Thursday, January 5, 2023


What is my purpose?

This reverie is the result of a dream fragment, fueled by leaving "The Bishop's Wife" on the TV streaming as I was waking up.  Those of you who may not be familiar, this is an old Christmas movie in which Cary Grant plays an angel, sent in response to a prayer by a Bishop played by David Niven.  The wife's role is played by Loretta Young.  (It was remade into "The Preacher's Wife" starring Denzel Washington and Whitney Houston in 1996.)

I usually watch this old black and white classic at least once during a holiday season.  This morning as I was starting to stir, a scene toward the end where the angel tells the others that they will not remember that an angel gave them thoughts, or even that he was there.

This took me dreamily down the roles one plays in life.  We may start out as children envisioning ourselves with large roles on the world stage, making the world a better place.  But very few of us ever get placed in such a position.  Some of us grow to loathe the very idea of that kind of attention.

However, we all influence those with whom we come into contact:  co-workers, family members, friends, whether we like the idea or not.  We are just living our lives, but our attitudes, our efforts, the way we approach living our lives *do* touch the lives of others.  If we are kind, if we are hard-working, if we add a sense of humor to a difficult situation (remembering kindly, of course), if we lend a hand, anticipate a need, we create ripples in the lives of others.

It is not our job to live the lives of others.  But a word of encouragement is never awry.  You never know who might need one, so distribute those words liberally!

So what is my purpose?  To encourage!

Daily happenings

We have sunshine this afternoon, and mild temperatures by January standards.  It's 39℉ out there.  The Prisoner is holding a party on the deck for one of the cheekiest of the cats who come over as visitors.  

Nowadays, this skittish kitty even lets me open the door and take his portrait!  I wonder who his human family is?

Reading progress:  it looks as though the book I will likely finish first of the three is Fast. Feast. Repeat. by Gin Stephens.  I am in the "Feast" section now, and so far, no surprises.  All things I've learned over my many decades of weight management followed by my athletic years.  I used to have on my Spark page, that no one diet program was the solution for me.  Some interesting references are made in the book to fairly recent research into bio-individuality, which is a formal way of saying the same thing.

A diet profile that works for me may NOT work for you, and vice versa.  So the IF lifestyle allows you to listen to your body and use whatever style of eating works best for YOUR body.

Calorie counting is out the window.  Eating until 80% full the food you find delicious and nutritious is in.  There are no "bad" foods but there may be foods that you feel bad (as in body feels bad) after eating, and you need to pay attention to your body when it says so.

Like I said, no surprises.

Intermittent Fasting is not a free pass to "eat as much as you can stuff in during your feeding window".  

That's about it in my corner of the world for Thursday.

Life is good.  Spark on!  📑📗📖✨💖


  1. Totally! Whe we do and say definitely affects those in our environment. It is definitely always good to keep that in mind.

    That’s right . . . . there is NO eating style that should be a fee-for-all. And if it feels that way it’s not the right way for you to be eating. So, it is wonderful to find a way of eating that suite YOUR lifestyle and personality. I know it has really helped me . . . . my diet most resembles a Mediterranean style of eating. Fits in w/my life and works All about what works.


    1. The bottom line is that there is a style for everyone! We only have to find it, and the best expert in finding it is the way our own bodies react to foods!

      Have a wonderful Friday, and a calm weekend ahead!

  2. IMHO, your purpose is to not only encourage, at which you are very successful by the way, but to also help your readers focus on the positive aspects of their lives, not the negative.

    Thank you for what you do. Thank you for being you.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Were it not for the challenges, where would the triumphs be? Were it not for the shadows, how could we recognize the light? It's all a balance, isn't it?

  3. I watched "The Bishop's Wife" a few weeks ago, such a good movie. You serve your purpose well. I would say my purpose is to be kind. Sometimes there are those days that I have to work at being positive, but it's always better to be positive.

    1. Kindness is about the highest purpose of humanity and civilization, in my way of thinking. I would say that you serve this purpose very well! May you be shown kindness, always, in return.

  4. LOL, I just read this after posting my latest about diet. It's moderation that I'm learning!
    The kitty knows a nice warm spot on your porch.
    Interesting thoughts on purpose. Again, my blog hits on that point. We are so in tune!

    1. Funny how that happens (the synchronicity of thought)!

  5. You encourage thru your words, thru your sharing of ideas…as someone who was on Spark for years, I really appreciate you continuing to blog! Thank you SO very much!! I think you virtually lead and influence others to strive to be their daily best by blogging about your days….you are appreciated! Eissa7

    1. Thank you. It helps me, too, to put thoughts out in "writing", and if it also helps others, I am grateful, for that is a higher purpose!

  6. I get it, it's New Year, time for everyone to get serious about dietary & other changes! But the odd thing is, when I'm diligent about my IF routine, my appetite decreases. I just have to pay attention to those cues

    1. Paying attention to the cues, oh, yes! Some days I'm better about it than others!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...