that it is so!  Keep on Sparking!



  1. LOL! I have to agree . . .. I’d be a rotten rich person. LOL I couldn’t imagine changing my life and am satisfied Good feeling!

    Glad your new tree arrived. That will be nice.


    1. Oh, so I'm not the only one? LOL! I'm thinking this new tree looks really small, compared to the last one... but I really do think it's the right size for "just me".

      Have a peaceful Sunday.

  2. I'd have to buy a ticket first, but I think about all the places I'd like to donate thousands of dollars if I were to win.

    The tree sounds perfect. Enjoy the evening.

    1. You can't win if you don't play, as they say, but I play the lottery about the same way my grandfather would play the ponies: "When I have a dollar to waste, place it on the longest shot in the field." I don't play the grocery money. And yes, you do consider where you'd like to donate prize money. In fact, since I didn't need it, I treated the pandemic relief money they sent to "everybody" exactly that way... I donated it (plus some of my own funds) to local charities, to help those who were impacted by the shutdowns.

  3. I usually do the lottery when it's big. Won $4 once.
    Nice that you have a place to store the tree.

  4. I buy lotto tickets once in a blue moon, like you it has to be a huge one. We forgot to get tickets I guess that's a good thing. We'll probably pick up a few for the next drawing. I can't even imagine a billion dollars. YIKES! That's scary kind of money.

    It sounds like you're having a quiet and relaxing weekend so far.

    1. OK, I bought for Saturday, you buy for Tuesday, and we've done our bit to build the jackpot!

      So far, so good for the weekend! Hope yours is similarly refreshing.

  5. Rarely buy tickets here also. Sometimes instead of counting sheep on sleepness nights, I pretend I won and go through my mind as to what I would do with the windfall.

    It has been in the mid-70's and sunny with low humidity here in Central Texas the past few days which is just about perfect for this person that doesn't function well in extremes either direction.

    That April wedding is going to get here quickly.

    1. OOPS! Phoenix1949

    2. Sounds like lovely weather, Phoenix! I'd take it. But I'm also OK with what I've got for Sunday's forecast, with a high predicted of 43F. You are so right about how quickly that April wedding is approaching.

  6. That is a pretty busy quiet day, but I like those too and I actually get so many things done it surprises me.

    1. Busy but not scheduled, so I could choose when to do what and when to stop! When you don't have things scheduled, you can "go with the flow" and that's when I get things done that need doing but never land on a schedule.

  7. I on the other hand, THINK I could handle winning the lotto 🤭 I think not working for over 2 years and making things work on BFs salary has served as a training of sorts. Once the two major purchases are taken care of, paid in full; home and auto, it boils down to just the essentials. A splurge here and there, too, of course🤭 Don’t hold me to it, though.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Well, then, I hope you pull out a win, if you should play! You are right about managing a budget, really having to manage, is good training. But it's a whole different ballgame, or rather it became one for me, when retirement means making what you've saved last for the entirety of the rest of your life. I imaging the lottery win equation might be similar, except if you win it "young" you're facing a longer "rest of your life" than some of us are at retirement.

      Spark on, my friend!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...