Saturday, December 24, 2022

Gratitude List for week December 18 - 24, 2022


A fresh new post for daily gratitude, the last week to Christmas.

December 18:  Today I am grateful that my son is still symptom free and negative, as of yesterday's Covid-19 at home test.  It looks as though the small Christmas Day get-together is tentatively "on".  

December 19:  Today I am grateful that we have a dusting of snow.  We really do need the moisture, even that little bit.  The weatherman is predicting more for later in the week, too.  Maybe that will "make up for" the frigid temperatures he's also saying we'll get?

December 20:  Today I am grateful for weather forecasts and warnings, that enable us to be prepared when we go out or wise enough to stay in!  Stay safe and warm out there, my friends!

December 21:  Didn't get it updated on the day itself, but I was grateful for the young woman who was celebrating her mid-Winter birthday on December 21.  My son's fiancé is such a blessing to have in my life, and I hope she got enough of a celebration in before the storm blew into town.

December 22:  Today I am thankful that my home has heat and power, and I don't have to go anywhere.  I can stay inside.  I would not even have to open the door at all because cats have litter boxes!

December 23:  Today I am thankful that even when things are not "perfect" they are not truly "emergencies".  My regular blog will have plumbing adventures in it, but my pipes are not frozen and my furnace works!  There are many people who have REAL emergencies out there in this cold weather.  I'm glad that my problems are small by comparison!

December 24:  Today I am thankful that the worst of this particular cold spell is behind us here!  I am thankful that the faucet is getting me by and that good heavens, I *do* know how to wash dishes by hand!

A fresh new post will be coming tomorrow for Daily Gratitude the week starting with Christmas Day!


  1. 12-18 The sun is shining. The wicked wind has stopped. The thermometer heads to above freezing. I'm thankful times 3.

  2. So glad to hear DS's Covid test was negative.


  3. 12-19 Wind chill warnings. Winter storm watches. I am grateful that I have done everything in my power to be prepared.

    1. Amen. We have the same up here. I am grateful that they warn us!

  4. 12-20 Today, I have a list of things for which I am grateful. Got all DD's gifts to grands wrapped and she picked them up this morning before the storm. Culligan was here early and ahead of schedule to replace a part in the water softener. Outside items fastened/weighted down (hopefully). The storm is predicted to land tomorrow night. For all the things for which I have control, I'm ready.
    For all the blogspot readers out safe...stay warm.

    1. Good job preparing for the things you can control. I'm about as ready as I can be, too. Be safe, stay warm, you too!

  5. Yes! Judging by the traffic today, there are LOTS who are heeding the warning and getting prepared. Me included. Stay safe.


    1. I hope everyone keeps heat and power as the wind picks up and the blizzard howls!

  6. 12-21 I am grateful for the safety of my warm home during the storm.

  7. Barb, yes, stay in, stay safe. It's dangerous out there!


    1. The sun is coming out now, and it looks very pretty, but I know how cold it is!

  8. Hello - gratitude is such a wonderful emotion. Grateful today that I have sweet little Arley in my life. And hoping his digestive issues are getting resolved. Arley is 11 weeks old, black lab and has a pretty sweet temperment. Ever watchful, too, of what is going on outside.

    1. I'm so excited for your family's new addition, Deb! A dog adds so much love to a household! Raise him up gently, and here's hoping those digestive issues *are* resolved... so hard to watch them struggle! Merry Christmas if I don't see you again before then!

  9. 12-22 I am grateful for the many phone calls today from loved ones.

    1. Checking up on you? They love ya & want to make sure you're OK!

  10. 12-23 The wind chills and the wind are lessening. The temps are above zero. I am grateful for the improvements and memories of happier times.

    1. May those memories keep you warm! I'm also grateful for lessening cold here... we even got above 0 this afternoon, all the way up to 4F! Tomorrow it's supposed to rise all the way to 17, and on Christmas day to 24. Heat wave!

  11. 12-24 I am grateful for online church services. I am grateful that I have survived the storm and I'm warm and safe.

    1. I'm grateful you're warm and safe and able to post, too. I am doing online church service in about 20 minutes myself!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...