Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Schools are closed

And the powers that be are encouraging people not to go out if we don't HAVE to!

The big predicted storm day is here.  I'm awake.  The precipitation has not yet started here, but is predicted within the next two hours.  The cats are out in the pre-sunrise darkness, but I'm sure they will ask to be readmitted to the house when it starts, if not sooner. 

Precipitation started a little before 9, and I was out trying to "beat" the start of it with a walk around the block.  I took a photo of the freezing raindrops sliding down the kitchen window.  It came down as sleet, then changed to freezing rain, which as of 11:20 a.m. is still the form that's falling.  The longer it does this, the more ice we'll have underneath once it converts over to all snow.

I saw someone online say the Weather Channel is calling this Winter Storm Iggy!  As a fan of New Amsterdam, the TV show, that's somewhat amusing, as one of my favorite characters on that show is named Iggy.

On a dreary day, one way to combat it is to bake.  Well, at least one of my own go-to ways.  I had just seen in the past couple of days a chart of egg substitutions, spurred on by the high price of eggs.  I happened to have one ripe banana ready for mashing, so I used one of those substitutions (1/4 cup of mashed banana = 1 egg) in making a batch of corn muffins.

This should keep me in "bread" choices for several days.  I had a couple with some cottage cheese for my mid-morning snack.

Dreary days are good for doing catch-up on the inside paper sorting, too, so it was time to clean out the "paid bill" drawer.

Now little icicles are starting to build along my deck rail... (noonish).  The TV weather guy is saying the freezing rain is likely to remain as freezing rain for a couple more hours.

By 1:30 p.m. I was hearing little "tick-tick-tick" sounds as sleet started bouncing off the window panes.  

Sure enough, grains of ice:

Rubia kept asking to go out, but as soon as I would open the door and she saw the sleet coming down, flee the other way.  By about 2:15 p.m. the falling water changed back to "freezing rain" instead of the icy chips.

It's 4 p.m. and I'm going to finish this off... I had been wanting to wait for it to start snowing, but so far, it hasn't done so!  Time to switch the TV over to the local news and weather.

Guess you'll have to wait for tomorrow to see if we ever got any.

Here's hoping all who read either a) have better weather than what I've seen here today, or b) are safe and warm and don't need to travel anywhere.

Take care, and appreciate that Life is Good, as Kevin would say.  Spark on!


P.S. The snow started falling lightly about 4:30 p.m.


  1. To me, ice is terrifying!!! Anytime we've had what you've been describing, it is followed by power outages. Stay safe. Stay warm. ♥♥

    1. I agree. I already contacted the trainer and cancelled tomorrow's session. I will use that "gym" equipment in the garage (the shovels) tomorrow.

  2. Have you heard about the mudslides we’ve had? Potholes, mudslides, all the aftermath of all the rain we got. It happens when you pour so much water into something that has been very dry for so long; the Earth becomes unearthed!
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I have, they've been on the news a lot! Don't know if you remember about 3-4 years ago Nebraska had some pretty catastrophic floods when there was sudden snow melt, ice jams on the rivers, and an earthen dam gave way. Miles and miles of roads were washed out. So I can easily imagine how devastating this is in California. Just glad you're safe, hope the car got fixed, too.

    2. 3-4 years ago was during the pandemic๐Ÿค”I find myself saying things like before the pandemic for things that happen before the Fall of 2019. Just at yesterdays Dr appointment I was asked one of those Dr questions and I said it was a few years ago, before the pandemic. One check of the med records, sure enough, early in 2019.
      [I dont like driving on the spare, so definitely went by the tire shop asap, they are practically across the street from home. Very convenient.]
      -RunKeeper Dee

    3. I do that, too! "Before the pandemic". It's almost like a whole new time era: BC, AD, BP, DP... Seriously someone asked me how long my son and his lady had been together, and I said "since just before the pandemic" meaning Fall of 2019.

  3. Thanks for the egg/banana tip….not much of a baker BUT good to know! Hope the sleet stopped; I’d much rather deal with snow than ice. Ice under snow makes for difficult shoveling so fingers crossed the white stuff went elsewhere! Eissa7

    1. The sleet did stop, only about half an inch of snow on top of it by Thursday morning. I've already been out for "session one" of clearing. I feel fortunate that the sleet leaves crunchy, textured ice instead of the slickest smooth kind! I can see the footprints that dogs and their walkers made in the slush beneath.

  4. Just rain and rain and more rain here. Not freezing thank goodness but pretty gloomy out there. Staying home for housework today. I have several vegan cookbooks especially baking and banana is the go-to choice for baking instead of eggs, 1/4 cup of unsweetened applesauce will work really good too.

    1. I'd heard that applesauce instead of oil mentioned for recipes. It is not on the particular egg substitution meme I copied. Another interesting one (for an egg) involves rolled oats soaked in hot water, and there's one of blended silken tofu for an egg. Fascinating. I know there is chemistry involved!

      Thank goodness your rain is plain, not freezing.


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