Monday, December 5, 2022

Reading and the naughty list


This volume was part of my birthday haul.  It's short, only 104 pages, but written in an old style that I sometimes have had trouble with in the past.  Think Dickens.  

However, the narrative is so compelling that I soldiered on and finish it this morning.

Originally put out in 1912, it tells the life experience of one person (the narrator).  I was kind of disappointed to discover it was a work of fiction.  But the author, James Weldon Johnson, has an impressive history of his own.  

He wrote the lyrics to "Lift Evry Voice and Sing".  He lived from June 17, 1871 – June 26, 1938.  He served in the diplomatic corps (appointed by Teddy Roosevelt) in Venezuela and later Nicaragua.  

The author clearly knows of the material the narrative covers.  The final paragraph resonated strongly in me, driving the point home.

Sunday I did get two more Christmas cards to the mailbox around the block.  It was sunny and about 40℉, quite nice for December.  There wasn't much of a wind, and it felt oh, so cheery.

I was invited to the bride to be's Dad's side of the family Christmas get together on the 18th, so I have a second place to take treats.  How much to make?  Depends on how far the ingredients will go.  15 adults and 2 young children.  Doable.  Add to the list of retirement joys, I have time to do these things at my own pace, not crammed between work and shuffling my own kid's activities.

I slept well Sunday night, and Monday morning started much the same with candlelight and Christmas music.

Learning to appreciate black coffee

I have been doing this "intermittent fasting" thing for over a month now, and I've discovered a few things in that month.  One, knowing that putting even artificial zero calorie sweetener in my coffee or almond milk breaks the fast.  Two, I can in fact bear drinking it black.  Three, most importantly, not all coffee is equal when it comes to drinking it black.  Last Christmas my son gifted me with a bag of Fresh Roasted Coffee from The Cannon Bean.  The Cannon Bean is a small company founded by one of his army buddies.  And it is now my go-to first mug of the morning because it is one I enjoy black.

Item number four is that having that mug of black coffee alters my perception of my later in the day "treat" coffee, which is flavored with coconut mocha and a splash of almond milk.  It seems much sweeter than it did before I introduced the starter mug of black coffee.

Speaking of the Fasting experiment

I am beginning week six of this experiment.  I have found it pretty easy to do.  Of course, I have total control over my own schedule.  Except for the day of jury duty and Thanksgiving Day, I've had no interruptions to that freedom.  

What's freeing about it is that there are no specific "rules", other than the fast itself.  Inside your eating window, when you put your meals and what constitutes them is entirely up to you.  Most people who are seasoned campaigners in the dieting world don't get it.  They still want macros and calories counted.  But that's what is making it perfect for me.  I was burnt out on all that tracking and worrying whether a combination food I was eating "fit".  No points, WW people, either.

This does not mean don't pay ANY attention.  The little app gives you vague advice as you log general outlines of what was in your meal.  It will tell you you're on track for fruits and veggies (without you having to tell it which fruits and veggies you consumed), or that you should try to have protein in your next meal, or fats with your veggies.  Just gentle nudges for quality nutrition.

In any case, I've settled over those first five weeks into a pretty regular 16 - 17 hour fast, which leaves 7 - 8 hours of an eating window.  This would not have worked back in my working life, but it works just fine now.

On the naughty list!

No, not me!  Rubia!  Or as I hollered just after the big crash, "CAT!"

I have this lovely little CD holder that I purchased at the State Fair decades back.  My collection was all numbered, and if you move the slider to where your list says that album is, and lift the lid, it brings up the CD you wanted!

Not now!  She jumped up to the table (where I had foolishly placed my CD file so I could get at the Christmas music easily)... and CRASH!

I was eating my fast-breaking oatmeal with blueberries at the time.  Breakfast was interrupted to assess the damage.  The cat was put outside.  And the Monday interrupts have begun.

Hope y'all have a better start to your Monday than I did.  I'll let you know the outcome tomorrow.  Despite this:

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. OH no, Rubia! NOT the good girl! **SIGH** Never know what’s going to go on in the fur babies heads.

    Still working on the Christmas cards. Lordy. BUT hope to be done w/them today.


    1. Clearly she thought she could make that jump. Anyway, the CD's (except for 2) are back in the holder, but NOT in the order. Some of them lost their little stickers that had their numbers on them. The holder, though, is broken. The hinges snapped. Oh, well. Guess the universe is telling me it's time to go through them and re-organize, eh?

      Hope you make progress on those cards today!
      Other Barb

  2. We have an identical CD holder which is full of tech support CD's.

    Tried to take a family photo of the two furchildren and us in matching Christmas PJ's which was a pretty comical undertaking. This is the first time they have worn clothing (ages 9 & 13) since joining our household (at ages 3 & 6). Waited a couple of hours for them to remain calm in their duds. The camera tripod, something else new, and spouse rushing to get into the pic stirred them up. Baily, 13, left the area after several clicks and went into her bed looking at us as if we were crazy. KC the Sunshine Dog, 9, would turn and face us just as the camera clicked. Fun fiasco!

    1. I can see it now... our fur-babies are not usually fans of human clothing! I would not attempt putting pj's on my cats (I would be literally risking my skin, they are armed and dangerous). But Lacey (son's fiance) is ever so patient and seems to get Carl to wear things for photos.

      I'll bet you wee rolling on the floor over this adventure!

  3. What wonderful blessing that you get along with future in-law family. No arguing about who goes where when...everyone just plans a huge get together.

    Can't do black coffee. That's not an option...ever.

    Poor kitty. If she could talk, I bet she'd tell you, "Sorry!"
    OR...maybe this is delayed revenge for her trip to the vet. ;-)
    Revenge is a dish best served cold or so I've read.

    Hope the rest of your day improved!

    1. LOL! Rubia's revenge!

      The rest of the day was much calmer, thanks!

  4. Black coffee is not my thing. My dad would tell me that what I drink isn't coffee because it's too foo-fo. I just can't get behind it.

    Oh no! Sometimes those fur babies can drive us crazy.

    1. How's Scooter doing? Going to have to pop over to your blog to find out! Foo-foo is my favorite kind of coffee, it just can't be had during my fasting window!

  5. I have joined you in the IF experiment…I do believe that overall, I feel better physically, so I shall carry on and see where this leads! Tolerating the black coffee … funny, years ago, I only drank black coffee…but, I became corrupted when I tasted a cup with sweetener and cream! Hope that your yesterday righted itself and there were no further crashes!

    1. No more crashes, but the container is a loss. Time to reorganize. Ooh, I'm excited that you're giving IF a try, too. Let me know, good or bad. I never could do it before, but suddenly, I must just have been ready for it.

  6. At least it was not vinyl records!
    I'd been holding my own for a long time with a version of IF. I can't I.D. what and when happened but I'm working on it...again!

  7. It is my considered opinion that "IF" is just re-branded eating like grandma told us we should. Do your chores before breakfast, like on the farm, and when you're done with dinner, you are done for the day. I have upped my game in "clean" fasting during those hours: water and black coffee only, no sugar free gum (my last holdout, along with the almond milk in the coffee).

    Congrats on phasing into "working on it". Somehow it makes me feel better when I am addressing it. And the major reason is not weight, it's health. The fact that the weight stabilizes at a lower number, that's just a bonus!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...