Saturday, December 10, 2022

French Vanilla wafers: Prepping the dough


Butter, margarine, powdered sugar, egg, vanilla

French Vanilla Wafers

  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 stick margarine
  • 1 1/4 cup confectioner's (powdered) sugar
Cream these together
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
Beat these in.

Sift together:

Flour, baking soda, cream of tartar,
salt, sifted

  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt

Sift into batter and stir until smooth.

Separate dough in half, rolling each half into a 2 inch round roll.  Wrap in waxed paper or foil, and chill in refrigerator (or freezer).

Divided in half,
rolled in waxed paper and foil

This was my morning activity today.  I figure I managed to nibble about one cookie worth by the time everything was loaded either into the 'fridge (the dough), or the dishwasher.  

Better than in some years, mind you.  

Come time to bake these, slice the rolls into 3/8 inch rounds, place on ungreased cookie sheet, then it's a 350 oven for 8 to 10 minutes, and cool on rack.  Beware, these are the tastiest cookies, but they crumble very easily!  Not a "sturdy" cookie at all.  But my son loves them.

Speaking of that son, I heard from him on Friday.  He calls hands-free when on his way home from some of his work "in the field".  He was musing over the fact that he's about to enter a new phase of life, being "done" with school.  That's not entirely true.  But he's gone to school on the interrupt schedule ever since... 7th or 8th grade.  Home schooled for a while.  GED.  Community college.  Military.  4 year finishing his undergrad degree.  Some grad credits, then a paying job for a while.  Back in school more recently about to polish off his MSW.  

Now what?  Get degree, apply for provisional license, get clinical job, so he'll have a more regular schedule and be able to have a life with his soon to be new wife!  But the important thing is he remembers he has a mom and is willing to share his thoughts with me.  Those ol' mom heart-strings are easy to pull, as I'm sure all the moms who read the blog know from their own lives.

Here's wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. Your recipe sounds scrumptious! Going to try it.

    AS for DS, yes, it's good he keeps in touch w/you. And it will be good when he's done with at least this leg of schooling and get into a regular schedule. Best of luck to him!


    1. Hope you enjoy the cookies if you do try them. Got the recipe off a box of powdered sugar, many years ago.

  2. "Tis the (cookie) Season. They are sure to be a hit at the family, or soon to be, gathering. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Good luck to DS. Being a non-traditional student is the road less traveled. Many of those roads aren't yet paved. ;-)

    1. The road less traveled is the family pattern. I graduated a week after DS started prancing around my living room in his bare baby feet. I had told everyone I had to graduate before he learned to walk or I would never graduate. His dad went straight through but got drafted upon graduation, and shipped to 'Nam.

  3. Those sound yummy! Next weekend we're going to do some baking. I'm sure everyone will loves those.

    1. I'm thinking this batch will go to the gather next Sunday, the 18th. And I'll do another batch for the 25th. I have a couple of bananas that are getting nice and ripe for another loaf of banana bread, probably for the first gather.

  4. Those cookies sound dangerously delicious!! You are certainly one talented baker! It’s wonderful that your son thinks of you and calls at random times; congrats to him on the completion of his MSW. Eissa7

    1. Absolutely dangerously delicious! Last time I made them was 2019.


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