Sunday, January 29, 2023

Weekending, again!


I had already gone up to bed Friday night when the box containing this collection of specialty flavored coffees arrived in the dark of the night.  I savored my first cup at mid-morning snack time, along with my walnuts, plain yogurt and banana.  Feels like a feast.

Saturday was a gray and cloudy day, with temperatures dropping.  No new snow when I got up in the morning.  I braved it enough to go to the grocery store for bananas and berries, plus using up the coupons of the week before they expire.  "Inflation" plus being retired and having the time has got me following my mom's habits of frugality.  Not that I didn't always to some degree, but during my busiest working days, I got a bit on the lax side.

I have moved on to another series of PBS origin detective shows, this one named Endeavor, with Constable Morse as the young quirky detective without a proper title.  It's quiet.  I like quiet mysteries.  Not a lot of gore.  Full of mental puzzles.  

The snow flurries started in the 3 p.m. hour on Saturday.  The cats have decided it is too cold to be outside.  It's a good day to curl up with a hot tea and a mystery show, don't you think?

I did not sleep well Saturday night.  Kept waking up.  A little tummy trouble early on, but after that just wakeful.  

I heard a couple of big thumps in the night and wondered what they might be.  When it gets light, I might have to take a look at the perimeter of the house.  I had visions of icicles falling, but we aren't at the "melting stage" at all.  The big freeze is on, 3℉ at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday.  I left the cupboard doors under the sink open overnight, "just in case".

Sunday was another cloudy / cold day.  The family movie matinee was on, and we saw "A Man Called Otto".  I enjoyed it a lot, the comic mixed with the edge of tragic... but one important highlight to me was the actor who played Otto's younger self, Truman Hanks.  Yes, he is the youngest son of the main star Tom Hanks.  But all in all, a heart-warming "older person reason to keep living" film.  I expect this is a market that we've needed, as we baby boomers age.

Show of hands, how many of you have been to a movie in a theater since 2020?  I can now say I have.  Mask?  Yep, when I walked in, but the rest of the party was not masked, so I kind of caved and took it off to make conversation easier in the lobby.  Once seated, when I saw a couple of folks walk in wearing masks, I put mine back on, to make them feel comfortable, and besides I wasn't needing to talk (and I don't do popcorn at the movies these days, I had already started my fast.)  My son donned his mask (probably to make me feel OK about wearing my own).  Partway through the movie I took it off again for a while, but then I heard someone cough in the distance... so back on it went!  

Oh, yes, and as is my habit when getting together with these folks, I did do an at-home Covid test before going.  Negative.

When I got home, I looked around the yard to see if I could spot the source of those bumps in the night Saturday night.  Nothing visible!

The evening brings the Chiefs and the Bengals on the TV in the background, but I'm not gripped watching.  Not THAT big a fan. 

I snipped the stems of the now two-week old "just because" flowers and discarded a few faded blooms.  Those that are left are pretty hardy.

The cats have decided not to have evening outdoor time (smart kitties).

Here's hoping my blog-reading buddies are having a fine wind-down to their weekend!  Stay safe and warm wherever you are, and if you are blessed with more snow that what I've seen here, be careful shoveling or driving, or have fun skiing or sledding!

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!



  1. It's cold here too, -2 right now and tomorrow will be about the same. It looks frosty out there.

    I used to coupon, but stopped. I think I should get back into doing it again.

    It's been years since I've been in a movie theater. With the shooting at the theater nearby it's something I've stayed away from. Maybe one day I'll go to a movie.

    1. I can totally get that reaction to the theater. I challenged my pandemic-induced fears by going. It truly was an internal debate before I said "yes".

      Couponing does at least make me feel a little better, when it says I saved $x.xx on my receipt.

      And it's a heat wave, 7℉ Monday morning before sunrise.

  2. Raspberry chocolate makes a good snack. It's the only flavored coffee I buy, but it's difficult to find unless it's online.

