Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year's Eve Day


Remember the photo of The Prisoner in the middle bin?  Friday's trip to the recycle center emptied out the newsprint that attracted him to it, leaving my recycle stack all cleared out.

Friday was a busy day in general.  I did laundry, took those recyclables to the center, and dashed to the grocery to get essentials:  skim milk, berries, bananas, and cucumber and tomatoes for my salads.

I had promised myself an outdoor walk, since the temperatures were going to be mild, and with the sun shining at 3 p.m. I went out and soaked up some vitamin D encouragement!


On tap for New Year's Eve Day?  Well, the classic last pebble into the tactile pebble jar calendar, of course.  I will reset it on New Year's Day, and over the course of the two days will probably pack Christmas decor away for another year. 

That should clear the decks for the 2023 goals.  In preparation for setting goals for 2023, I went back to see what I wrote about 2022, and WELL!  Here's the link to last New Year's Eve blog, in case anybody wants to join me on memory lane.  I followed up by reviewing subsequent days since at the end I said I would save resolutions for a later blog... only... I got sick in January, 2022, and never wrote any!  

I did write some pre-resolution thoughts in that New Year's Eve blog, having to do with things under one's control and things beyond one's control.  I notice that at least one of them is something I want to turn into a 2023 goal, since it did not happen in 2022.  Part of the reason it didn't happen had to do with shifting priorities:  the fence and the air conditioner took precedence over any other house projects, and then I was out of budget.  But I could have done better with de-stuffing the house.

It also introduced the humorous phrase introduced by the voice to text translator:  "New Year's restaurant lotions".  Does anybody else remember how hard we laughed over that one?

So what are my aims for 2023?

  • Get back to reading more!  I used to be such a reader!  I have kinda-sorta started a bit more this year, but what's missing is "reading for fun".  I want to do more of that in 2023.

  • Last year I talked about getting back to de-stuffing the house, and then... it just didn't happen.  I'm hoping to do a little better with that in 2023!

  • I'm going to add one that I thought of this morning, based on a few recent life happenings:  get back in touch with some friends I haven't been good about contacting on a regular basis.  

That's about it for me!  I do intend to keep on keeping on with nutrition and activity, but at this point in my life it's not a resolution kind of thing, it's just how to live life, committing to caring for the body that's been entrusted to me for this lifetime.

Here's hoping that you all will enter this new year with the sense of hope and commitment to health:  mental, physical, emotional, spiritual.

Life is good!  Spark on.

🔥✨💖🎉  Happy New Year!


  1. They all sound good and similar to mine. Let's do this!

    1. Good hearing your voice... heading over to see your blog!

  2. Love your goals! I do really enjoy reading and don’t make the time to do it as much as I’d like, either. Always room for decluttering, as well!
    AND, my overall nutrition could definitely use some tweaking…There ya go…3 goals…now to think of the action plan! Happy New Years Eve…AND… Happy 2023 to you!! Eissa7

    1. Oh, those pesky action plans! Yep, an important step! Happy New Year!

  3. During each month I keep a tally of the days. My goal is to have more good days~ kindness to others, keep a positive attitude ~ than not so good days. If I manage those 2, everything else seems to fall into place. Happy 2023!!

    1. Sounds like an excellent method... breaking the year down to a month at a time. Happy 2023 to you as well!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...