Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The end game

 2022 is coming to a close

What kind of a year was it for you?  A good number of "happy" kinds of things happened this year.  My son getting engaged.  A week-long visit from the grand-dog.  A new fence.  The air conditioner being replaced (OK, maybe not "happy", but a bit mixed).

Were there challenges?  Sure!  

I have an overall positive sense of "taking charge" over my own destiny.  The intermittent fasting is doing its job from the perspective of feeling better on a daily basis.  I can feel myself normalizing, if you get that general idea.

Is there still an infinite to-do list?  Oh, yeah!

2023 is ahead... 

That means there are things to look forward to... a wedding in April, followed by another week-long visit from the grand-dog, for starters.  Which is great motivation for staying in shape.  Grandma has to be able to keep that 75 pounds of muscle in line.

Also on the looking forward to list:  cataract assessment and possibly surgery.  Timing on that could be "interesting".  Which reminds me, I only have a couple of weeks to get my "Boston Suggestion list" ready for my dentist (her husband got in to the Marathon!)

I have floated the idea in my mind of returning to an in-person run, like a 5K... but... dancing at the edges of my mind is the Havelock Charity run, in early June, and it's a 10K.  I haven't even started any form of interval training yet... could I possibly be ready for that one?


Reading: an online chat with Lacey led me to discover there is a newer Dragonriders of Pern novel, this one written by Anne McCaffrey's daughter Gigi.  I kind of like that her children are writing in her world, now that she's gone.  It's a writing family.  Anyway, it came out in 2019, and I had been paying attention to other things.  So I ordered it.  It should arrive in time for the New Year.

Besides that one, I still have to finish An Immense World, Fast. Feast. Repeat., and White Rage.  All non-fiction.  And I'm not much of a non-fiction reader, but I've taken them on, so trying to make myself "work" on them.  I'll make Dragon's Code my reward reading!

What about habits?  I'm going to try to watch/listen to less TV.  Reading is better for me!  Maybe listen to more music, that's good for the brain, too!

And the house?  Time to resume the de-stuffing project!  Somehow, I've been retired five years now, and while I started out well with the house, the pandemic put the skids on it, and I've not had a proper re-start.

A fresh new year turns us in the direction of goals, dreams and desires to move forward with our lives!

Your turn:

What are your dreams and desires for 2023?  Anything big looming in your near future?  Something to look forward to?  A project to work on a day at a time?

Let's do it!

Life is good!  It's better when we share.  Spark on!


  1. Always things on the to do list. And as you say, that means, things to look forward to!

    That will be wonderful to have an April wedding for DS and his fiancée!

    Definitely have to continue on w/decluttering. Will it ever be done? Not sure, but I’ll give it a try!

    BFF is getting married in September. Happy for her. She’s been widowed for 5 yrs. Met a very nice man and they are very happy together! That’s the stuff of life.


    1. There's something about "senior love". My older sister is seeing a widowed man a few years HER senior. He's a nice guy, she's been on her own for several years, too... just sweet, isn't it?

  2. Please let me know how you like Gigi's take on Pern. I was not interested in the style Todd used or I became disenchanted with the series at the time.
    I forgot you had begun de-stuffing and re-organizing! I remember the Spark blogs. Oh, Spark People, miss you.
    Nice calendar. It's good to have a photographer in the family.
    I still think you will be happy with cataract results.
    Happy few days before the New Year!

  3. I started getting side-tracked from the de-stuffing in 2020 and have not quite got back to it. Things are piling up again! Of course, not having Shasta coming in every six weeks or so let me slack off, too. Sigh.

    I will no doubt let you know how the 2019 version of Pern strikes me.

  4. I'm ready for a New Year with all the possibilities. I'm also ready to move the blog to the new place. Today we started cleaning the kitchen cabinets out and getting rid of some things.

    I'm feeling hopeful for 2023.

    1. It's always good to start a New Year with hope and positivity. I, too, am hopeful for 2023!

  5. A new page to begin the new year's story. Prayers that the story will be filled with peace, love, and a happy ending.

    1. Amen, for ALL our stories! May we have the attitude that attracts peace, love, and happy endings as we move toward the New Year, 2023.

  6. Hubby and I both read the Dragonriders of Pern. Didn't know about that one will have to check it out. Thanks!

    1. I'm impressed how many of the folks who read and comment on my blog have said the same... we are the dragonfolk!

  7. I felt like 2022 snuck up on me, so 2023… well…
    Doesnt look like there will be any more good days for an outdoor walk this year. If the weather cooperates, the air quality definitely does not. What’s an old gal to do, but roll with the punches, right?
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Thursday was good here, but now it's clouded over and we might get some snow. Oh, well! Yep, roll with those punches!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...