Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas Eve Eve Day, i.e. two days to go!


Later in the afternoon on Thursday, I did brave the high temperature of the day (-7℉, as it turned out) to clear the small amount of snow off the sidewalks and part of the driveway.  I did this in three sessions, about ten minutes each, in the 3 p.m., 4 p.m., and 5 p.m. hours.

When my face would start to feel the effects, I would pack that session in and came back to hot tea or hot water.

Tomorrow we should get a heat wave, by comparison, and rise about the zero mark on the Fahrenheit scale.

Thursday evening, I joined Alicia's family for candle-lighting for Hanukkah's 5th night, and their gift exchange.  Her daughter had tested negative for the first time since having tested positive for Covid-19 last weekend.  That's something to celebrate.  

Unfortunately, her husband who was also feeling lousy the whole time tested positive for Covid-19 for the first time, after having tested negative all week.  He was actually feeling better, fever had broken, by the time the test came back positive!  

One step back, two steps forward, anyone?  There's that whole isolation / quarantine thing going on.  The candle lighting and gift exchange was celebrated via Zoom.  It was good to see everyone and hear voices.  The worst of all this?  My niece's sense of taste is off, making her enjoyment of holiday treats not so great. 😞

Friday morning, wouldn't you know it, something would go wrong at my own house?  I came downstairs and turned on the kitchen faucet on the "hot" side.  Drips.  Turned it to cold, works fine, but then it won't turn off!  It keeps trickling on the cold side.  I left a voice mail for the trusty plumbing/heating company. Waited for a call-back.  My budget will be... well whatever it has to be!  

Considering the weather, though?  I can live with this semi-emergency if I have to, until such time as they can schedule me a plumber.  Adventure time!  Anyone remember my adventures at "Summer camp" when the water softener broke?  I lived for a week without being able to flush a toilet!

They called back after 8 and could try to get me a certified plumber today.  But it was going to cost me an emergency call charge of $$$, plus whatever repairs the plumber had to perform.  I went back and forth for a bit about it.  After thinking about it, I am declaring a "winter camp" adventure.  This adventure will include washing dishes by hand and heating the water to do so in my trusty tea kettle.

There are people with worse problems than mine, who need that plumber more than I do.  I'll end up paying a bit more to the water company for that running water, but... folks are dripping the faucets to keep their pipes from freezing, and if they have burst pipes?  They need help!

Adventures or no, Life is Good!  Be well, and Spark on!



  1. No water is no fun! Even with extra insulation and heat tapes, it will probably be Sunday, at the earliest, that the water is thawed here. This is Alaska prep for winter weather, not Mid-MO. Patience and the New York Times crossword will see me through. It's zero with a wind chill of minus 23*. It's a waiting game. At least the sun shines today.

    Stay safe and warm. Be well.

    1. You stay safe and warm, too. Staying in when it gets like this is a good thing! Hope both of our water issues are resolved before too long!

  2. Way too cold to clear snow today, and it’s still whipping around like dust devils. -33 wind chill right now w/the sun out. BRRrrrr.

    So glad Alicia’s DD tested negative. It’s such a long haul w/Covid. And sorry to hear that her DH tested positive. **SIGH**

    Glad you got a call back and will have a plumber to fix the problem today. Thank goodness.

    Stay safe, stay well!


    Merry Christmas!

    1. Made me go look... the plumber won't be coming out until Tuesday. I decided not to pay the extra, but let the plumbers help those with worse problems today. Pioneer woman will deal, but I have to admit it sounds like Chinese water torture with the drip-drip-drip.

      Hope you have a safe and merry Christmas eve-eve, eve, and day ahead!

  3. Wrap your faucet with plastic wrap that lays in the sink. The water should slide down the wrap.
    We are self-help people here so the projects take a while. washing dishes in a bathroom sink is my specialty! LOL
    Merry Christmas and have a wonderful time no matter what!

    1. That's brilliant. Done!

      BTW, someone on FB suggested that my pipes were frozen and I should aim a space heater under the sink. I don't think that's what the problem is, given that it still drips from the cold water pipe and other faucets in the house run hot water just fine. Does it sound like a frozen pipe situation to you?

  4. Replies
    1. Got it, thanks! Online friends with answers and theories really do help!

  5. Hope that “winter-camp thing” works out … those emergency plumbing calls are pricey! I think it’s awesome that you were able to share in the Hanukkah celebration with your Sis/family via Zoom! Too bad that Covid remains a constant reality…Stay safe in that brutal cold!! Eissa7

    1. Saturday morning (Christmas eve) the drip has stopped. I'm not going to try turning the faucet on today. So far so good!

  6. Why does something always breaks down? That would have been a pricey visit for you. Good luck with everything until they get there to fix it.

    We had a heatwave of 9 outside today. The skies are clear and sunny, but nothing is melting because it's still way too cold outside. I folded and hired someone to shovel the snow. My mom didn't want me out there in that cold.

    You stay safe and warm.

    1. Thankfully, between what I shoveled in my 3 10-minute sessions Thursday and the wind blowing it clear, I didn't have to go out and shovel again on Friday! And it got up above zero here, too, but I don't think we made it to 9!

      Keep warm in the light of love, my friends!

  7. Oh no, I think the guilt of having good weather might make me go out for a walk this weekend. With the gym closed on Sunday…🤔
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. 🤣 "guilt of having good weather"! Enjoy! Then when you're having those wildfires in Summer, I won't feel as guilty if I don't have those. We all get our turns.

    2. That reminds me, the air quality has been awful. I’m going to check it before deciding to be out in it, or not.
      -RunKeeper Dee

  8. I would pick like you and wait for Tuesday, making due. The weather for driving is way too bad at the moment so we are even putting off visiting Mom. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Huge hugs my friend and green and red sparkles!

    1. Thanks! I got a whole lot of suggestions from locals and N. Dakota relatives about dealing with ice crystals in pipes, so I tried to follow all of those "just in case" it's not what I suspect (a shot faucet valve).


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...