Friday, December 9, 2022

Gratitude list for Week of December 4th - December 10th (complete now... new list starts Sunday)

 I decided to keep it at the top of the reading lists, I would just split the Gratitude lists up to weekly.  I left the first one to December 3rd, so it would end on a Saturday, and I could do these Sunday through Saturday for the rest of the year.  We will see how it goes beyond that.

December 4th, I am grateful for sunshine.  There is something so cheerful about blue skies, light breeze and the warmth of the sun, even as we approach Winter.  

See?  Even construction sites seem cheerier with sunshine.  OK, I cheated, I took this photo over a week ago, but it looks about the same today!

December 5th:  I am grateful for good sleep.  I go to bed earlier and get up earlier, in the dark this time of year.  That makes it better for good sleeping.

December 6th:  Oh, my goodness, I skipped a day!  Which leaves me grateful that I don't have to be perfect at this!

December 7th:  This is another good day to be grateful for upcoming generations.  It's a niece's birthday!  And this particular niece is now a mommy three times over - twice by marriage, and most recently giving birth to give the big sisters a tiny brother.  Growing families are a reason for gratitude.

December 8th:  I am grateful that the freezing precipitation predicted for this morning held off, making it safe on the roads for the trip to and from my workout with the trainer.  This time of year we work out to Christmas music.  It is delightful!

December 9th:  I am grateful that there can be quiet do-little days between the busy ones.  I am grateful that I did not need to be out during the hours when the streets were slick in spots, and that this was not the case for my afternoon walk.

December 10th:  I am grateful for the relaxed timeline of retirement.  I am about to hit the end of my fifth year as a retiree.  Three of those have been influenced by the pandemic responses, so it certainly has not gone "to plan".  Still, between those two stimuli, I have learned to slow down and relax, lean in to "being".  

Being able to not do all the baking at once for Christmas, for example, and not feel quite so obligated to "do it all" has been a huge blessing.  Letting go of stressors, bit by bit, is one of the greatest lessons of life!


  1. 12-04 Warm sunshine...NO WIND!!! I am grateful.

    1. No matter how you split it or deliver it for posting. I'm sure happy that you have decided to continue with the list. ;-)

    2. Thanks for adding yours in the comments... make it more fun when we share!

    3. Should I be posting comments in another place?

    4. The comments are just fine! The alternative would be a gratitude blog of your own, but I kind of like the concentration of chiming in like a conversation in the comments!

  2. 12-05 DD lives in NC. Although she lives in a near-by county, she was not affected by the terrorist attack. Thank you, dear Lord!! I am eternally grateful.

    1. I am grateful your DD wasn't affected, praying for those who were.

  3. 12-06 Today, I am grateful for Tylenol.

    1. Grateful that it's helping you, sorry for whatever is spurring you to take it! ((( hugs )))

  4. 12-06 My breadmaker which makes it possible having a slice of homemade bread for breakfast which is way more filling than store-bought.

  5. Aww, new babies!
    I am grateful you make lists, as I don't.
    Today, though, I am grateful for the Greatest Generation and their sacrifices on this day, 1941.

    1. Below us and above us... wonderful humans making our worlds rich in love! I, too, honor those whose sacrifices only began on this date in 1941. The world never seems to run short of armed conflicts, does it?

  6. 12-07 Today I'm grateful for doctor's antibiotic prescriptions for sinus and ear infections...and more Tylenol.

    1. More healing vibes being sent your way. Hope those prescriptions soon have those infections on their way... away from YOU!

  7. 12-07 I am grateful for tea in all it's various kinds but mostly the basic kind in the early mornings.

    1. Do you have a favorite blend for your morning tea? I'm a long time fan of Earl Gray, any time of day or night... such a comforting thing, hot tea.

    2. Morning I stick with loose orang pekoe but it has to be the loose tea, I just cannot stand it in the bags. I have flavoured ones in the afternoon or evening.

    3. Ah, I can see you take your tea seriously! Mom was an orange pekoe fan, I get the Earl Gray from Dad. I may just have to pick up some of the orange pekoe for a change up.

  8. 12-08 A bowl of hot soup and a comfy recliner for my aching body. Also...the trip to and from the trainer for you. Christmas music is a bonus. Grateful X 2!! (and more Tylenol)

    1. Hot soup so good on a cold day. Hope you continue to get better. There are so many "bugs" going around!

  9. 12-08 Caregivers in nursing homes who really do wonderful jobs with even the most difficult residents.

    1. What a wonderful thing to be grateful for. We should never take the kindness of people for granted, but especially among those who care for the youngest and oldest among us!

  10. 12-09 The price of gasoline is down to $2.71. Yay! I am grateful!

    1. Happy for you... Mo. always did have lower gas taxes than Ne. It's down to $3.31 here. And yes, grateful for ANY lowering!

  11. 12-10 I am grateful for a day of rest.

    For me, retirement hit its fifth year in May. I, too, appreciate the time freedom that it brings.


Blog delayed but no earth shattering news

  One of the more recent toy acquisitions.  We are learning to enjoy tug.  Sort of.   Both of these photos are from the sunny afternoons on ...