Sunday, December 4, 2022

Back into the deep freeze

Saturday morning started out at a frigid 13℉.  The Prisoner wanted outside anyway.  Foolish feline.  He did not stay out for long, but came back in for some breakfast very soon.

I sat with the candles and Christmas music to start the day gently.  However, not too long into the day, it became an interrupt driven one, and I did not get a blog posted.

It all started as I was puttering about online.  My cousin (first cousin once removed, my grandmother would clarify) messaged me asking for my mailing address.  Well!  I didn't have hers, so I offered to swap.  I gave her mine and my sister's, she gave me hers and her moms.

Of course, this time of year if someone asks for your address it means that likely a card will be coming in the mail.  So in the Big Bang Theory of "obligations" taught by Sheldon Cooper, I knew I would have to send reciprocal cards.  If I'm going to send reciprocal cards, I owe my friend in Texas who ALWAYS sends a card and letter, too.

That started me down the road of looking up the last couple of letters I sent her at Christmas to make sure where to begin the update.  And I wrote the Christmas letter to my friend.  Then I tried to print it out.  Oh, what a black hole we travel down when technology starts misbehaving!  A few hours later (to say you the blow by blow between me, two laptops and a printer)... I had a printed copy, a card, and a stamped envelope, addressed to my friend.

It was getting up to nearly freezing, so I decided a walk up to mail it was in order.  That felt good!

I felt kind of discombobbled the rest of the day, though, thanks to the printer issues.  I mourned over the loss of the USA to the Netherlands at the World Cup.

  • I didn't get any more cards addressed.  
  • I didn't get the last load of laundry folded.
  • I did connect with my hostess for Christmas and heard back from her that my son is looking forward to the cookies I have proposed to bring.  I received in the mail their Christmas card, a photo card with memory pictures of their year together.

And then I was just too bushed.  Went to bed early.  I'm better in the mornings, anyway.

Here's hoping everyone has a peaceful and blessed Sunday, this second Sunday of Advent.  There are those struggling with so many things in the world.  May we remember and be kind.

Life is good.  Sparkle a bit!



  1. Hence the saying, "Technology is wonderful...when it works." IMHO, it's so frustrating to start a 5 minute job and 5 hours later you're still trying to get things to work properly. I've decide that my printer has a Y chromosome.

    After a day of interruptions, going to bed early (for me anyway) is usually the better choice. Today is a new day to finish up yesterday's leftovers.

    Wishing you a productive Sunday, if that's your goal. May it be peaceful, no matter the goal. ;-)

    1. Thanks. I could use a peaceful day. Doesn't HAVE to be productive! But if it turns out to be so, I won't kick.

  2. OH my goodness, I can certainly identify w/the debacle called writing Christmas cards. Still have some to write, but . . . think I need a little glass of wine first!

    The Snowman makes me laugh everytime I see him!

    Yes, saw that the USA lost to Netherlands. **SIGH** Young American team, they’ll be back


    1. Yes, they will be back. And with their star player injured in the match against Iran earlier in the week, he may not have been up to his usual level.

      I smile at Frosty, too! ☃⛄🏔

      My goal for today: two, maybe three cards to relatives. Maybe four?

  3. I can definitely relate…I have purchased 2 boxes of cards…that is currently where they remain…in the boxes!! LOL. I WILL write them this week; that is my intent, anyway!
    Some days begin with promise and then get sidetracked…but, it seems that you were victorious over the technology and completed your task! Have a good Sunday …. Eissa7

    1. I used to buy the prettiest boxes of cards. I used to address them all and send them. But that went the way of all flesh during my life meltdown from 1993 - 1999, and never resumed. I was simplifying the holidays, de-stressing them. And I'm so glad I did! Two more cards sent out on Sunday!

  4. Yikes! I still need to make mine. I’m down to less than 20cards as it’s close, non tech folks that get one. The rest of you all get a personal message; my life is an open book.
    I’m in Florida with my beloved cousin, mostly on the lanai getting a sunburned tongue from all the talking. Posting pictures here is not easy so imagine blue sky, breezy palms and a glass of your favorite summer beverage. Reality hits in a 3 hr flight late tonight. The tech issue is feeling confident with the boarding pass on my phone, we’ll see.

    1. LOL! I can just see all the sunburned tongues! That would be me, too! As for boarding passes on phones, the biggest obstacle are airport phone networks that don't always work! Maybe that's all been fixed by now. But the boarding pass on the phone app mostly works and I always print out a backup paper one, "just in case". Tech folks don't always trust the tech.

      Safe travels!

  5. Home with paper-printed at airport. I feel the same as you.
    My bonus travel hack was I put everything I needed in a backpack that fit under the seat. Guess I don't need much after all ;-)

    1. Well, then, Welcome Home? Backpack, bag, whatever, as long as it fits under the seat. That way I can gate-check when they offer it "for free" any extras that I bring along in a roll-on carryon. Our needs are simple!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...