Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year, 2023

A fresh new year, month, and week, all in one.  Happy New Year, 2023!  

This photo was taken on the last day of 2022.  I made the strategic error of crossing "no man's land" because I wanted to walk through the park.  No man's land, however, was a sea of mud.  

These are the shoes when I got home, a mile and a half later!  I wonder how much MORE mud fell off on the path?  I am glad I have a garage where I could shed the shoes before entering the house proper and tracking all that mud in.  But it was a gorgeous day to be out walking!

Geese were flying over in formations, headed for a nearby lake.  Sky was blue, sun was shining.  Temperature was mid-40's.  Wind was... mild if there at all.

An early morning invitation

That leads into the early morning of January 1, 2023!  While I was starting to read blogs from my reading list, my phone rang.  It was my friend Geri, the one I kayak with.  Sometimes we hike together, too, and this morning, she had a last minute invitation for me to go to a state park near here (20 miles or so) for an organized hike.  She called about 7:30 a.m., and would pick me up at 8.  I looked up the forecast and thought about the last trip we'd taken to that particular park, and thought about my shoes in the garage with the mud caked on them from yesterday.

Add to that the little item of breakfast timing.  I hadn't even started to cook the oatmeal!  I declined the outing (she had someone else going with her, anyway, so I wasn't worried about her welfare).  

But the GOOD news she shared was that she had been able to go out and visit her folks.  Her dad, who experienced a stroke during the big blizzard out there two weeks ago, had recovered enough that they released him from the hospital to go home to his ranch.  After the negative prognosis they had given earlier, this was surprisingly good news.  You can't keep a farmer/rancher down.  He's still in need of speech therapy, and he's using a walker, but I'm counting this one in the win column!

Thoughts that occurred to me today:

As heady as a fresh new year feels, we're not going to do all the things we'd like in a single day, week, or even month.  Small steps daily, though, will add up.

I have set my Goodreads goal quite modestly, at 12 books in the year!  Since I am already partway into several, I think my January goal will be to finish at least one of those.  I've been rotating through them, trying to get a chapter done in one before switching to the next when it seems that "the grass is greener" in a different book that's calling to me.

I took a short walk in the early afternoon, as once again we were blessed with mild temperatures.  I did NOT go through no man's land, so I avoided the mud.

When I got back, I checked the mailbox, since I had not done so on Saturday.  I was pleasantly surprised to find a small package inside!  Could it be?  I had ordered some thermal gloves from a Facebook ad, back at the end of November or the beginning of December.  I have an e-mail from them dated December 8th that claimed the order should arrive in 10 days.

But here they are, in my mailbox on December 31st!  

I had pretty much got the idea in my head that I'd been scammed, because when I followed the link in that e-mail it took me to a "build your own domain" website, not their ordering or tracking site.

In any case, I've tried them on, they are toasty warm, and I look forward to having them for "real" Winter, which we all know will reappear before too long.

Here's hoping that you all are having a good start to your new year, whatever your own little rituals to turn the page may be.  May 2023 treat us all kindly!

Life is good!  Spark on!



  1. Happy New Year!

    My resolution is to finally get my Mother's genealogy book done. This will require much time and concentration so I won't be checking my PC blogs and group except on a weekend and only as a reward for getting work done on the book.

    1. Rewards are good... as long as you're making an effort. Hope to see you on those weekends! And good luck with your Mother's book! Happy New Year!

  2. Good luck getting those gorgeous pink sneaker clean! It's a muddy mess here, too.

    Currently I'm reading "A Heart that Works" by Rob Delaney. Also, I'm rereading "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, trying to manifest all the positive thoughts the Universe has to offer. I think I'm in need of a "good" science fiction novel to shift mental gears.

    Awesome news about the gloves. It's been my experience that requests a review before the order is delivered, too.

    Happy New Year!!! May it sparkle and shine.

    1. I have my Dragon Codes book as my reward book, it arrived Friday and I'm holding off until I finish one of the others. I think part of my problem with not reading as much in recent years has been a certain level of impatience! Hopefully I'll do better in 2023.

  3. I've been cleaning out kitchen cabinets and will probably start thinking about resolutions tonight.

    Those look like some very comfy gloves. I'm sure you'll get your pretty pink shoes clean without that cakey mud on them.

    1. I am semi-hopeful about the gloves. I sometimes have trouble finding gloves that work, given I have Reynaud's syndrome, which causes my fingers to get cold at much milder temperatures than most people.

      As for the shoes, waiting for them to be fully dried out so I can beat the caked mud off them.

      Oh, my goodness, organizing the kitchen sounds like an excellent January initiative!

  4. I have a pair of shoes in the same condition!
    Those gloves look toasty, keep us informed.
    I missed todays "First Day Hike". I was going to try the canal but got involved in taking down the outdoor Christmas lights as the weather was so nice. I got exercise pushing the lights off a gutter with a pole and stepping up and down a stool. My poor lighted snowman went to the curb this year after 10 years of guarding my Christmas spirit.

    1. Clearly we have our priorities. After I got home, I saw that Lacey had posted videos of the tramp the kids took with Carl, but also commenting on how foul he smelled on the trip home. Guess I'm not the only one getting into mucky stuff!

  5. Happy New Year, Barb!! It occurred to me that IF I make health my priority, all else will fall into place…so…my positive thoughts for the day LOL! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023 and thank you for taking the time to blog…Spark on!! (Karen) aka Eissa7

    1. Happy New Year to you, too, Karen! And may that inner nudge to make health a priority sustain you through 2023.

  6. Happy New Year Barb! Seems you got a lot done on your first day of the year! Nice those gloves arrived after all.

    1. I was pleasantly surprised, and really not too disappointed. We all know what various factors led to delays in all sorts of deliveries, not the least of which was the weather over the holiday season! Happy New Year to you, too.

  7. Looks like your shoes saw a lot of action!

    Happy to hear that your friend Geri’s dad was discharged and is managing @ home! That is a definitely win.

    Your gloves look great for cold weather!

    Here’s to a good day!


    1. That phone call could have had so much worse news! So yes, that's a win! The jury is still out on the gloves, there's plenty of Winter yet ahead to test them more fully. It's a dreary looking day here on January 2nd, rain hitting the windows so far, but overnight it will likely change to something frostier.

      Hope your day is going well!

  8. 7:30am call for an 8am outing 🤔 no comment
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. It was fair game. I've done something similar to her for a kayak outing just an hour off. So... at least we *do* think about one another!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...