Thursday, January 19, 2023

Let's be Grateful, week of January 15 - 20, 2023


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Just about every day that I'm awake for a sunrise is a reason for gratitude:  I lived to see another one!  But it's more than just waking up and taking a breath, it's the symbolism of light returning to my part of the world.  It just makes me happy to see the colors.  Which makes me grateful for sight, in general.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Today I am thankful for my microwave oven.  The convenience of "zapping" my corn bag, or a mug of water... is pretty incredible, when I think about it. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Today I am thankful that the dream I had before waking was just that... a dream!  I am thankful for decaf coffee for days when I have slept well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Today I'm thankful that I did not have to go anywhere on a "weather alert day".  I'm thankful to be an unashamed "weather wimp".

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Today I'm thankful that this particular storm is over, and there's only the cleanup ahead.  I'm thankful that I'm still able to deal with it, "at my age".  This is why we work out!

Friday, January 20, 2023

Today I am thankful for humor... be it the early humor of kids telling knock-knock jokes, the dry humor of articulate puns, even the slap-stick of I Love Lucy, and the dark humor of "old age".  Anything that makes us smile or giggle, or belly-laugh is a break from the sadness that co-inhabits the world!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Today I am thankful for pain.  Pain is a signal to "take it easy" for a while, in whatever form it appears.  It might be a joint that says "rest me today", and upset tummy that says, "don't eat that", a headache that tells one to drink more water.  But without pain, or the avoidance of it, would we live as long?


  1. Yes, grateful for the sunshine today! All ready for tomorrow for Jas’ surgery. I will be so glad when that’s over for him.


    1. Warm wishes for smooth surgery and complete recovery for him.

  2. 01-15 It's been a good day! I'm grateful.

    1. Glad it was a good day! Here, too. Onward to Monday!

  3. 01-15 Sunshine although our priest who is from Nigeria said that Canada sun and African sun are two different ones he has learned - LOL
    01-16 Friends, friends of the past and friends now for all who have cared and helped and shared my life.

    1. I wonder which of the "two suns" shine here? Sometimes one, sometimes the other, methinks! LOL!

    2. 01-17 hubby and how we always work as a team together.

    3. When partners work well together it is a huge blessing!

    4. 01-18 for cellphones, I know everyone says we have gotten too attached to them but honestly they are so helpful when out walking or driving and there is a problem or you need directions. Sure they can be abused but they are a tool that is very helpful.
      01-19 for my sister who video calls often and just listens to everything going on, she has always been a blessing to me.
      01-20 for 34 years with a wonderful partner.

    5. Awesome list for this week, Alicia!

  4. I would have a hard time without my microwave.

    1. We'd figure it out, but we are so dependent on them!

  5. 01-16 I, too, am grateful for my microwave. It's a blessing to be able to "nuke" those frozen, home made meals in just a couple of minutes.

  6. 01-17 Culligan softener repairs and then errands in town. A nice day. I'm grateful.

    1. Must feel good to have those softener repairs done!

  7. 01-18 Family and friends in the path of this storm. I'm grateful everyone is safe.

    1. I second that motion, Jeanne! Grateful for the weather forecasting, even when it's wrong, being wrong in the right direction, so everyone could make plans to stay safe!

  8. 01-19 All day rain again. {I don't have to shovel rain ;-) } Spent part of the morning crafting. Completed 2 floral arrangements to leave for the upcoming holidays. I'm grateful for a peaceful day.

    1. I am glad I don't have to shovel rain, too. And with such a small amount of snow atop the sleet, and the sun peeking in and out all day, by the end of the day my sidewalks and driveway are just wet by 6 p.m. Of course, wet becomes a thin film of ice overnight when the thermometer is predicted to dip to 17F. Still, I'll take it. Could have been a LOT worse!

  9. I find that very little on the television that's supposed to be funny is to me. My best laughs come from animal antics and those little ones I call grandkids! Oh, my DH makes me laugh.

    1. I hardly ever watch "modern" humor shows, but some things do make me laugh. Not always the canned variety. I too enjoy the laughs brought on by animal and child behavior. And the puns that my cousins put up on FB. The dark humor my niece sometimes shares. But I have to be in the right mind frame for the right thing... still, I'm grateful to still get the giggles.

  10. 01-20 The sun was shining. Chores completed. I'm grateful.

    1. Always a good feeling when what NEEDED to be done got done!

  11. 01-21 Today I am grateful for all the small miracles that make me feel better. i hope you have miracles that cause you to feel better, too.

    1. Thanks, my friend. I slept much better Saturday night, and am waking Sunday morning feeling much better.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...