Thursday, December 29, 2022

Countdown to the New Year


I want to be recycled, too.

Three days left in 2022!

The Prisoner was late celebrating Boxing Day.  But this time I got his photo in the act!

Wednesday afternoon it was a balmy 45℉.  The snow was melting, sidewalks were wet, not icy.  Kid sis Ace and I went for a walk through my neighborhood after she got off work.

We played catch-up on family news, as we do, and we had a couple of weeks to catch up, since LAST Wednesday it was just too blasted cold and windy to walk outdoors.  I'm grateful for every time we get a good walk in during the Winter months.

I made progress on two of my reading projects on Wednesday, too.  I'm now in the chapter about the sense of sight in An Immense World. The creature that fascinated me most in today's reading was the scallop.  For those of you who didn't grow up at the shore, and were not exposed to the Shell Oil symbol, these are the sea-creatures with the scalloped shell (funny how the shape is named after them).

The scallop, says the book, has eyes, inside the shell, at the edges.  These eyes can detect light and motion, and the scallop, alerted by these eyes (from a dozen to thirty or more, depending on the scallop), extends little tentacles to smell whatever it was that alerted it.

The senses of the scallop are used for feeding and identifying predators from which it needs to flee, by swimming away, opening and closing its shell. My imagination went off on that one, imagining the shell looking like an eyelid, closing to shut the eyes and opening to see if the threat was evaded.

The other book I made progress on was Fast. Feast. Repeat.  Very interesting read, simplified for those who don't want to delve quite as deeply into the science underlying the concept, but to at least be exposed to some of the studies that have been done.  I'm not going to gush too much about it, as this is one of those things you just have to be ready for.  

I know there are some fellow Spark refugees who got there long before I did!  I remember JEANKNEE when she discovered research on leptin (related).  I remember WATERMELLEN blogging about her journey to intuitive eating, which had similar roots.  And I remember Becky (KALIGIRL) when she was researching anti-inflammatory diets to help her husband (who unfortunately has since passed).  

As each of them found peace in this new way of relating to food, I just wasn't ready.  I wasn't ready to give up my "it's about calories, only" mindset.  I wasn't ready to give up my sugar-free alternatives that were still sweeteners.  And what I was then doing was working for me, so... I kept on doing it until I didn't.

But now I seem to be ready for this approach.  Not so much for the weight management, for the feeling healthier part.

Onward to Thursday!  I have my trainer appointment, and the weatherman is offering the hope of a little bit of snow, but also possibly freezing drizzle.  I myself am hoping it arrives late enough for me to have gone and come home, with Dexter safe in his garage.

Here's wishing all of you a good week "between", this time of assessment of the old year, and planning for the new one to come!

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. Awwwww! Prisoner looks content!

    WE had relatively balmy weather, too! Made it up to 43. Today . . . 48F. Makes me wonder how Mother Nature is going to make us pay for it! And the sun is out, too. Nice!

    Wow! Interesting information on the scallop!

    Glad that IF works for you! It certainly is all about what gives you peace and a healthy relationship w/food.

    Here’s to a good training session!


    1. Finding what works for each of us is that whole "never-ending" journey, as we all change over time. As I used to quip over on Spark, this is not a one size fits all proposition. I try to keep an open mind and incorporate what I learn from the experiences of others, so all those I mentioned above moving in the directions they did had an influence on me. You can never tell when someone is going to "find" something when the seed of an idea is first planted.

      It was a fine training session, and thanks! Glad you've had some good weather, and yes, I, too, shall watch over my shoulder to see what Mother Nature has in store next!

  2. As always, a big Hmmmmm for IF and IE.
    I keep in touch with some who tried intuitive eating as an 'I can eat anything I want' lifestyle. Guess where that got them? Yep. Then they complain. I think it's pick good foods and enjoy, not eat them all day or use IF and try to have a many as possible during the eating timeframe.
    Me, I'm gearing up to change my attitude...I feel a blog.
    Watch a video of scallops swimming, it's hypnotic when placed to music!

    1. I will have to search for such a video, now that my curiosity is peaked! And yes, both IE and IF can be "used" as justification for bad behavior around food. Truth is, no matter what program we follow, you can't "game" biology! Attitude is everything!

  3. When I see the kitty in the bin, it reminds of the carrier you use for vet visits. Do you leave the carrier out from day to day? They seem to instinctively know when it's about to be used for travel.

    Last year for Christmas, youngest DD had Brené Brown's book "Atlas of the Heart" sent to me. She maps a journey through eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human.
    I read it all the way through and we had many discussion, she as a mental health counselor and me as a retired sped teacher. In August, after Bob passed, I read it through again. It offered an entirely different perspective that time around.

    It was 70* here today. I traded sweats for shorts. What a change from last week!!!

    For the new year, I'd like to break up with my contractor. It would be a blessing to have all the major plumbing jobs completed.

    Keep Sparking.

    1. Yes, I have the carrier out in another room, and yes, different story when you really NEED them to get in the carrier. If it's their decision, they are fine with it!

      I haven't read that one by Brené Brown, although I have read some others of hers. I'll bet that was a wonderful collection of conversations with your DD! Since my son's background is also in mental health, I sometimes get a glimpse into his perspective as a practitioner, too.

      Here's hoping for that break-up with the contractor and no more plumbing issues!

  4. Prisoner is loving life and not a care in the world.

    It looks like you found something that is working for you. I know Jeanne already mentioned Brene Brown. I really like her books and what she says.

    Have a wonderful day.

    1. LOL! Cats do their own thing, don't they? So many of us have found Brené Brown. She's written quite a few books that can help you work through your thoughts and feelings!

      Hope you have a fine Friday and weekend ahead!

  5. Do you by any chance follow this guy?? I love his puzzles!

    1. Nope, not one I follow. I have to admit that kind of puzzle is not among my favorites... the cataract thing makes me impatient with them.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...