Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Medicare wellness visit


I'm just going to say up front that Medicare is a strange animal.  In fact, it's several animals.  I know some of my blog readers are in other countries, so you don't have these things to deal with.  But someone had mentioned going to her "Welcome to Medicare" appointment, which is the first year, and I thought I'd mention what happens AFTER that first year!  

Every year they put you through a "Medicare Wellness Visit".  It consists of an interview, essentially.  They hand you the checklist after the interview, that has various tests, procedures, and vaccine names, when you last had one, when you're due for the next one, etc.

They do a rudimentary eye test, hearing check, and mental (short-term memory) screening.  If you're paying attention you might even notice when they failed to change the screening questions.  Last year they had the same three words that they had used the year before.  This year they at least changed them!  They weigh you, take blood pressure, and of course draw blood.

I came away feeling positive, now we wait to see how the blood work comes out, and I see the doctor for review of those results on Monday.  I have orders for the mammogram and dexa bone density imaging to happen in February, and I will need to call to set up those appointments.  The season of Medicalizing is officially open.

The Ace (sister) is under the weather, so I went out for our normal Wednesday walk solo.  It's cloudy today, and while a "not bad for January" day in terms of temperature, it wasn't quite as nice as Monday and Tuesday were.  Since I wasn't waiting for her to get done with her workday, I went earlier than usual.  I'm hoping sis starts feeling better soon!

No reading report today.  When I got home from the appointment I had been fasting in excess of 20 hours, and so combined breakfast and my usual morning snack.  Spurred by a comment on yesterday's blog, I ordered a replacement set of knobs for my stovetop... the email receipt predicts a Friday delivery.  

I had my turkey chili for lunch/dinner, and sipped my bio-coffee before starting my fast.  Then I went out for my walk, messaged my sis... and suddenly it was time for Jeopardy.  Gee, that day flew by!

I hope everyone had a good Wednesday, and did your best to take care of yourself.  Did you remember to breathe?  To allow yourself the grace of knowing your efforts were enough for the day?  Now let it all go, and let's all have a good evening and night's rest.  Then tomorrow will be a fresh, new day.

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. hmmm...I've never had a Medicare Wellness Visit, at least not as you and another blogger described it. I wonder if it's because I have Tricare as my supplemental? I see the doctor once a year to get my meds refilled. He does blood work for cholesterol, but that's about it.

    A new set of knobs for the stove...good for you! Isn't it amazing how we get used to the modifications we make. Years ago, we turned the channel on the tv with a pair of pliers, until we finally bought a new tv.

    Winter returns tomorrow, so chili is on the menu.

    Enjoy the evening!

    1. Might just be the difference between individual doctor's practices. Maybe your once a year is being counted as that. I don't think Tricare as your medicare supplement should be making a difference.

  2. We don't have those here, there are three tests you get a letter about going to get - pap, mamogram and colon but anything else it is up to you to go and see about. OHIP covers us through everything and they don't really care about how you are doing except the above three. Interesting to read what you have. Hope your sister feels better soon.

    1. Those three are on the list, although they stopped doing paps for me a few years ago, feeling it's not needed considering my current lifestyle and habits. I've been with this doctor for 20 years or so, through three practice changes. So he's very familiar with my history.

      I'm hoping sis feels better, too. She went for tests yesterday but won't have answers until this morning. And she's not one who jumps to go to the doctor, either.

  3. I thought my first wellness visit was deficient. My doc stopped and sighed. Then he brightened and asked if I had any complaints, no matter how minor. He said he really wasn't supposed to be 'hands on', like the palpating an abdomen or moving my old knee joints. Lucky me, I have health problems that require constant monitoring so I get the ability to get 'screened' several times a year by my docs. Kudos to Medicare in those cases, the bills get paid.
    Knew knobs, you'll be happy you did, LOL.

    1. I think my doctor would agree with you. His practice has you do the wellness visit with one of the nurses, then he meets with you to go over any concerns and the blood test results. With my history of cholesterol, and of course the thyroid thing, he screens me twice a year, too. The bills get paid, and I get the care I need... the doctor exam is not part of the Medicare thing, and I get my "copay" taken care of in the first couple of months of the year, usually, after that, the medigap insurance takes over.

      I am not sure I trust that delivery date, given how delayed deliveries have been lately, but I'll take a photo when those knobs get installed (by me).

  4. LOL! Just absolutely chuckling @ the mental screening. My exam went the same way w/the 3 words to remember . . . and I STILL remember them . . . apple, penny, table. And yes, it was the same 3 words the year before that! Oh well. Glad I could remember the words! Glad you passed your exam!

    Yes, the weather, though gray and gloomy here, has been above average in temp, though damp and dreary.


    1. Makes me wonder if they always have a kind of fruit, a piece of furniture, and something else. Mine from two (and three) years ago were orange, couch and sunset. This year they were village, kitchen, and baby. Last year I called them on not changing the words. Maybe that's why they changed them this year?

      Another gray day here, but the weekend is supposed to be lovely!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...