Friday, December 9, 2022

Made it to another Friday!


I had to rescue Rubia from chewing on a wire today.  Cats!

Friday so far has been uneventful.  I slept a little later than usual.  Put in a single load of laundry.  Did not bake or wrap or anything else Christmas-y.  Sometimes one needs a breather of a day.

I did read some of a book my daughter in law to be gave me for my birthday.  This one, An Immense World by Ed Yong, is a scientific treatment of the worlds of animals, how their senses and perceptions operate and thus what the world might be like to us if we were some creature other than a human being.

Some of this one might be aware of, but this book takes one deep into the science.  It is well written with good analogies, though, which makes it an easier read than my description would indicate.  

The weather has been kind of dull today, topping out in the mid-30's F, and cloudy maybe even slightly foggy.  I did go for an afternoon walk when it was about 35℉, breathing in the moist smell of the air.  I wore heavy gloves and didn't have frozen fingers until the last block of my mile.

Even without working tree lights, in the daylight the tree is pretty with the beloved memory makers.

Here's hoping you all had a "pretty OK Friday", taking care of your needs to either get things done or to chill!

Life is Good.

Spark On!



  1. When I first opened this, the photo of the kitty sitting under the tree made me chuckle. Of course, chewing on a wire is not funny. The trees are quite attractive.

    Did you get lots of snow? Our local weather maps this morning showed parts of Nebraska and South Dakota under advisories. Youngest DD lives in SD just north of Sioux City. She sent a video of all the snow they were getting. Cloudy here today and breezy.

    Trips to the bank, gas up the car, and a short trip through Walmart. I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend with quiet time to finish meds.

    Have a Happy Friday and a Sparkling weekend.

    1. No snow here in Lincoln, but it did provide fog and some moisture in the air, which I took as "better than nothing".

      The wire that Rubia had hold of was more like a "tie" wire than a power wire. Still, I would not want it in her tummy! We've been down the surgery route recently, so would definitely not be a good thing! Not good even without the surgery thing, but extra alert these days.

      Quiet time sounds like a fine weekend! Wishing you a pleasant one!

  2. Years ago I had two cats and one of them would take all the bows off of the Christmas presents that were under the tree. He would put them all in one pile so proud of himself. My other cat would just sit under the tree when the lights were on.

    It's cold here, but no snow this week. However, next week snow might fall several times.

    1. LOL! Cats are the reason I don't put stick-on bows on my wrapped packages! I had one that took the bows off, too, a few years back.

  3. Why the decision to chew something odd? Makes me wonder what's in their heads. I guess there's animals of all types that do whacky things.
    Your tree and mine are very similar. This year I only put half the ornaments on and it still looked ok.
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. I think it looked like a mouse tail to her, to be honest. No harm done, I got it away before she got too far with it.

      I downsized ornaments a few years back. What I have left is plenty.

  4. Tigger doesn't bother with the wire but she does have her own set of soft ornaments that we put at the bottom. She takes them off and plays with them and then we put them back and she starts again. Kind of a seasonal game. ;)

    1. I used to do this with the soft ornaments. It's always the unbreakables lower on the tree, here.

  5. Good morning! Playing around trying to figure out how to get my comments labeled with something other than anonymous. #nerd 😂


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...