    Today, I discovered a series called "Wild at Heart;. It's a British tv oldie that premiered in 2006. It's streaming on Tubi (free) and I've gotten through the first few episodes. British vet and his family move to Africa...pure entertainment.

    The last time we went to a movie theater was to see Black Panther. Now I just wait for them to air on cable or a streaming service. Speaking of streaming...all the services that are advertising Everything Everywhere has it tied to a Showtime subscription. Is that considered bait and switch? Glad you enjoy "Otto". I like Tom Hanks in most movies in which he's the star.

    A winter weather advisory was just posted. My phone is exploding with accident alert notices. Freezing fog and mist is causing black ice on the roads. I'm with the kitties. Stay in and stay warm.

    Have a great week. Stay safe. ♥

    1. Oh no for the freezing fog and mist! Hope you don't have to go anywhere! A good time to put that off!

      Tom Hanks seems to have a HUGE range, as far as acting roles. Takes his craft so seriously. Now I want to watch the foreign film (I think it's Swedish)... and apparently Lacey and her mom have read the book... I asked them how well this moving mapped the original and they said it was in line.

      Yes, most of the time I stream the movies when they end up on my already subscribed services. I was pleasantly surprised when I found Top Gun Maverick on Paramount Plus, and enjoyed it even though on the "small screen".

      May your week be safe and your home be warm!

  3. Actually I think it has been over 10 years since we have gone to a theater. Hubby has an ear problem that causes a lot of pain when it is too loud and movie theaters are always too loud for him. With Disney+ and Prime we get most movies pretty quick so it is fine for us to wait until then.

    1. I do most of my watching from home, too. And if I had that kind of problem, I would stay away from loud places for sure! The streaming services are a blessing for those of us who prefer home viewing!

  4. DD2 and her hubby insisted we see the Top Gun movie in the theater and I'm glad we did. We braved without masks and it felt weird.
    I'm glad you enjoy your coffee treats. I had gotten coffee in Kauai in 2011 that was flavored, of course, chocolate macadamia. I've ordered it a few times since then. The Hawaiian coffee has a distinct different taste...or maybe it simply calls me back!

    1. I can only imagine how great it would have been in a theater! I can see why they insisted.

      Did you catch that they won't be doing the "whole" Ironman National Championships in Hawaii any more? Depending on the year, it will be either the men or the women. And the other half will be on a different date and in a different country!

      Sorry, distracted by the Kauai coffee reference. And I would not be at all surprised if the Islands call to you!

  5. Ohhhhh, raspberry chocolate lava . . . sounds delicious! Yes, living on a fixed income you definitely have to find ways to pinch the pennies. My dad always said I could make a penny squeak! Thank goodness!

    Cold here, too. Supposed to be below zero temps and -20 to -25F wind chills. Extra blankets!

    OH, A Man Called Otto is on my to view list. Hasn’t reached our cinema yet. Nope, haven’t been in a cinema since 2019.

    Stay safe, stay warm!


    1. The coffee is delightful... not too sweet, dark dark chocolate with the raspberry. I think you'll like the movie, hope you'll let me know when you do go see it!

      Brrrr on those wind chills. I've been zapping my cracked corn bag in the microwave and taking it to tuck under the covers in my bed.

      You, too, stay safe and warm!

  6. I haven’t been to the movies in decades!!
    Just when we had a good thing going by catching the early Sunday morning showings, things changed: the place shut down and I started using Sunday mornings for the gym 🤷🏻‍♀️
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. From the comments I would say in this group, anyway, the habit has turned. Perhaps it is because of changes in technology, but could also be because of our age and comfort levels with "staying home". When businesses close, we change our habits, don't we?

  7. Last movie I saw in a theater was back in the 80's. In fact, it may actually be the last movie I've seen. Nearest theater is 30 miles away, so I never got in the habit and even when I lived much nearer to one, I seldom went, after my teenage years...

    1. As a young woman, I avoided acquiring a television, figuring them a waste of time... reading was more my thing. I only went to movies with friends, back then, for a social outing. Now it is much more rare for me to go to a theater.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...