Saturday, December 31, 2022

Gratitude List for the week from Christmas Day to New Year's Eve, 2022


Let's fill this post with a week of gratitude!

Sunday, December 25th, 2022

Today I am thankful for Christmas and everything that it represents:  the hope of peace, even where there doesn't seem to be a lot of it in the world at large.  May we make extra efforts to love one another in its glow, and continue this throughout the year to come!

Monday, December 26:  This morning I am grateful for the quiet and the memories to savor.  The greatest gift was the ability to be together, with people healthy again and the worst of the week's weather behind us.  24 degrees Fahrenheit felt warm by comparison.

Tuesday, December 27:  Today I am thankful for memories of my brother, and the inspiration he continues to provide me to keep at the healthy living initiatives.  For all that he left this plane too soon, I don't think he would have changed how he lived his life, which as he always said, "is good".

Wednesday, December 28: Today I am thankful for a fresh new day.  I am thankful that the temperature will top the freezing point for the second day in a row.  

Thursday, December 29:  Today I am thankful for books!  Amazing repositories of knowledge, wisdom, and fancy!

Friday, December 30:  Today I am thankful for the warmer weather this week, that made it possible to walk outdoors several times.

Saturday, December 31: Today I am thankful for sunshine and an unplanned last day of the year.

We'll start a fresh new list tomorrow, on New Year's Day, 2023!  


  1. LOVE the contents of the demented Santa Claus! DH requested chocolate chip and shortbread cookies, so that was the order of the day yesterday. Happy Hubby.

    Grateful that the temperature has gotten above zero! Feels like a heat wave. Not quite bikini weather, though.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Also grateful that that "bomb cyclone" weather is behind us! No guarantees it won't happen again, but at least we got through this one. And yes, by comparison Christmas Day felt warm!

      Happy Boxing Day!

  2. 12-25 There are friends and relatives scattered across our nation. Tonight, while some are snow bound in the middle of a blizzard, all are safe. I am grateful!

    1. Safety of loved ones is alway worthy of gratitude, isn't it? Hope you have a good Boxing Day, too.

  3. So grateful for temps above zero (the wind chill is still -2F, but . . . that is nothing anymore!) My prayers for those enduring the wrath of this storm on the East Coast.

    Here's to a marvelous Monday after Christmas!


  4. I love that the cookies are 'seconds'.
    One of my disasters is less of one. The leak is washing fluid for the front camera! who knew it had it's own washer? I think that a bit excessive. My vehicle only has a rear camera and a thumb nicely licked cleans it just fine. Remembering not to re-lick the thumb is the problem. LOL

    1. Glad to hear that disaster wasn't so much of one!

      I have canceled the plumber as my kitchen sink is operational again and I even ran the dishwasher this morning! By the way, baking cookies right next to the sink with the ice crystals in the pipes tends to thaw those pipes nicely.

      And I learned quite a bit over this experience! Thank you for all your help! I still intend to replace that faucet, but I'll wait until I shop for the replacement.

      Don't give that thumb a second lick!

    2. You may not need to replace the whole faucet unless you want to, it may only need the cartridge in the handle assembly to be changed. A lot less expensive.

    3. Thanks. I've got along with it for this long, and it's been "fixed" by a plumber a couple of times in the 23 years I've lived here. I shall consider my options!

  5. 12-26 I am grateful for the things that work and patience for the things that don't.

    1. Gratitude for having patience! Love it! And of course gratitude for when patience is not needed (things work)!

  6. 12-27 Today was filled with many things for which to be grateful. The high today was 36* with no wind chill. I cleared the snow from the deck and ramp and got both salted. After sitting outside in the brutal cold for several days, the car started on the first try with no hesitation. Christmas decorations have been taken down and put away for the year. I'm thankful for a productive day.

    1. Car starting after "chancing" leaving it sit outside and not starting it... BIG gratitude! I haven't taken down Christmas yet, I'm still savoring it a bit.

  7. Grateful for sunshine! Got Miss Lilly out for a REAL walk!


  8. I'm tired of eating Christmas baked goods, LOL. I made brownies, bread and cookies. Gave most away but not enough. This coming holiday may be a first for me in making resolutions to eat better.

    1. Good thing to be grateful for... finding our limits for goodies? Good luck with your decisions to "eat better"... it's not a resolution, it's a decision!

  9. 12-28 I am extremely grateful that a long, frustrating day has come to an end.

    1. (( hugs )) for that long, frustrating day! Here's hoping today is better!

  10. Books . . .. a font of learning, entertainment, escape!


  11. 12-29 I am extremely grateful for friends who take the time to call and check on my mental well-being. And I'm definitely in a better frame of mind.
    Those friends are worth more than their weight in gold. ♥♥♥

  12. Today I am thankful I can watch a Ken Burns' National Park show on PBS tonight. Not so thankful it's donation week. Thankful I get 10-15 minutes every 20 to go on the computer. Not so thankful the donation segments have gone up to 20 minutes! Arghhhh. I donated already!

    1. I know what you mean, it's fine up until you've put your donation in, and then it's annoying! But I'll bet those teasers about the National Parks get your "itchy feet" to dancing!

    2. Hahaha, looking today for next year's adventure.

  13. 12-30 At 2:57 this morning, running water woke me. To say I'm thankful would be a huge understatement. After turning off all the faucets, I was wide awake. Made coffee and stopped here to post my gratitude. Sent the contractor a text first thing. I probably woke him, but I had to share the good news; he's worked so many hours trying to get the pipes thawed. Today, he's supposed to bring a cost estimate for digging a new, DEEPER, water line to eliminate this annual problem. This is a great way to start the day!!!!

    1. That is excellent news! I do hope you are able to eliminate having the problem every year! A great way to start a thankful Friday!

  14. 12-31 Awake at 3:00 am again. (I think I've inadvertently returned to my teaching timetable.) Everything checked off my to-do list today and I'm now ready for the new year. There's no way I'll make it 'till midnight to see the ball drop. Whether I'm watching or not, it will drop.

    Upon reflection, this has mostly been a good year. As always, the good can only be appreciated with some not so good tossed in for balance. I am grateful for all the good things this year has gifted.

    1. I agree, it's been a "mostly good" year. It's had its challenges, as any year is likely to have. But in the end, as my brother always used to say, "life is good".

      I will probably not make it to midnight, either. I'm in the process of un-decorating the tree. I've got the nativity set put away. Have not started resetting the pebble jar calendar yet. But not feeling pressed to get it all done at once.

  15. Happy New Year, Barb! Wishing you all the best in 2023!

    1. Happy New Year, Paula! Right back at you with the wishes for the best in 2023!

  16. 12-31 - I am grateful for really good friends! Happy New Year Barb! All the very best!

    1. Me, too, Alicia! Happy New Year to you and yours, and the best 2023 you could have!

  17. Does starting fresh mean "tossing your cookies"? LOL
    I tend to toss or gift any backed goods in my house on NYD. Out with the old and in with the new.

    1. LOL, indeed! I'm thinking the last crumbles in Frosty will indeed be tossed, but some of his original contents have been frozen for later enjoyment! Out with the old, it's a brand new year! New gratitude post coming, later.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...