Monday, January 2, 2023

The Tree is down

For now, it's in its box in the garage closet, and a reminder set to call the trash haulers about their rules for disposal of a pre-wired artificial tree that is past its prime.  I know the lights recyclers won't take it.  Will I keep it for another year?  We shall see?

Once it was down, I vacuumed the fallen needles and put away the tree skirt.  The only evidence of the holidays past is Frosty.  Since he's a snowman and not tied to Christmas, but to winter, he can stay for a while, with his tummy empty of treats!

Sunday was a reading day.  I made progress in all three of the currently reading books, and I started updating over on Goodreads, again.  I checked the statistics over there and discovered that I hadn't been tracking for a couple of years.  But a cousin's daughter kind of joggled my elbow when she joined, and with my decision that 2023 is the year to restart what was once a good habit of reading for pleasure... it's a good time to start doing that.

Monday the reading continued, and in particular I was reading about the color sense of the various animals in An Immense World.  What I learned today is that most animals that can sense color, can sense ultraviolet (which most humans cannot).  Some humans can, it said, and that got me thinking about some of the most unique stories that JEANKNEE told about her own senses... perhaps she is one of those humans who can see wavelengths that most of us cannot! 

Another thing I noted in my reading in this book was how recently some of this color vision research and findings were.  Some studies that are referenced are from the 1980's and 1990's which I supposed to current generations coming up seems like a while ago, but it's all after I got out of college!

Anyway, that's about it from this corner of the world for January 2nd.  It's drippy and gray outside, so I did my stepping inside the house to videos.  

Then I had one of those weak days, in terms of food.  I felt hungry, and being on the IF protocol, I allowed myself to eat, because I was within the feeding window.  How much of this was post-holiday let-down or boredom, I am not sure.  I do know that I did not make the best "choices" to my diet-minded thinking, choosing to do a bit of "search and destroy" of leftover Christmas treats.  BUT, being full by 2 p.m., I closed the feeding window and began my fast, so I'm following the "rules" as far as the fast is concerned.  Tomorrow will be a fresh new day. 

I know I shall let myself get good and hungry before I have breakfast and it might be a slightly longer fast because of the chocolate covered peanut clusters and the cookies, etc.  Guess this is the "feast" side of things, which is the next section of THAT book to delve into.  

Here's hoping all are well and smoothly settling in to 2023!  

Remember to breathe, hydrate, be moderately active, and at the end of the day, let it all go... today was enough for today.  Life is good.  Spark on.



  1. Good for you in getting your tree down and put away! My intent was to use this day to de-Christmas the house; BUT, I woke up with severe back spasms that did not allow this to happen. I also was unable to join my daily walking buddies …boo!! Soooo, it’s been a day of icing and rest with hopes that I have a lot more mobility tomorrow! Good job getting YOUR movement in….(Karen) Eissa7

    1. Oh, icing! Yikes... hope it's feeling at least somewhat better after today's rest and ice.

      The icing here is going to be of a different sort, as it's raining, and the temperature is dropping. Sometime in the overnight it will change to snow. We might have a tenth of an inch of ice UNDER the snow, though.

      Stay safe, get healthy! Onward!

  2. 4 Cycle classes in the past 3 days; I ate pretty hefty today, trying to not feel guilty about it. Finally going to sleep in tomorrow; rest day.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. 4 cycle classes in 3 days? You ARE ambitious! Nope, no guilt! Rest days are also good for us!

  3. Not weak...human. How many days in a row have you made perfect choices? Today was a small slip. Take the win for your team. ;-)

    1. LOL! There are no "perfect" choices! Today was my usual after the holidays let-down. Tomorrow will be better. Thanks for your support.

  4. Yes! JEANKNEE has extraordinary sensation sensitivities!

    Ah well, guess we all run into rough patches w/temptation, but at least you closed it down!


    1. One of the huge tricks of trying to change things up, in any way, are those little slips... forgiving ourselves for being human... and moving on! One thing I like about this particular program is it's so easy to jump back on!

  5. My visual of your 'search and destroy' had me grin! I know that feeling well.
    I 'deCristmassed' the house on January 1; family tradition from way back. It was also great to take advantage of the 56 F weather. My sparkle 5ft snowman went to the curb. I couldn't produce the energy to find the one of 500 bulbs that may have been the culprit. Someone rescued him during the day so I hope he enjoys the new home and he gives them as much happiness as he did my family!

    1. I'll bet you had a fine visual on that! I am jealous of your 56 F! It started the day (Tuesday) at 34 when I got up, and has been dropping since, facilitating the changeover from rain to snow, but it has yet to accumulate.

      Here's hoping your snowman has a fine new home!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...